Xperia 1 IV, 5 IV and 10 IV support

No, just senseless, IMO.

Any temporal extent (i.e. “a stretch” in its temporal meaning) is within Jolla’s definition of “soon™”, don’t you know that yet? :wink:

More seriously, “it is ready when it’s ready”: That applies to the release of Sony’s “software binaries for AOSP” 14 with a camera fix as well as Jolla’s point release(s). I assumed you have been around long enough to know well, that the question “When is XYZ version a.b.c, XYZ’s feature D or bug-fix E for XYZ going to be released?” is futile, in general for the IT industry and specifically for Jolla (unless a marketing department has set a date, but I think neither Sony’s OSS support nor Jolla has something such).


Well, with the 10 V (and even more with the 10 IV) the situation isn’t entirely typical, because no other SFOS X device support was ever delayed as much as in this case, and with still no predictable date when it might happen.

If what Jolla says is to believed when it comes to Xperia 10 III isues, i.e. that quite some of them (especially excessive power drain) originate on the Sony side of things, it clearly shows how many of them were never addressed by Sony. Even as simple ones as messed up RGB LED colors or broken camera color filters. Which raises my concerns and doubts when it comes to Sony timely fixing 10 V issues this time. What incentive to act any quicker than they usually do would they have, if those binaries are generally only used to build systems / “ROMs” alternative to theirs?

That’s all - just concerns that it won’t happen too soon, whereas Android 13 binaries seem to be readily available (or at least that’s how I understood what rainemak said).

But, of course, I know very well that Jolla will do whatever they want. So maybe you’re right that discussing it is kind of senseless. Either way, considering that I already said all I wanted to say, anyway, I guess it’s a good time to conclude :wink: Maybe I should simply sell the 10 V, hunt for another (spare) 10 III in decent condition, buy that $25 “permanent” licence for it and stop giving a ****, at least for a few more years :slight_smile:


is there an ideal build the device should be updated to?

i updated mine to 68.1.A.2.170 and there’s a further update available

Likely (as in “not 100% sure”) the Sony’s last Android 14 release for the Xperia 10 V, i.e. not Android 15.
Note that this is a moving target, until Sony releases Android 15 (68.2.A.x.y) for the Xperia 10 V.

I would / will not do anything before Jolla has released their flash-able images with further guidance WRT this.


We got a confirmation to use a base on Android 14. I don’t know which deadline for the release has been planned. My device is still waiting for SFOS :slight_smile:
I can pay more for licence when I see a result. The promises about 1/2 months for SFOS for 10 IV/V are done

I think it’s a case of being as soon as it’s ready. Jolla’s hands appear to be tied by the wait for Sony to release their blobs

On Jolla Love Day 2 (which took place on May 20th) the release was planned as “within 1-2 months”, i.e. approximately by the end of July. The new release date is “we might consider releasing it sooner”,

but we don’t know sooner than what (certainly not sooner than the end of July :slight_smile:). As @eson pointed out, it probably means “sooner than later” :upside_down_face:

Not really. It was said to be released with disabled camera “quickly” (which turns out to be an undefined variable :wink:), and then (when Sony release fixed blobs) updated by Jolla to re-enable camera functionality.

But it’s been 3 weeks from then and we haven’t seen or heard any news in this regard.


15th August
" … new devices are also visible under the hood, like …"

I don’t know exactly programmers’ phrases, but this could also mean in a clear writing as:

We are just wondering what’s wrong. I.e it’'s very time taking. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

“Just tell the truth.
without adding or omitting anything from it.”

This is the one thing that turns me off of sailfish OS. I want to be really excited and waiting with baited breath for its release on my phone, but I just know that when / if it comes out and I install it, I’m in for a lifetime of one-line cryptic responses containing words like “soon”.

Is it unreasonable to expect a straight answer? I understand that Jolla have limited resources, and that from a software development perspective it can be difficult to pin a release date, but just be straight with us. Tell us you’re unsure. Say “We were aiming for July. We missed. Now we’re waiting for Sony so we can make things better. Maybe it will be September, who knows? We’ll keep you in the loop.” Don’t keep tugging the leash and promising it’s “soon”.

I wonder if the Sailfish team were politicians in a past life…


Any release can’t be soon enough for me. My 10 II broke (screen not working), and I am now without a working smartphone.
Any state of SFOS on 10 V that will do

  • Phone calls (make and receive)
  • Text messages (SMS, send and receive)
  • Not brick the phone

Is better than what I have now.


It’s been something like three weeks since anything remotely concrete?

Sure Jolla’s got its struggles and business is like this at times, but with August ending soon, even a “haven’t forgotten about you” would be something.

Multiple people, probably a sizble portion of a not too big a community, have expressed willingness to eat poop if it only installs on a 10iv or 10v. Maybe even sending us DMs with secret (purchase?)-download-install links would be sweet.

Still nothing to do but wait, there’s the risk that every message like this just pisses people off and lessens their motivation to get things off the ground :confused:


Whilst I am waiting too, surely some patience is required. It will be released when it is ready. There is only so much that can be done in a day.
Jolla has priorities, and surely No 1 right now is the C2, then perhaps the Mind, then perhaps the xperia 10.
I think give them a chance to do their job in the way they want to do it. They’ll be as keen as anyone to release a full version for the 10, to selll some licences and get some income.


Please define “some”.

Please define “ready”. Ready how much? Alpha, beta, final release quality? If the latter, then it would mean “never”.

Are these your own assumptions? And what do you mean by “then PERHAPS the Xperia 10”?

After 10 IV / V support was publicly confirmed by Jolla in May and announced as to be released within 1-2 months, what’s acceptable is DELAYS resulting from unforeseen problems, additional work needed, etc., and DEFINITELY NOT just “having other priorities”. People spent money buying the 10 IV / V based on those statements. The Mind2 and the C2 were publicly announced at the exact same time as the 10 IV / V support, so Jolla did know what were their priorities.

Who doesn’t? People merely need any reliable information. Because statements like “we might consider releasing it sooner” carry zero meaning.

After many of us, based on Jolla’s statements from mid May that support for 10 IV and V would come out within 1-2 months, spent money and bought the 10 IV / V specifically for SFOS, while everyone understands that it may take longer than planned, we are simply OWED to be at least regularly informed about the progress and currently expected release dates. Lack of any information is simply disrespectful, and excusing it is actually pathetic.


I don’t really know what you want or expect, but would you prefer Jolla take someone off active development and ask them to spend their time on communications? Do you want everyone to work 24hrs a day?
I certainly wouldn’t and don’t.
I didn’t intend to start an argument, I just strongly feel applying pressure on people to work more and more is unreasonable,


Can you read? Clearly not. I wrote in simple English that:

Which parts of the above sentences are incomprehensible for you?

Who told you that all Jolla employees are solely developers and that there are no employees responsible for communication? Once again, are these your own assumptions?

What does this idiotic question have to do with an expectation that they would post a single line of information once every week or two, which would take something like 1 minute to write and submit? Are you suggesting that they already work 23 hours and 59 minutes a day, and spending that additional 1 minute would make it 24 hrs a day? Amusing.

The only problem is that you are responding to posts you haven’t even read and correctly understood. Because in my comment there was NO SINGLE WORD related to things you are saying. You are arguing with yourself.


This is one of my complaints too. To trust SFOS as my primary device, I am willing to make many compromises. But at the very least I need i) one modern device that is well maintained and easy to purchase; ii) a modern browser; iii) reliable chat and voicecalls on some major protocol; iv) maps and offline navigation.

iv) is pretty good right now. ii) and iii) are fine if one uses the Android layer, which is ugly. It’s sad the N9 achieved these natively and with great elegance >10 years ago. Maintaining a web browser is a gargantuan task. I think Jolla should simply port Firefox and just do a minimal job to keep it up to date. i) is pretty unstable and that makes me nervous.

It’s hard to build a community without these cornerstones, hardware and super basic software.


I second the idea with a solid browser :

BlackBerry OS10 was very usable in 2013 because they had a excellent browser that compensated much of the lacking app landscape.

In my view a solid browser would make switching to Sailfish OS as primary without relying on Android support much more convincing


Jolla haven’t had (active) community manager since 2019(?), and they seemed to be running pretty much on minimal crew even few years before the reorganization, and I assume they have even less staff left now. If the management and developers feel like their time and skills are better used doing the actual work than wrinting diaries about what they have done this week, then let them focus on the current task at hand, and maybe some day they can afford to hire a community manager again to answer the questions of the community at least part time in addition to other tasks.


Long story short:

  • I didn’t ever say a single word about your imaginary “writing diaries about what they have done this week”. What I really wrote was that they should periodically post a single line of information about 10 IV / V support progress, whose availability they announced in mid May as to be released in 1-2 months, based on which many people spent hard earned 300-400€ on buying those phones, so they really deserve being informed. NOT ANY LESS than those who preordered the C2 or Mind2.

  • I didn’t say that they have a dedicated community manager. I wrote that there are employees who handle communication on the forums (quite possibly in addition to other duties), of which e.g. rainemak is a good example.

  • Saying that posting such a single line of information (say: “We currently expect that it will take further 3-4 weeks to release the 10 IV / V images”), i.e. around 1-2 minutes of work, by a person who regularly communicates with the community on behalf of Jolla on the forums, anyway, would “prevent Jolla management and developers from focusing on their jobs” is ridiculous.

Please stop twisting my words, and arguing not with what I really ever said, but with your own imaginaries. Either we talk in a reasonable manner and only in relation to what the other person REALLY said, or let’s not waste time with such a senseless prattle and allegations of BOGUS statements.

Thank you in advance.


Oh, and one more thing:

That’s REALLY bad (if true), considering that it was mid 2018 when Rostelecom joined, so 2019-2020 must have been among their fattest years.