[Release notes] Sauna

[quote=“demislition, post:118, topic:17815”]
But apparently the situation changed so that yesterday we were told 10 IV and 10 V will be supported only after everything including AppSupport is a go.[/quote]

On the presentation they say that the OS release for the 10 IV / V will come within a month or two from now. By that they mean the “Free Trial” version. But the paid components (i.e. AppSupport and Exchange) will come only in August. Whereas on the currently supported models (with the old “perpetual” licensing) they already came out along with the OS update, and on the 10 III they seem to work fine with 5G.

So I can’t see why for the new phones (with the new subscription licensing) they would need so much more time for making the commercial stuff available if on the old phones it already works, other than preparing those paid components (incl. AppSupport) for that new licensing, i.e. implementing mechanisms to enable / disable their functionality when you start / stop paying €5 a month (and soon possibly more, because you know, inflation blah blah).

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It’s still there but disabled by default, more there SFOS 4.6 / Foreca: How to enable the Weather infos is in the the Events view - #5 by pvuorela

Can get it back by adjusting dconf key, e.g. “dconf write /desktop/lipstick-jolla-home/force_weather_loading true”, and events view settings switch by installing extra package lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-weather-widget-settings.


GMaps. Problem was related probably to global spoof signature enforcing being enabled.
For some reason, it seems to have gone lost in the upgrade.

Surely, the Microtube is one of the most desirable apps in SailfishOS. So, I will not update my other Xperia’s to 4.6 until this and the weather eventview is fixed.


Concerning the free trial for Xperias iv and v, I was listening / getting the feeling that Sami or Antti told something:" Of course it will come asap." Whereas paid version will take 1 to 2 months (August). However, I am not sure exactly anymore what they said actually… Too much information or too shortly mentioned yesterday. Personally I do not believe, too, that Free version takes so long time to be released!

By the way the instructions of installation are said in the introduction to be added soon. Soon litterally means:
From very short time delay to one week technically. But, I do not believe it until something really happens!

Also problems exist a lot when people are using English as not their mother tongue (i.e. broken English). Understandable!

I ended up in this situation as well, as bizarre as it is that Jolla will allow Sailfish to happily list all the installed apps as something to be removed, and not be able to predict a “Can not upgrade” situation or the subsequent brickage.

Be that as it may, I gained a new respect for those messages, because after flashing the rescue mode and going in with telnet, this is the kind of stuff I see in the log file

May 21 09:30:36 Xperia10III sailfish-upgrade-ui[4773]: Package: harbour-callrecorder;0.7.4-3;aarch64;installed,
May 21 09:30:36 Xperia10III [RPM][12613]: scriptlet %preun(harbour-callrecorder-0.7.4-3.aarch64) failure: 2
May 21 09:30:36 Xperia10III [RPM][12613]: erase harbour-callrecorder-0.7.4-3.aarch64: failure
May 21 09:30:36 Xperia10III [RPM][12613]: 1 elements failed, 1 scripts failed
May 21 09:30:36 Xperia10III sailfish-upgrade-ui[4773]: Distribution upgrade error: Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: Stopping service...
                                                       Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory
                                                       error: %preun(harbour-callrecorder-0.7.4-3.aarch64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
                                                       error: harbour-callrecorder-0.7.4-3.aarch64: erase failed

I removed that over telnet, apparently successfully, but can’t continue the investigation right now.

Is there a way to use pkcon or whatever to retry the upgrade? I seem to have network routing issues with the phone attached, like all the internet is between my desktop and phone and nothing else, so that’s fun too.


Although, it’s nice to know, it’s a pita. Can we please just have a normal ‘option’ to display or not? After all the fuss of getting omweather working again, this is a bit of a ‘slap in the face’. I was also considering doing an event view for my weather app (which badly needs refactoring) but am totally uncertain about that now.

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I’m not sure if a normal option would benefit anyone. People using vanilla OS without rpms outside the store would be confused on a feature which doesn’t work properly. People doing patches or providing hackier rpms can have the patch/rpm override the configuration relatively easily without needing options provided.

Here’s some more paper trail in case anyone wants to see it

/ # cd rootfs
/rootfs # chroot .
~ # head /var/log/systemupdate.log 
-- Logs begin at Tue 2024-05-21 09:26:57 EEST. --

pkcon is a disaster, it only complains about “failed to contact PackageKit”.

ssu s tells me I’m on “latest”.

version says “Sailfish OS (Sauna)”

Trying version --dup fails because I don’t - at least now - have networking off the phone… I’ll have to refresh my memory for how to get that working, because version --dup starts off with “REFRESHING CACHE AND DOWNLOADING PACKAGES”


I’ll add some networking notes if anyone cares, or regardless.

Your desktop may start routing via the phone at the end of the USB. This is bad.

Do this on the desktop

sudo ip route del dev usb0
sudo ip route del default dev usb0
sudo ip route add dev enp33s0
sudo ip route add default dev enp33s0

And this on the phone (telnet, not eg. voice)

ip route add via dev usb0
ip route add default via dev usb0

But wait, there’s more!

On the desktop

echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o enp33s0 -j MASQUERADE

And on the phone, add something reasonable (not to /etc/resolv.conf

echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf

I have Android App crashes when swiping for example (but not only) after 4.6 upgrade.
Here’s the log I can see with Journal

may 21 10:41:55 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: PMI: smblib_get_apsd_result: APSD not done yet.                                                                                                 
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux lipstick[3531]: [W] unknown:0 - Cannot send touch event, no pointer focus, fix the compositor                                                           
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux lipstick[3531]: [W] unknown:0 - Cannot send touch event, no pointer focus, fix the compositor                                                           
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: release 27274:27366 transaction 824297 out, still active                                                                                
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: 26330:26330 BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE 0000000000000003 not found                                                                              
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: 26330:26330 BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE 0000000000000002 not found                                                                              
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: 26330:26330 BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE 0000000000000004 not found                                                                              
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: 25333:25333 BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE 0000000000000003 not found                                                                              
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: 26330:26330 BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE 0000000000000002 not found                                                                              
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: send failed reply for transaction 895715 to 28618:29786                                                                                 
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: unfinished BINDER_WORK_NODE, proc has died
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: unfinished BINDER_WORK_NODE, proc has died
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: unfinished BINDER_WORK_NODE, proc has died
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: unfinished BINDER_WORK_NODE, proc has died
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux lipstick[3531]: [W] unknown:1036 - file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/compositor.qml:1036: TypeError: Cannot read property 'closeHinted' of null
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux [26330]: [W] unknown:0 - "GNSS Remote died, cleaning up!" 
may 21 10:41:56 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux [25333]: [W] unknown:0 - alien died! Trying to reconnect.

Has anyone an idea on how to fix this?


More fun.

version --dup and the /usr/bin/rnd-dist-upgrade command it calls seem to do nothing. There’s no verbosity nor do I have strace on the phone to gain any verbosity.

I eventually did use curl to install sfos-upgrade as a cheat mode.

mount /sys
ssu re

/usr/bin/sfos-upgrade --verify

Of course that does (“does”) the same thing as version --dup, which doesn’t amount to much.

About strace? Anyone got an aarch64 build to put up on openrepos?

You’re running armv7hl userspace are you not?

A 10iii

~ # rpm -qa | grep armv7 | wc -l
~ # rpm -qa | grep aarch64 | wc -l

And Wireshark confirms, by eg. capturing device usb0 and displaying tcp.port == 443, that any curl requests show up just fine, but /usr/bin/rnd-dist-upgrade is just helping itself to a VSZ of 123m and sitting with it like there’s nothing more important to do.

Update for me whent fine on xperia 10 III & II

small buggs that i have encountered.

  • avatars missing in contacts, as already written here
  • both telegram and Signal (Android apps) backgroud processes is terminated if you shut down the apps the jolla way (swiping down). Bacgroud processes stay active if you shutdown the apps the app way (the arrow in the bottom screen of the app window)
  • warframe app cant start. But if i start it in the Aurora Store it starts normally ( will check the logs when i got the time)

I’m eagerly reading your progress as I’m still copying over the whole home directory to the SD card. Could this be of any help? Especially the part about the URL resolver.

That’s somewhat old and I don’t have aliendalvik-control installed - I don’t even know what this - sorry

Hm, there’s a second part to the post that isn’t visible in the quote, I’ll requote it here:

If the update failed mid-way through and will not resume, then it might be the case that your libzypp package was updated while ssu wasn’t, which breaks repo resolution. In this case, people have had some luck running ‘cp /usr/lib/zypp/plugins/urlresolver/ssu /usr/libexec/zypp/plugins/urlresolver/’ as root, then trying to update again.

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That’s actually more interesting! I don’t have anything named /usr/lib/zypp/ but I do have /usr/libexec/zypp/ which does contain /usr/libexec/zypp/plugins/urlresolver/ssu.

Is there something more I should know about the architecture of this thing?

Should I be able to use that somehow directly? I think not, because it hogs up even more memory than the other one and hangs around until I run out of patience and kill it.

I’ve been trying to find a statically built aarch64 binary of strace that I could add to the phone but no luck so far, as there doesn’t seem to be one for Sailfish.

I did look at the script a bit, because it does seem to do HTTPS trafficking on startup.

sailfishdocs_sfos_list="$(curl --fail --silent --show-error --insecure --location https://github.com/sailfishos/docs.sailfishos.org/raw/master/Support/Releases/README.md | cut -s -d '|' -f 2,5 | tr -d ' ')"

None of that doesn’t seem to matter, really. I got desperate enough to attempt a downgrade, which didn’t work out, but skimming through the script (because I don’t have too much time for this BS) it seems that I can give it the version I’m on now and it should work, even though it’s not listed.

Even running with bash -x /usr/bin/sfos-upgrade it seems fine, I guess:

+ printf '%s'
+ sed 's/\./\\\./g'
+ grep -qx '4\.6\.0\.11'
+ '[' '=' ]
+ compar0=e4