[Release notes] Sauna

A reboot restores the connection! Assuming you have developer mode enabled, you can connect to your phone over WiFi immediately after it boots, then start running whatever programs necessary. I’m running version --dup right now, let’s see if it keeps going before the connection breaks again.

Hello the update ran smoothly only the weather in the event view away not nice. VG Jan

PS. That’s nice that’s an English forum so the understanding I use also the translation tools that you should try sometimes.

OMG! I’m uncharacteristically giddy about everything :smiley: Remembering what my ssh login password is, so I don’t have to re-do the rescue boot firmware circus just to change it and everything that follows :smiley:

It’s interesting to me that version --dup wanted to install 24 packages, but it must be a replacement for ssu register somehow, because I was seeing aliendalvik-related things in the list.

Then I showed the missus how bad my phone sucks because it won’t display anything after the initial security code. What followed was the sound of me getting egg on my face. The phone did show the next (IMO redundant) security code entry, and pin, albeit all with a wrong ambience.

Edit: this is glorious! Changing the ambience worked, calling the phone sounded the right ringtone, and launching the most picky Android app I’ve encountered (S-Mobiili) launched just fine.

Thanks to everyone on the forum here!

Hope these demented ramblings of mine help someone else out there.

Actually, hope more no one else encounters these issues.

And while we’re hoping: hope Jolla gets rid of “hey, so many packages look like they might be broken we’re gonna overload your brain and then die during the installation!”

Which may be unfair, maybe the script failure in callrecorder was something no one can predict, but some kind of rollback mechanism would be sweet even if user-driven downgrades weren’t officially supported…


version --dup had to still update quite a lot of packages. Now I’ll reboot, fingers crossed!

[root@Xperia10II-DualSIM defaultuser]# version --dup
Finished transaction (status=1, runtime=84182ms)
Finished transaction (status=1, runtime=63054ms)

Download (2 packages)
 - harbour-audiocut;1.5.0-1;noarch;store
 - harbour-papocchio;1.3.5-1;aarch64;store

Install (61 packages)
 - connman-configs-sailfish;0.11.13-1.10.1.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - droid-config-xqau52-bluez5;;aarch64;adaptation0
 - droid-config-xqau52-policy-settings;;aarch64;adaptation0
 - droid-config-xqau52-pulseaudio-settings;;aarch64;adaptation0
 - droid-config-xqau52-sailfish;;noarch;adaptation0
 - droid-config-xqau52;;aarch64;adaptation0
 - droid-hal-version-xqau52;1.0.0-1.4.12.jolla;aarch64;adaptation0
 - harbour-audiocut;1.5.0-1;noarch;store
 - harbour-fernschreiber;0.17-13;aarch64;store
 - harbour-kodimote;2.2.4-1;aarch64;openrepos-ade
 - harbour-papocchio;1.3.5-1;aarch64;store
 - harbour-passviewer;1.6-1;aarch64;store
 - jolla-calculator;1.0.10-1.5.1.jolla;aarch64;apps
 - jolla-calendar;1.1.15-1.11.1.jolla;aarch64;apps
 - jolla-common-configurations;0.11.13-1.10.1.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - jolla-email-settings;1.1.43-1.12.1.jolla;aarch64;apps
 - jolla-email;1.1.43-1.12.1.jolla;aarch64;apps
 - jolla-handwriting;0.1.7-1.3.3.jolla;aarch64;xt9
 - jolla-mediaplayer;1.3.13-1.7.1.jolla;aarch64;apps
 - jolla-notes-settings;1.0.24-1.6.2.jolla;aarch64;apps
 - jolla-notes;1.0.24-1.6.2.jolla;aarch64;apps
 - jolla-xt9-cp;0.2.15-1.4.2.jolla;aarch64;xt9
 - jolla-xt9;0.5.22-1.6.3.jolla;aarch64;xt9
 - libjollamediaplayer;1.3.13-1.7.1.jolla;aarch64;apps
 - mce-plugin-libhybris;1.14.5-1.3.1.jolla;aarch64;adaptation0
 - mtp-vendor-configuration-sailfish;0.11.13-1.10.1.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - ngfd-settings-sailfish;0.11.13-1.10.1.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - ofono-modem-switcher-plugin;1.0.2-1.1.3.jolla;aarch64;adaptation0
 - patterns-sailfish-applications;1.1.32-1.14.1.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - patterns-sailfish-cellular-apps;1.1.32-1.14.1.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - patterns-sailfish-consumer-generic;1.1.32-1.14.1.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - patterns-sailfish-core-device;1.1.32-1.14.1.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - patterns-sailfish-core;1.1.32-1.14.1.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - patterns-sailfish-customer-content-default;1.1.32-1.14.1.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - patterns-sailfish-device-adaptation-pdx201;;aarch64;adaptation0
 - patterns-sailfish-device-configuration-common-xqau52;;aarch64;adaptation0
 - patterns-sailfish-device-configuration-xqau52;;aarch64;adaptation0
 - patterns-sailfish-mw;1.1.32-1.14.1.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - patterns-sailfish-ui;1.1.32-1.14.1.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - pulseaudio-modules-droid-hidl;1.5.0-1.3.5.jolla;aarch64;adaptation0
 - pulseaudio-modules-droid-jb2q-common;14.2.102-1.5.1.jolla;aarch64;adaptation0
 - pulseaudio-modules-droid-jb2q;14.2.102-1.5.1.jolla;aarch64;adaptation0
 - qt5-qpa-hwcomposer-plugin;;aarch64;adaptation0
 - sailfish-audiorecorder;0.1.9-1.4.1.jolla;aarch64;apps
 - sailfish-components-calendar-qt5;1.1.15-1.11.1.jolla;aarch64;apps
 - sailfish-content-ambiences-default-about;1.0.12-1.2.5.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - sailfish-content-ambiences-default-airy;1.0.12-1.2.5.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - sailfish-content-ambiences-default-community;1.0.12-1.2.5.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - sailfish-content-ambiences-default-default-ambience;1.0.12-1.2.5.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - sailfish-content-ambiences-default-favorites;1.0.12-1.2.5.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - sailfish-content-ambiences-default-flow;1.0.12-1.2.5.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - sailfish-content-ambiences-default-glacial;1.0.12-1.2.5.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - sailfish-content-ambiences-default-party;1.0.12-1.2.5.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - sailfish-content-ambiences-default-rolling;1.0.12-1.2.5.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - sailfish-content-ambiences-default-sailing;1.0.12-1.2.5.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - sailfish-content-ambiences-default-silent;1.0.12-1.2.5.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - sailfish-content-ambiences-default-work;1.0.12-1.2.5.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - sailfish-content-ambiences-default;1.0.12-1.2.5.jolla;noarch;jolla
 - sailfish-office;1.6.8-1.8.3.jolla;aarch64;apps
 - sailfish-utilities;0.1.21-1.8.1.jolla;aarch64;apps
 - sailfish-weather;1.0.16-1.9.1.jolla;aarch64;apps

REBOOT NOW unless you need to investigate update
issues or know what you are doing (or both).

All bugs encountered until reboot are features.


A very short summary if anyone else is (still) stuck in the same situation, doesn’t feel like going through the backup-reflash-restore backup route, and had already enabled developer mode prior to updating. If you don’t know how to do some or all of these things, I think all information is in the posts above (starting at post 124) and it’s best if you read them through first.

  • open recovery mode (install it via flashboot first, depending on your device)
  • use the shell, not ssh
  • mount /home according to the instructions here
  • remove all traces of harbour-callrecorder and osm-scout-server
  • install all of the packages in /home/.pk-zypp-dist-upgrade-cache (it’s a bit of trial and error which ones you need to install first, but you can always upgrade all of the packages in a specific directory at the same time)
  • you can install all packages in a directory with this command: find -name \*rpm | xargs rpm -Uvh
  • (reinstall the normal boot mode with flashboot, depending on your device)
  • reboot the phone normally, at this point it should no longer show the white screens with “No apps running” but stay completely black
  • connect your phone to a charger - if you hear the bell, you know you’re on the right track (or if you hear an email notification or whatever native Sailfish notification that only needs Wi-Fi)
  • immediately ssh into your phone, run “ssu re” and “version --dup” (if you have it installed, temporarily disable the chum repo first, otherwise you’ll get some errors)
  • run “reboot”

Your phone should now reboot into a fully working installation, only the ambience will have been reset to a default ambience.


Da gibt es eine Anleitung hier im Forum wie es über das Terminal wiederhergestellt werden kann. Bei mir hat das auch geklappt.

Unfortunately 4.6.0: Android 11 Display » Dark theme built-in scheduler doesn't work, why? has not improved, yet. Still curious why App Support can’t use the timing mechanisms there.

I just noticed the bug from 4.5 is fixed where if you tapped on the navigation bar in Android apps, it disappeared for a couple of seconds (or sometimes swapped to a different running Android application). That one annoyed me endlessly, thanks for fixing it!


I can ssh to my device, but I don’t have networking. When I try to install packages from /home/.pk.zypp-deist… either pkcon install-local or rpm -ihv it packages are unsupported or conflicts with installed packages.Should I remove conflicted and newer packeges and install those from cache?

What command did you use to install cached rpms or do you have any hints to resolve this?

Xperia 10 III and Xperia X went fine, but on Xperia 10 I got this list of conflicting packages. Strange, all were same version, all have basically the same packages installed, none has any OpenRepos etc but only Jolla Store and Android installs.

Same behaviour here, installed update on Xperia X III, after first reboot got couple of flashing messages “No apps running”, then blank screen, and now nothing I can do. Please advise on possible recovery steps.

Reflash previous version. There is nothing else you can do.

Hello. I have a bunch of packages to uninstall to update… But the list shown in UI update screen is not refreshing. I cannot check I really removed every package.
How can I check them again ? Is it safe for instance to remove sailfish-osupdateservice/os-info
in order to restart install process and get the updated list ? Can I check this on command line ? Maybe I can use community package sfos-update ?

Sailfish-default icons are moved from

Just informing! There are apps and patches that need updating.


Will it preserve my app data /home dir etc?

No. Use what @nthn wrote above, if you want to keep your data.

Hih I have the same thing
Some have any solution.

You have to install the packages from /home/.pk-zypp-… in recovery mode (not with SSH, but through option 3: shell). You must install them with rpm -Uvh. One of the many folders full of RPMs will allow you to install everything in that folder without conflicts. Then, another folder will allow you to install everything without conflicts, and so on. It’s a bit of trial and error figuring out which folder you will be able to install next, but keep going until you’ve finally installed everything.

After that, you can boot your phone normally and (only if you already had developer mode enabled in the settings before you installed this update!) SSH over WiFi.