[Release notes] Sauna

Hello. I have a bunch of packages to uninstall to update… But the list shown in UI update screen is not refreshing. I cannot check I really removed every package.
How can I check them again ? Is it safe for instance to remove sailfish-osupdateservice/os-info
in order to restart install process and get the updated list ? Can I check this on command line ? Maybe I can use community package sfos-update ?

Sailfish-default icons are moved from

Just informing! There are apps and patches that need updating.


Will it preserve my app data /home dir etc?

No. Use what @nthn wrote above, if you want to keep your data.

Hih I have the same thing
Some have any solution.

You have to install the packages from /home/.pk-zypp-… in recovery mode (not with SSH, but through option 3: shell). You must install them with rpm -Uvh. One of the many folders full of RPMs will allow you to install everything in that folder without conflicts. Then, another folder will allow you to install everything without conflicts, and so on. It’s a bit of trial and error figuring out which folder you will be able to install next, but keep going until you’ve finally installed everything.

After that, you can boot your phone normally and (only if you already had developer mode enabled in the settings before you installed this update!) SSH over WiFi.


I updated my Xperia 10 III yesterday morning, and the first thing that happened after upgrade (on the phone lock screen still) was that I got notifications for the last few SMS messages I received.

Additionally, Android support seems to be quite unstable – whole app support seems to crash while interacting with them very often (yesterday I had to reboot the phone to be able to use an app we use to record work time at all, since it crashed every time I touched any button; today F-Droid is crashing when trying to do anything).

Btw related to that, could highlight that there’s now an image provider component in Silica which can be registered with custom paths. Apps don’t need to put their things in the global directory.


Thank you for this big (Early Access) release! I have updated my old Xperia X and will be testing the waters during the week.

A big thank you to @dcaliste for your sustained efforts with the Calendar. I have yet to check out all the changes, but the new search alone makes this update a good one! The Calendar app now feels pretty solid - and I’m known to be picky about calendars…


This harbour-callrecorder problem looks the same as the old aliendalvik-control one - a pre-uninstall script in the package that fails to run in the upgrade-ui because no user is logged in so systemctl-user will fail, which causes the entire upgrade to fail midway through. Usually these calls have ‘|| :’ after them so they never cause the script to fail. If any devs are reading this, always make sure you add that to commands in your %pre and %preun scripts!


the first thing that happened after upgrade (on the phone lock screen still) was that I got notifications for the last few SMS messages I received

Same thing here, though in my case of only one SMS message, a reminder of dentist appointment from ~6 days back. Xperia 10 II.


OK, Android support seems to be completely broken for me (Xperia 10 III) – applications start, but after 1-3 taps the whole Android AppSupport crashes.

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After first reboot and after entering first unlock code (XA2 Plus) stuck on spinning circle for ever. Tried 2 reboots but no way. I have reflashed my XA2 to 4.5 and made the upgrade again which went well.
Fortunately, not my main device.

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Constant problam with jolla store error, after downloading aprox 500mb, birh my XA2+ and my 10iii, so neither upgraded.

the XA2+ is now needing 310mb from 814
the 10iii is now needing 512mb from 1gb

Sound advice.

One could also look at systemctl-user and ask why it exits with a failure status in the case there are no users logged in.
Because that sounds like a pretty normal situation to encounter.


Well, it is not broken per se but there is a conflict on your phone.
I would try elĺiminating it in this way:

  1. Open the Jolla Store app.
  2. Pull down My apps.
  3. Uninstall all Android apps listed (i.e., installed from Jolla Store), e.g., F-Droid, Aptoide, Here WeGo.
  4. Uninstall Android AppSupport (this will not uninstall your remaining Android apps).
  5. Restart the phone.
  6. Open the Jolla Store app.
  7. Install Android App Support.
  8. Open “Settings > Android AppSupport”. Tap “Start” to make it run (wait until you see “Stop”).
  9. View your Android apps in the app grid.
  10. Open an Android app and use it.

Any better?

Install F-Droid (and more) from the Jolla Store.


An important question has remained unanswered so far: Will there be the option for ports to also make use of the subscription model?


Unfortunately not, whole AppSupport is still crashing.

Do you use WhatsApp?
Do you have an SD card installed?

I found that all Android apps crashed frequently, and the cause was the WhatsApp directory (with old data) on the SD card. When I renamed/removed that directory, everything worked as before.

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