Re-organisation of Jolla company - Off-topic discussion

Here you are again

Do your guess

No no…do your guess!

I will report the words from an American citizen today:

  • sharp as a balloon

and it was not referred to me, just for your information

why not round as a knife?

Because “sharp” in this context means smart.

and round in the other context means “dumb”

Great, your making progress about native English!

it has to be one to notice the progress…I can play this game too

After all, you are a free man. Who can stop you? :wink:

Indeed…Who can stop you? :slight_smile:

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It is amazing how much you are so in deep emotionally involved about me…
…it remembers me the book “perfume” by Suskind, an intriguing novel.

What can I say…you are a lovely fellow. Very charismatic.
Do you recommend the book?
I would recommend you also a book from Fyodor Dostoevsky, but I kind of forgot the name…

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my fault, I forgot a piece

and dreaming.

Hey guys, @calinutzzz, @Blumenkraft, @davidrasch, @Kanthal, @fingus, @voidanix, @jameson, @deloptes and gal @Seven.of.nine, are you fully aware of the fact that it is you who keep these idiotic and senseless word-games going on forever and thereby spamming this forum to an extent that it becomes more and more useless.
This discussion thread (“topic” in Discourse parlance) already has been split, as have a couple of others, but either of the two threads goes down the same road: piles of content-less spam.

Please do not keep on feeding the psycho-troll, hence do stop replying to him, now!

I.e. consider to behave responsibly in order to keep this forum usable.


In other words, don’t play chess with a pigeon.


… and while this phrase is quite new, that was well known over 2000 years ago, see Proverb 29:9 (fits even better to the horrible show here, IMO).

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Sure thing Olf.
But just to clarify, the problem is not everyone you tagged.
The problem is that robang should have been perma-banned a long time ago. But here we are, 6 months later and about 500 “ban-worthy” moments so far but he is still here insulting, angering and driving people away.

I don’t know how is this possible and why no one does anything about it, but this is getting ridiculous.

I will respect your wishes.


I basically concur, but please note, that any statement which starts with “Jolla should …” is nothing but wishful thinking and thus futile.

Hence, you all, please get a grip on yourself.

P.S.: I know well “how this is possible”, I have seen it a couple of times before; people are driven by the idea, that they have to rectify some statement a troll made (especially, “because it is public”, as if this would make any significant difference), and so they fulfil the troll’s deepest desire again and again: to get attention.


and here comes another moralist, who knows better
and I thought we are free to share opinions

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Opinions, yes, but personal insults and disrespectful slurrs? The line has to be drawn somewhere. And spamming/trolling almost always crowds out the equally valid views of others - which is, I assume, the opposite of what you want to achieve?