WPS Office app no longer starting after update to SFOS

After upgrading to SFOS android app WPS Office (cn.wps.moffice) no longer starts. With “appsupport-attach logcat” I find this message:

06-21 12:16:09.601 259 298 I ActivityManager: Force stopping cn.wps.moffice_eng appid=10113 user=-1: sfos_background_denied

Starting the app from within an app store, e.g. Aurora or Aptoide, works. Any idea what exactly the problem is?

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It’s the same general problem with app-grid-launched Android apps as Rowenta Robots (android app) stop working on or [] App Support, app grid - ING Banking App and others are killed (closed) after entering PIN, which were reported during the Early Access phase, but not addressed before was made an official release.

Starting from the App settings page should also work.