Rowenta Robots (android app) stop working on

HARDWARE: Xperia 10 II


I have installed Rowenta Robots - Android app ( ). It was working fine in previous SFOS version, but now, when trying to open it, it just show me splash screen and it disappear after few seconds. Strange is, that when open Aurora store, find Rowenta Robots there and hit “open” button there, it starts and work perfectly fine.


Have Android app support, installed Rowenta Robots app, register itself into app, pair a robot (?)…


  1. Open Rowenta Robots app from application grid


It should be possible to run android application from application grid.


The app closed after few seconds showing splash screen.



My Lidl Plus app does this exactly same thing after the 4.6 update.

When you open your Terminal, sign in as devel-su and and run

journalctl --follow

and then try opening the Rowenta Robits app, do you get similar errors as I do?

Apparently the culprit might be that Specified Desktop file does not exist /usr/share/applications/system_service.desktop",
or maybe Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus set

Log for Rowenta is a bit different:

kvě 25 20:40:46 Xperia10II invoker[25144]: Launching Android Intent android.intent.action.MAIN com.groupeseb.aspirobot/com.groupeseb.aspirobot.splashscreen.SplashscreenActivity
kvě 25 20:40:47 Xperia10II invoker[29009]: WARNING: An inactive plugin is misbehaving - tried to show a window!
kvě 25 20:40:47 Xperia10II invoker[29009]: WARNING: requestActivate() called for  QQuickView(0x19836360)  which has Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus set.
kvě 25 20:40:47 Xperia10II booster-generic[3108]: *** signal=17 pid=3108
kvě 25 20:40:47 Xperia10II /usr/libexec/mapplauncherd/booster-generic[3108]: warning: Daemon: sending exit(0) to invoker(25144)
kvě 25 20:40:50 Xperia10II lipstick[3558]: [W] unknown:1036 - file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/compositor.qml:1036: TypeError: Cannot read property 'closeHinted' of null
kvě 25 20:40:50 Xperia10II booster-qt5[3107]: *** signal=17 pid=3107
kvě 25 20:40:51 Xperia10II kernel: binder: undelivered TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
kvě 25 20:40:51 Xperia10II kernel: binder: undelivered transaction 37602903, process died.
kvě 25 20:40:51 Xperia10II kernel: binder: undelivered transaction 37602974, process died.
kvě 25 20:40:51 Xperia10II kernel: binder: undelivered transaction 37602915, process died.
kvě 25 20:40:51 Xperia10II kernel: binder: undelivered transaction 37602914, process died.
kvě 25 20:40:51 Xperia10II kernel: binder: undelivered transaction 37602972, process died.
kvě 25 20:40:52 Xperia10II kernel: i2c_geni 4a88000.i2c: i2c error :-107
kvě 25 20:41:02 Xperia10II kernel: i2c_geni 4a88000.i2c: i2c error :-107

Btw, I just found out that when I start Rowenta Robots app from the terminal with:

lca-tool --triggerdesktop apkd_launcher_com_groupeseb_aspirobot-com_groupeseb_aspirobot_splashscreen_SplashscreenActivity.desktop

It starts perfectly fine. But from application grid (Lipstick) it fails :-/

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Cruel pinecones of life! That works also for the LidlPlus app. Good to have the workaround at least.

Hmm… Homcredit apps doesn’t like your “hack” :frowning: :cry:

May 26 07:46:34 XperiaXA2 invoker[13512]: Launching Android Intent android.intent.action.MAIN cz.homecredit.hccz/cz.hc.ui.SplashActivity
May 26 07:46:34 XperiaXA2 lipstick[3147]: [D] unknown:0 - Specified Desktop file does not exist "/usr/share/applications/system_server.desktop"
May 26 07:46:35 XperiaXA2 invoker[4011]: WARNING: An inactive plugin is misbehaving - tried to show a window!
May 26 07:46:35 XperiaXA2 invoker[4011]: WARNING: requestActivate() called for  QQuickView(0xad1f8)  which has Qt::WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus set.
May 26 07:46:35 XperiaXA2 booster-generic[3002]: *** signal=17 pid=3002
May 26 07:46:35 XperiaXA2 /usr/libexec/mapplauncherd/booster-generic[3002]: warning: Daemon: sending exit(0) to invoker(13512)
May 26 07:46:39 XperiaXA2 kernel: msm_vidc: info: Opening video instance: 0000000000000000, 1
May 26 07:46:39 XperiaXA2 lipstick[3147]: [D] unknown:0 - Specified Desktop file does not exist "/usr/share/applications/system_server.desktop"
May 26 07:46:39 XperiaXA2 kernel: unregister_netdevice: waiting for lo to become free. Usage count = 1
May 26 07:46:39 XperiaXA2 kernel: [RMNET:HI] rmnet_config_notify_cb(): Kernel is trying to unregister lo
May 26 07:46:39 XperiaXA2 kernel: msm_vidc: info: Closed video instance: 0000000000000000
May 26 07:46:39 XperiaXA2 kernel: [RMNET:HI] rmnet_config_notify_cb(): Kernel is trying to unregister lo
May 26 07:46:39 XperiaXA2 kernel: binder: undelivered transaction 5688137
May 26 07:46:39 XperiaXA2 kernel: binder: undelivered transaction 5688133

I’ve tried this command:

lca-tool --triggerdesktop apkd_launcher_cz_homecredit_hccz-cz_hc_ui_SplashActivity.desktop

and nothing happened :frowning:
Maybe that weird message that Desktop file doesn’t exist is little bit deeper than yours problem…

@tom.i My first attempt failed too due to me not being in the correct folder ./.local/share/applications when running the lca-tool.

@karry 's “hack” isn’t using the full path to the apkd_launcher… .desktop file. Either use the full path or first cd to the correct folder before running the lca-tools command.


@demislition - cool… that helped… :slight_smile:

An easier way to successfully start such an Android app was revealed in another bug report thread:

I go to Settings/Apps/[MalfunctioningApp]/Open Android settings/Open (in green text) the app then opens and is usable

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Apparently not yet solved with :frowning:

But I keep fingers crossed for the release to all ( is still early access)

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