Re-organisation of Jolla company

I did not understand the question.

Please let me know in a private message where you got this information from.

Sorry, I do not know how to discover why this happens.

You already seem to know the answer yourself, any reason you are asking me questions?

Is there any reason why you are picking my post word-for-word? This is in violation of the forum guidelines as it seeks to criticize my post, not the idea.

I see, but please give proof of this.

I see.


It sounds like you are having issues with drivers.
I had a similar problem with the tablet (teclast x64) back in the days, and
had to patch the upstream driver to fit the header file structures.
After that, driver was loading fine and interface was able to connect & get ip.

My plan, under the case where Jolla can be bought by my holdings company, I’d reposition SFOS to be a truely security focused platform. Both defensively and offensively. I have a handful of big label security companies, including my own, who’d be happy to get a little bit of that action through paid partnership. SFOS doesn’t need to replace Android or iOS. That is a fools errand. The things mainstream users use their devices for are not easily achieved without billions in investment. And they will not part with these things. Finding a niche that can be filled and wedged open is the ticket.


Ditto. If I wasn’t so busy working on wedging open an ISO process, I’d probably being doing ‘let’s acquire jolla’ for fun. ISO standards documentation work is not as much fun as mobile operating system stuff. Sigh.


Nope, driver and firmware are those provided by Sony for that device and they work under Android. It is just my fault (or laziness) that I did not continued to dig into Android boot (reverse-engineering) to find all the passages for completing the activation.

However, it is also a deliberated choice. I am fine with it, as reported and why. I left behind the issue for those will come to extend the project. It is a nice test bench and an opportunity to say “bravo” to someone else.

When I was leading the LUG Genova and its lab activities the harshest punishment for individual or teams that messed-up something very important (like the network configuration for a network device) was to complete it or remade it from scratch. Otherwise, I was helping other to succeed.

But, yes, I admit - I have a strong character and - for example - when someone presented me a PoC of a thinclient that has fixed network configuration and lacks of any menu to reconfigure it - when an automatic system like DCHP would be necessary, instead - I take my way straight. Well, not because I have to repeat many times the same thing without being understood - it can be my fault, it was not obviously - but because I was in need of that device to continue the activities and then I did by myself.

With some more experience, I learned that critical tasks cannot be assigned to anyone but just selected people. In such a way the others are free to miss their deadlines or mess-up things. Not always possible, but in theory.

Oh, seen it before. If it were a hopeless company, I wouldn’t build so much software for it. But, whatever.


It is called sunk cost bias - I had invested to much to accept that it is all gone.

I hope you are right and I am wrong but nerveless this is a red flag of a deeply biased opinion.

Have you been paid for it?

  • Yes, it is sentimental driven bias.
  • No, it is ego-driven even hard to go along with.

I have seen in the past people that blame me to having shutting done something that was worthless for me and even a burden for me but a great advantage for them. It is the same old story, suck the value and leave debts to others. Sentimental and ego losses are also debts left behind by someone else and it is our duty (or discipline) to accept the loss and do not play anymore a masochistic game.

Your red flag is a red herring. I ‘returned’ to SFOS development after a hiatus. The sunk cost bias has entirely been caused by Android and iOS (ting!). Oops. Don’t feed the troll.

Don’t feed the troll.

Don’t feed the troll.


Lest anyone get the wrong impression, I support Jolla and try to support people in the community because IT IS FUN. Really. I don’t really care what people think. But, if you make a bug report, I will do what I can to see it is addressed. For all who were in the community meeting today, you are aware that people at Jolla behave in this way.


And I am very happy about it (I am probably not the only one) and using (enjoying) your apps.

That’s correct :slight_smile: I know it is difficult.

I am a big fan of our community. We do have some really great developers here which contributed a lot to SFOS and other mobile operating system platforms. At this points: thank you all again for making SFOS possible :sailboat: :fish:

I love SailfishOS and @Jolla as well. Of course there are some things which really needs to be improved (especially in the communication and licensing area) but I think some statements about the quality of SFOS (especially the architecture of some SFOS components of the eco system) in this topic here are just wrong. It is really difficult to concept and developing an operating system, no matter on which platform it is running. I think SFOS is great software which of course has some points of improvements. But to claim that it is bad/or broken by design is not only wrong but also presumptuous. Well just my two cents about the topic.

On open question is, do we know a time frame or a specific date when information about the current state of the company will be published?


I believe that these processes, being dependent on courts and the state just take time. But, I’m confident. The continuing efforts of Jolla staff to keep up Morale and keep seeking solutions suggests we hope for the best and keep up the good fight!

Thanks for your kind words!


Today’s Helsingin Sanomat has a news item on Jolla’s future. Quick translation (via Google) of the start of the article:

After getting rid of its Russian owners, the company’s former management buys the business
The software company has been trying to get rid of its Russian owners since Russia started its war of aggression in Ukraine.
The entire business and personnel of the software company Jolla will be transferred to the new company, when the company’s former management buys Jolla’s business.


Let’s hope they open-source Sailfish OS components again!


Jolla gets rid of its Russian owners, former management buys the business

The software company has been trying to get rid of its Russian owners after Russia launched its war of aggression in Ukraine.

The entire business and staff of software company Jolla will be transferred to the new company when the former management of the company buys Jolla’s business.

Jolla was filed for reorganisation in June 2023. Among other things, it sought changes to the company’s ownership structure. According to the application, Rostelecom, which is partly owned by the Russian state, indirectly held around 30% of Jolla’s shares at the time.

After Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine, the company said it wanted to get rid of its Russian owners.

According to the restructuring application, Jolla ran into significant financial difficulties as a result of the war and had to close down its business in Russia. According to the application, Russian ownership had become an obstacle to the company’s business in other markets and its ownership structure was considered problematic, in particular by its customers in the car industry.

The case was resolved last Friday when the Pirkanmaa District Court confirmed the restructuring programme. It obliges the company to sell its entire business to another company.

The restructuring process resulted in a business transaction, as a result of which the new company will continue to develop and sell the Sailfish OS operating system developed by Jolla to customers.

“From spring 2022 to spring 2023, we held tough negotiations with the owners, which ended without success. I am very pleased that the Finnish restructuring process provided a solution to this impasse,” said Antti Saarnio, chairman of the board of the acquiring company and one of Jolla’s original founding shareholders, in a press release.

Jolla, founded in 2011 to develop the Meego operating system, which was rejected by NOKIA, also went into receivership in late 2015.

Less than half a year later, it announced that it had received additional funding and cancelled its restructuring. The company admitted that part of the funding came from Russia, but declined to give details of the source of the funding.


Something more on Kauppalehti :
i.a. “the new owner company will continue Sailfish OS development. The automotive business will be organized under a separate subsidiary company Seafarix


Jolla’s businesses finally got rid of their Russian owners - "An incredibly long battle of attrition"

Jolla, founded by former Nokia engineers, is seeking to rid itself of its Russian owners from the beginning of 2022. Now the business and staff will be transferred to the former management of the company under a restructuring procedure.

The business operations of technology company Jolla will be transferred to the new company in a business acquisition. The business and personnel will be transferred to the former management of the company in the restructuring process.

Jolla, which specialises in operating systems and automotive software, has sought to divest its Russian owners from the beginning of 2022.

The case was settled last week in court, when the Pirkanmaa District Court confirmed the restructuring plan, which obliges the company to sell its entire business to another company.

“I am very pleased that the Finnish restructuring procedure provided a solution to this impasse,” says Antti Saarnio, chairman of the board of the acquiring company and one of Jolla’s original founding shareholders.

Founded by former Nokia engineers, Jolla has been working with Russian investors and companies since 2016.

“Without this solution, the business could not have continued. In that ownership structure, the company had no conditions to raise capital to grow its business,” says Saarnio.

The long road out of Russian ownership

Saarnio describes the journey out of Russian ownership as “an incredibly long struggle of exhaustion”.

In Russia, Jolla licensed the Sailfish mobile operating system it had developed to Open Mobile Platform, a company founded by Russian businessman Grigory Berezkin. Rostelecom bought Open Mobile Platform and Berezkin’s stake in Jolla in 2018.

“Sometimes we almost ran out of faith. We negotiated for almost a year with the owners to buy out the company, but the negotiations did not progress,” says Saarnio.

“Personally, I don’t think I will ever again get involved in a financing package with Russian investors,” Saarnio says when asked what the events of the past year have taught him.

Saarnio says that Jolla’s turnover last year was almost €5 million, up 40% on the previous year. The company currently employs around 20 people.

According to the new company, the restructuring process resulted in a business transaction, as a result of which the new company will continue to develop and sell Sailfish OS to customers around the world. Jolla’s newest business as an automotive software supplier will be incorporated under its own subsidiary Seafarix, headed by former Jolla sales director Petteri Paasila.

“I have been with Jolla for almost five years. In the last three years we have grown our automotive business significantly. With the new ownership structure, we realised that it makes sense to concentrate the automotive business in our own company. This way we can better serve the needs of the industry,” says Paasila.


These are fantastic news! I am really happy about it. I also like the fact that a new sister company has been created for the automotive developments parts.

I still would love to invest some money in Jolla but I think that is not possible. Anyway, I am still more than happy that there is a future for Jolla, their employees and last but not least SailfishOS. Really great job Jolla! :slight_smile: :sailboat: :fish: So let’s set the sail and take course to the future :smiley:


The irony, this Russian sanctioning thing again. I thought they’d be too ashamed to even mentioning it after loosing Nokia and learn from Russia investing in Sailfish protecting vital information space or how you’d call it when rooting for Jolla in its upstream battle vs the Google’s.
Small deemed irrelevant companies are invited to virtue-signal sanction themselves into Russian sanction oblivion while large corporations will continue to benefit and profit from both sides and soon pretend like this aggression in 2014 or 2022 depending on your level of amnesia never happened and continue business as usual in a leveled playfield.
My managerial idea is to write to EU Vd Leyen and Lagarde to demand urgent support for Jolla with those freshly computer generated Eurobillions on two conditions: that Jolla will exist in it’s current niche and will never become a challenge to the Big Tech Hegemony of Google/Apple that is so crucial to the propaganda and new normal order installment. EU can then virtue signal that “yes we have an alternative free and own democratic OS that supports European values to the core”
Not trolling, being seriously realistic here.


Can you write that in English so most of us can make something out of it?


Oh, what a pity you have to leave :wink:

Go Jolla, fair winds and following seas!