[Release notes] Sauna

Do you use WhatsApp?
Do you have an SD card installed?

I found that all Android apps crashed frequently, and the cause was the WhatsApp directory (with old data) on the SD card. When I renamed/removed that directory, everything worked as before.

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Also delete /home/.android

No WhatsApp, and no SD card (Iā€™ve got two SIM cards inserted).

Will deleting /home/.android affect applications? Iā€™ve got Microsoft Authenticator installed, and I would prefer not to lose the accounts Iā€™ve got in it.

Looks like after updating to the ā€œRSA Authenticatorā€ app from Google Play (via Aurora Store) now crashes right after showing its splash screen on my phone.

Or a simple symlink for the deprecation?

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:100: on this, but ā€œEdit as newā€ for events is something I still miss every (other) day.


Same here. Also with Okta.
Butā€¦ Launching from within Android application setting allows me to launch both applications!
Btw. I have MicroG installed.

Yo i was joking about this but if iā€™m not mistaken they removed qt5-qtsysteminfo for apparently no other reason but to break my app

thanks jolla you did it again you bastard



The removal of qt5-qtsysteminfo was announced in 2022: Deprecation notice: bluez, gnutls, qtconnectivity, qtsysteminfo, repomd-pattern-builder.


Now that the update went through flawlessly for me, I was very pleased to continue to see the information about the outdated WebView package in various apps.

Great update, Iā€™m really not impressed.

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This was announced way before. For me all still maintened apps was changed to the new Sailfiish WebView. But of course you can get the new maintainer for one of such abandoned app. If you need some support with this you are invited to ask here.

Thanks for your effort :rocket:


Sorry iā€˜m talking about android Support not sailfish os apps.

I donā€™t see this while adding an attendee - is it the ā€œMove to voluntaryā€ action that appears on long-tapping already added people? (Or smth similar, my device is not set to English.)

Also, when adding attendees to an appointment, who is responsible for emailing an invitation? Is it the Jolla Calendar, the place where the corresponding CalDAV calendar lives, or something I have to do manually?

Asking because appointment syncs fine to CalDAV and other devices, but invitation never reaches attendees.

This will be a huge quality-of-life improvement for me! :heart:


Ah, very good question. My knowledge is a bit limited on that topic though. Iā€™m not using this functionality and know about it only from sources. So please, anyone, correct me if Iā€™m wrong.

In the worker thread of nemo-qml-plugin-calendar (the QML bindings that are called when you create or modify an event on the phone), for every event addition, there is a call to mKCal::ServiceHandler::instance().sendInvitation(). It thus relies on plugins providing ā€œservicesā€ in mKCal.

mKCal plugins can be found in /usr/lib64/mkcalplugins/. Each notebook (i.e. calendar) has a plugin associated to it, see:

devel-su -p sqlite3 ~/.local/share/system/privileged/Calendar/mkcal/db "select name, pluginname from calendars;"

This plugin name will allow to match a mKCal plugin. For instance, for a generic CalDAV account, the plugin name is caldav. It is handled by the corresponding libcaldavinvitationplugin.so from buteo-sync-plugin-caldav/mkcal sources.

If you look at the sources, you can see that sendInvitation() is left unimplemented for the CalDAV plugin. So I guess, that is expecting the server to handle the sending for the invitations.

As a side note, there is another mKCal plugin, from mKCal sources themselves, called DefaultInvitationPlugin. And looking at its sources, the sendInvitation() method is implemented and seems to use the Messaging Framework on device to do the job. Iā€™ve never tried it, and it may not work, but changing the plugin name for your notebook may trigger this plugin instead of the default CalDAV oneā€¦ This may have other unexpected consequence if the plugin name for a notebook is supposed to be caldav, but a quick look in the sync code doesnā€™t give me any clue on possible troubleā€¦

I guess the main issue may be ā€œnever tested, will not workā€. If I look at the git log of the default invitation plugin from mKCal, the code was introduced by Nokia in 2010 with the commit message ā€œFirst attempt of email invitations.ā€ to work with Qtopia. It has not been modified since that period, if I except some update due to changes elsewhere.


The change is a technical one inside the QML bindings. Before it, the organizer (the email associated to the calendar account) was automatically added as an attendee. Now, itā€™s not the case anymore.

Great, thatā€™s good ! As a side note, I chose the times (and days before) for reminders a bit as I would have found them convenient for me. If you have other requirements, I can see with Jolla if itā€™s good to change any.

@dcaliste nicely explained the technical details on how it goes, but I could add that generally in caldav the responsibility seems to vary, see e.g. Enable email invitations for CalDAV servers configured to do serverside scheduling | Thunderbird Help

The client-side invitation sending for caldav is yet to be implemented.


Iā€™m bit lost here. I can get to recovery shell. But there is not mounted partitions for my phoneā€™s root and home partitions. I can mount them to /mnt and chroot that. But again it wonā€™t be able to install packages from cache and also I donā€™t have networking as I didnā€™t have when shhd to it.

Read earlier posts, but canā€™t figure this out. Should I mount /dev/mapper/sailfish-root/home some specific point or should it work without them?

Sorry, maybe this was not in the posts. Once you are in the shell, do this:

  / # cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sailfish/home recover
  Enter passphrase for /dev/sailfish/home:
  / # chroot /rootfs
  / # mount /dev/mapper/recover /home

(from SD Card in Recovery Mode | Sailfish OS Documentation)

At that point, you should have access to the home partition, and be able to install the packages with rpm by entering this command in every subfolder with packages in it (just keep trying different folders and check them off the list once theyā€™re all installed). Afterwards you can run the command again for the whole .pk-zypp-ā€¦ subfolder just to make sure you didnā€™t miss anything.

find -name \*rpm | xargs rpm -Uvh
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Had issues during the update with multiple warnings about some apps and libraries that could cause issues during the update. Cleared as much as I could, but still got some warnings. Decided to just go for it eventually. Update went through fine.
4G(VoLTE) now works on 3UK (Xperia 10 II)
However, Iā€™m missing Meecast in the notifications and canā€™t re-install some apps like ChumGUI from anywhere.