[] App Support, app grid - ING Banking App and others are killed (closed) after entering PIN

HARDWARE: Xperia 10 ii / Xperia 10 iii


Start ING Banking App → Apps opens → enter PIN → App shows next screen while fading away
Happens almost everytime except sometimes after reboot
Feels like an OOM response


App Support and Android ING Banking App (and off course ING banking account) are needed


  1. Start ING Banking App from the app grid → Apps opens
  2. enter PIN → App shows next screen while fading away


App should stay open


App closes


no modifications


This problem only occurs when starting the app from the app grid (i.e. the “normal” way).

If the app is opened from the terminal with apkd-launcher de.ingdiba.bankingapp.apk de.ingdiba.bankingapp/com.ing.mobile.diba.startup.SplashActivity or from e.g. the Aurora store, everything is fine

Other applications are also concerned (see Rowenta Robots (android app) stop working on

EDIT: the problem description now specifies that the problem only occurs when the app is opend via the app grid


Oh, good to know. I need this app…

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No issues with the Dutch version on Xperia XA2 here after the update to 4.6.


My XA2 is still on - and ING Banking App works fine there. However, I have the problem with both, my Xperia 10 ii and Xperia 10 iii that I updated to Occasionally the ING banking app works on these devices, but only after some reboots. They do not even work reliably after immediately a reboot (only occasionally after a couple of reboots and then only once). That is quite frustrating.
And of course I will not update the XA 2 because that is the last device that provides access to my bank account.
Maybe it is indeed a OOM problem that occurs with the 64bit devices.

Some Android apps do this suddenly shutting out thing out of nowhere on 4.6. Whatsapp especially for me. I don’t know if it is some new updated memory control maneuver or what, but if you didn’t yet try using the app with all other apps shut down, I would try that.

I tried that. I rebooted the device and only opend the ING Banking App. In most cases the app was killed right after entering the PIN.

Same here… Unfortunately I need this app today :smiley:
Was a bad idea updating without having a backup (device).
Currently I am playing around trying to find a workaround.

Yes, Android apps are crashing everytime.

Here’s what I can see in the logs:

may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux lipstick[3531]: [W] unknown:0 - Cannot send touch event, no pointer focus, fix the compositor
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux lipstick[3531]: [W] unknown:0 - Cannot send touch event, no pointer focus, fix the compositor
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: release 26026:26345 transaction 2141121 in, still active 
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: send failed reply for transaction 2141121 to 27849:27896  
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: undelivered transaction 2141126                                                                                                          
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: unfinished BINDER_WORK_NODE, proc has died                
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: unfinished BINDER_WORK_NODE, proc has died 
... <repeated-many-times>
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: unfinished BINDER_WORK_NODE, proc has died                                                                                               
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: unfinished BINDER_WORK_NODE, proc has died                                   
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: unfinished BINDER_WORK_NODE, proc has died                                   
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: release 26026:26120 transaction 2083778 out, still active
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: 25942:25942 BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE 0000000000000002 not found
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: 25942:25942 BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE 0000000000000003 not found                                                                               
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: 25942:25942 BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE 0000000000000004 not found
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux [25942]: [W] unknown:0 - "GNSS Remote died, cleaning up!"                                                                                                
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux lipstick[3531]: [W] unknown:1036 - file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/compositor.qml:1036: TypeError: Cannot read property 'closeHinted' of null
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: 23657:23657 BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE 0000000000000003 not found
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: 25942:25942 BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE 0000000000000002 not found
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux [23657]: [W] unknown:0 - alien died! Trying to reconnect.                                                                                                
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: 23657:23657 BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE 0000000000000002 not found
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: 23657:23657 BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE 0000000000000005 not found
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: 25942:25942 BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE 0000000000000003 not found
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux kernel: binder: 23657:23657 BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE 0000000000000004 not found
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux [25942]: [W] unknown:0 - alien.media.file_observer died! Trying to reconnect.
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux [23657]: [W] unknown:0 - alien.contacts died! Trying to reconnect.
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux [23657]: [W] unknown:0 - appsupport.inputattachservice died! Trying to reconnect.
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux [25942]: [W] unknown:0 - alien.connectivity died! Trying to reconnect.
may 21 18:39:00 SailfishOS-GNU-Linux [23657]: [W] unknown:0 - alien.intent.resolver died! Trying to reconnect.

I’m not sure if there’s can be a workaround for that.

I tried a couple of apps like LinkedIn, Deepl, some Public transportation Apps (my tickets!) or Fennec that do not crash. So, for me it is so far only the ING Banking App that crashes (mostly)

I managed to start the App at least once and then install the app on another device.

  1. Rebooted the device
  2. Put device on flight mode
  3. activated WIFI
  4. Started ING app (that crashed)
  5. switched off flight mode
  6. The app opened by itself again and was working.

So seems similar to OOM issue…

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Since you mention WiFi, what about this:

I have same problem with HomeCreditCZ app. If I turned off network, app is alive, but without connection it’s useless of course. Then I try hack from @amaretzek but I can’t see HomeCredit app in the list of apps for ‘Wifi control’ as he mentioned.

Strange side note: When I run the app from ssh with apkd-launcher de.ingdiba.bankingapp.apk de.ingdiba.bankingapp/com.ing.mobile.diba.startup.SplashActivity, it works. Maybe that helps debugging.


This bug report is likely the same issue/duplicate Rowenta Robots (android app) stop working on

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I can confirm that starting the ING Banking App from e.g. Aurora store is fine without problems. Same goes for starting the ING Banking App from the terminal with apkd-launcher de.ingdiba.bankingapp.apk de.ingdiba.bankingapp/com.ing.mobile.diba.startup.SplashActivity.

Apparently, the problem is related to starting the App from the app grid only. Hopefuilly this can be fixed by Jolla before making 4.6 available to everyone (I suppose that is the raison d’etre for the Early access)


Not yet solved with :frowning:

But it is still EA and the workarounds are easy. So I stay optimistic wrt the release to all

Had the same problem with the ING DiBa Banking App (with Starting through terminal helped. But I tried to clear app cache and data first, so I have to setup my bank account again. I had to apply for an OTP from ING, which they are sending via postal service in about 2-3 days.:frowning_face:

Should have looked in the forum first. :wink:

Hi @Vieno , you are not alone, bro :wink: (took 3 days for me until i got the letter)

Hi, Same here on XA2 with and BNP banking app.
Workaround works just fine.

After the upgrade to (XA2 coming from, I also am affected by the same issue. At least it still works with aforementioned workarounds, but it nevertheless is a very annoying regression.

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