Xperia 1 IV, 5 IV and 10 IV support

I agree 100%, a solid modern browser is key for the longlivety of a mobile phone. I used BB10 until very recently, like 2023. What forced me to change was the speed of the CPU and the browser couldn’t keep up with modern home pages.

If a phone can browse the internet like a normal PC, then it is surely useful regardless of app support.

Android app support is not that important for me as I usually always use the web service if there is any before the app. For Android apps I have an Android burner phone if necessary. Android app support is nice but not a game changer for me.


Yes, a modern browser should be the cornerstone of any mobile OS. My N9 was incredibly useful for many years after it was abandoned by Nokia because a fresh Firefox Mobile was available at OpenRepos. This, together with excellent online/offline navigation and a terminal, was all I needed.

SFOS is in a much better position as it has many apps, along with an Android compatibility layer. However, it is lacking on the native browser part. Personally, I think maintaining a modern browser is a huge task and Jolla doesn’t seem to have enough resources. Firefox has some old builds for Mer, it should not be a lot of work for Mozilla to get it working.

Other relevant discussions:


The question is more, who would back the effort, money wise?
in fact, the browser is not firefox, but gecko + xulrunner, which has been deprecated upstream(and I guess hence is maintained by Jolla only?)

About the xperia IV et al updates; I bought the 10iv as well, and started to regret it first when i noticed that c2 has a better camera, then when it surfaced that camera wont be working still for a while, namely until sony provides better blobs…
you see where this is going right? I hope I am wrong, but considering the shrinking market size of the xperias, and the current financial trends…three hints make a proof, right? (I hate to be right btw prove me.wrong please :smiley: )

You’re off-topic. Several of you.
I was going to say something interesting about what you have diverged to; but i’ll keep it to myself since it is off-topic.

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I also have an Xperia 10 V here awaiting to be flashed, if you need help with that :wink:


i don’t think they need help, but you can test it yourself, well if you can, i could just compile the kernel and compiling hybris failed unfortunately. here are the instructions: Sailfish X Xperia Android 13 Build and Flash | Sailfish OS Documentation

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maybe the sources were only partially downloaded, like stated in the common pitfalls, but i don’t know

I know. I did it for the Xperia X Compact, so I know how to do it. Unfortunately I’m currently stuck with Android 14 because I was not able to downgrade to AOSP 13. That’s why I’m waiting for the adaption of AOSP 14 for SFOS for 10 V. Don’t want to mess with 14 + SFOS built for 13.

Think it possible to do it with the Emma tool. When I bought the 10v, I did an update and that was fot android 14. I then change to android 13 , using Emma tools.

Unfortunately Emma just for Windows :sob::sob::sob:

Works okay with virtual windows… vbox or similar.


I tried with Emma. Didn’t work unfortunately (downgrading). I know there is a different way, but I thought it might be ok to wait, as support for 14 was announced.

At the time I was starting my journey with sailfish I have a lot of difficulties to get all the stuff just working regarding flashing adb emma etc. All I can say that most of my problems were caused by wrongly assigned/wrong drivers. Despite all of my prievious knowledge with sailfish I started learning again.

Yet never faced info about the tampered software. Imo try as someone suggested. Unlock&Relock device again. Let it erase and try again