Re-organisation of Jolla company - Off-topic discussion

In an effort to lighten the mood a little, I want to share that only a day into this and already my mind is being conditioned.

One of my sons came home talking about how someone offered them candy at work: Jolly Ranchers

My eyes rolled. Greeeeeat.

The first thing I thought in response is “Jolly Sailors”.

How could this have happened so quickly?!?!

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you can threat each opinion as insult. punishment is not a solution and wokism even less.
You may assume anything, but most likely you will be wrong in the most of your assumptions - it is just math fact.
I stated earlier, that I will always confront people, who think they know better - like the moralist above.
The moralist should learn that opposite opinion has also right to existence and should also learn to respect the others. It has gone too far in the past 15-20y so that whole generation grew up with wrong assumptions of what is wright or wrong.


True !!!
The are working on the principle: if you are not aligned with us, it means you are against us. They are always thinking in binary mode.


Not only - they think they are they 1 and you are the 0 :wink:


Off, why bothering with such things on a community that is supposed to stay unite and spread a so little known OS that is worth much more attention?

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Why ask me, ask those who think they are the 1 and thus try to cancel the rest?

I also wonder why the 1 does not accept that it is not the only number in the world and stop dividing the community, by pretending they are something more than the rest.

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Nothing I wrote refers to any morale, my whole point is to ask people to cease the spam discussions about nothing, which robang permanently starts and fuels for his own entertainment. This spamming prevents this forum to fulfil its very purpose: To foster discussing SailfishOS and its environment.

The funny thing is that robang states his intentions and mindset freely and openly, for example:

And also that he is not interested in SailfishOS any longer:

As he stated at various places, he is unemployed (already for quite a while) and plays his social games for his entertainment, using rabulism, which constitutes a small subset of Schopenhauer’s Eristic Dialectic (“the art of being right”), primarily the gish gallop.
Obviously he has sufficient time and lacks other social interaction, so this is fun for him to do.

Please explain what I know better than whom and how you concluded this.

You are, just as everyone is, free to state anything. But statements do carry meaning and hence may have consequences, as in all social contexts. Plus this forum has a purpose, which robang explicitly stated not to be interested in, any longer. Consequently his postings are simply misplaced here.

Nobody is being punished. To ask people not to reply to someone who is deliberately playing rabulistic games with words and arguments is definitely no punishment, only a call to try to keep this forum usable.

And I wonder who you are assuming to be “woke”?

Nope, good assumptions are based on knowledge, logical reasoning, experience, laws of nature and common sense (one or multiple of these).

But I wonder who you are addressing with this statement, because it is actually you who assumes to know what other people specifically think or what their general mindset is.

The same applies to using the term “moralist”: It was solely you who used the categories “right and wrong” and lectures what people “should learn”:

Additionally you divide people into “us” and “they”, which is a classic confrontational view to mark an enemy and trying to let people who share your sentiments assign themselves to some “us” group:

IMO such splitter tactics and fallacies should be clearly pointed out, to all and to you, hence this lengthy message.


I really doubt this and honestly I refuse to debate. It is obvious that you do not agree with what is said. What makes you think you are the right one and gives you confidence in writing this. Now, exactly this is the reason, why I use those words and I write this. The division comes from “them” not from me.
In fact it is arrogant to call the victim a perpetrator. Very, very sad to read this. You can not imagine how wrong you are and how disappointing it is.



Oh, you are simply evading any true discussion!
Additionally you doubt, that “splitter tactics and fallacies should be clearly pointed out”. Why is that?

It is obvious that you do not agree with what is said.

“is said”? No, I agree with much of most postings here. I just do not comprehend your twisted logic and thinking in absolute categories as “the right one”, “us” versus “them”, while being unable to define who “us” or “them” are, or to answer any of my questions, as “who you are assuming to be «woke»?” and why you “assume to know what other people specifically think or what their general mindset is”. At the same time you declare that assumptions are almost always wrong due to “math” (which?).

In fact it is arrogant to call the victim a perpetrator.

Oh, this is worse than just being “arrogant”, but who do you imagine to be a victim here: You, robang, somebody else? And a victim of what? A potential victim of not getting a reply to nonsensical postings? Well, you do, right here.

You can not imagine how wrong you are and how disappointing it is.

To this statement of yours a couple of your assessments fit well: You are playing a moralist role and you are putting your conclusions above anybody else’s. But you fail to lay out your reasoning for all this. Please try, at least.


@olf PM me. I can’t message you at the moment.

No, I am not evading any true discussion. I am evading any meaningless discussion.
I also do not doubt. I am just telling you, that you can think and believe whatever you want, but I won’t be part of it.

So when you comprehend, we can talk. Until then I wish you and pray for your enlightenment. I hope it comes sooner than later.

You are getting close. I can speak of my self. Your arrogant behavior is insulting. Not getting reply of postings is the best I could get. While the replies and suppression of postings without explanation aka cancel culture is disgrace for the forum.

Ahm, I tried, but obviously someone on the other end needs to understand or if you like better comprehend.
I don’t know how it should work. The best would be to agree on some fundamental rules. Perhaps I try once again.

  1. stop judging others, cause you also can be judged
  2. start providing reasons for flagging and
  3. stop cancelling people you do not agree with

This is good enough for a start. What do you think?

Honestly, I do not even think it needs a discussion. I wonder more why we should debate this. It is not me causing the problem. I am reacting and I think I have the right to do so. Obviously you do not agree. Why? And why should I explain anything. I am not obliged to agree with you (and obviously I am not the only one here), so why do you want to discuss anything at all. Just accept the fact that there are another opinions. It could be they are wrong, or it could be you are wrong. This is normal life. But cancelling or lecturing someone in the believe that you are right and the other party is wrong, please … didn’t you have history lessons?

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After being confronted with another wall of text, which transports the same messages over and over again, I can only kindly ask you to apply the relevant ones to yourself (with “I” addressing me, @olf), which are:

Also please mind that it is indeed insulting to be accused of “cancel culture / cancelling” by flagging despite not having flagged a single post here and also of “lecturing” though I have just posed a few still unanswered questions, which were replied to with … well, lecturing.

Sigh, I give up.

P.S.: Please do not pray for my enlightenment, as I am already enlightened in all traditional meanings of this term, and I am not keen on any magical or religious revelations, which always implicitly are irrelevant outside of one’s own mind.

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Did you take my posts personally? Why?
I said many times this software does not allow to understand who and why flagged something. How can I accuse you personally?
As for the lecturing it is OK - I do not have a problem with that. If you have a problem, well, it is yours. We can try to resolve it in personal conversation. I still do not understand why people post publicly such discussions, but as everybody does it, I do not have to stay back.

This is a good decision, although, posting here again after two months, does not really prove this.

I doubt this (especially the part with magical or religious revelations), but you and I (still) have the right to have our own opinion and these opinions may differ. When you understand and accept this fact, than probably you would not post irrelevant stuff. I for myself will not stop replying, because I am fed up with self righteous community members, who are taking communities into dictatorships.


@olf I cannot even see who and what you are replying to. But I know for sure you are right.

It ist only one or two lifeforms here that ruin whole threads with their walls of complete and utter ehm… text.


Who moderates around these parts and why arent they banning the problem elements?


I think there’s enough moderators to permanently deal with a very small amount of disruptive users. My suspicion is that the forum user account is tied to your Jolla account and therefore permabanning is not so straightforward - or the mods are simply very nice people and do not want to do that. All in all it’s relatively easy to disregard the trolls. Put them on ignore.


I completely agree but some threads become rather disrupted because nearly half the posts are from those individuals. I would greatly appreciate a more active moderation.


Just in this thread, my e-mail box counts 32 comments for which the system notified me. No one of these comments brought any valuable information. Most of these comments have been written by a small number of forum users and @olf is the only one among them that provided some kind of contribution to the SFOS development, AFAIK. These means that everybody else who wrote those 32 comments made just noise here.

About the forum. Since this thread opened, I read just 3 useful contributions:

    • this one by Jolla
    • another advancement report from Jolla
    • a post about a possible SFOS future support for Xperia IV and V which is interesting to know but has no practical value because the hardware support about II and III is not complete enough to compete with XA family therefore I do not see any hopes that it will change something adding IV and V
    • a comment about Pine64 Tablet support advancement

I am not following the thread in German language, but regarding everything in English - in the best scenario - the signal / noise ratio is not more than 3/32 in favor of the noise. Mine posts excluded - obviously - because otherwise would be unfair the S/N accounting by me myself. My educated guess is that S/N is about 1:100 in favor of the noise. More or less the same ratio between the forum users and the developers.

Developers that stopped to support users, BTW. Which was the only reason because this forum has been created in first place and still exists nowadays: supporting the users and let then move on SFOS as smoothly as possible. Which is the reason because my initial effort started in writing a guide (for myself primarily and then for others).

Ask yourself about WHY this forum exists and act accordingly.


The forum software shouldn’t notify you when there’s an update on subscribed threads, or have the number of new posts next to the thread if that post is by an ignored poster, defeats the object of the ignore function

Pot calling the kettle black. This forum is for users, not for trolls.

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