Pure Maps (Native map app)

Well, I can’t find anything in dmesg regarding to either “memory” or “oom”, so unless the logger also got killed, I’m assuming it’s something else.

Also: There’s over 2GB of memory free - which is a lot - and even with the tuning it still happens.

Edit: Seems it’s actually this: Xperia X 10 II GPU heavily affected by GPS fix (Pure Maps and other GPS related apps)

Did someone try Pure Maps on the Jolla C2 yet? For me the latest version from Chum crashes after briefly showing up.


Same happens on mine. No time yet to investigate.

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Does it still crash if you use ‘online’ profile and OpenTopoMaps?

How do I change the profile without starting the application?

Hm… I’d say: go offline and try until it works. Don’t scroll in the app until you changed mode and map provider.


Wow, thanks that worked. My C2 can ron Pure Maps now.

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… at least in offline mode.

Thanks for the tip! Pure Maps works with OSM Scout Server without any trickery.

Mixed and Online modes crash - maybe because OSM Scout (default) is the only Map option (on the 10 III there are 12). Starting from command line there are nags about several missing libraries but most of them are in /system/lib64 - iggzackly like the 10 III.

I did not get any working OSM-Scout On my Jolla C2 from one of the 3 known stores (Jolla, Chum, Storeman aka Openrepos.net).

Thats funny, because OSM works wunderful and flawless on my X10 iii and X10 V ( via Storeman).
But I do not get Rain Viewer to work, only black screen.
Sometimes it appears erratic what works and what does not.

It’s OSM Scout Server.

On the Jolla C2:
Jolla Store: No OSM Scout server there to Download for the Jolla C2.
Storeman: Installation-Error: libicui18n.so.68()(64bit) missing.
Chum (from Website, because GUI doesn´t show up): Installation failed (without any detailed infos why).


Use Chum directly not with the Installer.

How, it doesn´t appear on the app-grid.

Download the RPM from https://repo.sailfishos.org/obs/sailfishos:/chum/4.6_aarch64/aarch64/sailfishos-chum-gui-0.6.9-1.10.1.jolla.aarch64.rpm, install, open Settings inside Chum app and set Sailfish version to


Thank you, this does the Trick

Is there anybody who is using HERE from Pure Maps and has the traffic tiles loading correctly (i.e. have an old account)?

I’ve made a PR on github which fixes it for me (with a new account), but I’m not sure whether it breaks it for old accounts: Update tile URL for HERE traffic by omartijn · Pull Request #691 · rinigus/pure-maps · GitHub

Any feedback is appreciated.


I don’t know if its already communicated, but seems that Pure Maps cant work on Jolla C2 atm.
The GPU is unknown.

[defaultuser@S19mps ~]$ harbour-pure-maps 
Current locale: en_GB
Translation not found
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libutils.so" not found
library "libdmabufheap.so" not found
library "libbase.so" not found
library "libz.so" not found
library "libcutils.so" not found
library "android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so" not found
library "libgralloctypes.so" not found
library "libhidlbase.so" not found
library "libhardware.so" not found
library "libc++.so" not found
[D] unknown:0 - Got library name:  "/usr/lib64/qt5/qml/io/thp/pyotherside/libpyothersideplugin.so"
[W] unknown:0 - QConnmanEngine: Unable to translate the bearer type of the unknown connection type: ""
[I] unknown:0 - Acquired QGeoPositionInfoSource: "geoclue"
[W] unknown:0 - QConnmanServiceInterface::propertiesReply "Method \"GetProperties\" with signature \"\" on interface \"net.connman.Service\" doesn't exist\n"
[D] unknown:0 - Tracking  "io.github.rinigus.OSMScoutServer"
[W] unknown:71 - file:///usr/share/harbour-pure-maps/qml/PositionSource.qml:71: TypeError: Cannot read property 'center' of null
[D] onCompleted:588 - Warning: specifying an object instance for initialPage is sub-optimal - prefer to use a Component
library "libion.so" not found
[D] unknown:0 - Geoclue client path: "/org/freedesktop/Geoclue/Master/client27"
[W] unknown:91 - file:///usr/share/harbour-pure-maps/qml/pure-maps.qml:91:5: QML PositionSource: Binding loop detected for property "active"
[W] unknown:0 - Positioning update timeout
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_3_hybrid
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night_pedestrian
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day_pedestrian
API key missing: OS_APIKEY disabling osgb_outdoor
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_4_traffic_night
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_4_traffic_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night_transit
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day_transit
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_1_terrain
API key missing: OS_APIKEY disabling osgb_roads
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_2_satellite_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day_pedestrian
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day_transit
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night_pedestrian
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night_transit
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_1_terrain
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_2_satellite_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_3_hybrid
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_4_traffic_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_4_traffic_night
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_0_streets
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_1_outdoors
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_2_satellite
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_3_satellite_streets
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_4_navigation_day
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_4_navigation_night
API key missing: OS_APIKEY disabling osgb_outdoor
API key missing: OS_APIKEY disabling osgb_roads
[W] unknown:0 - Translation not found for navigator: "en"
Started DBus service at io.github.rinigus.PureMaps
[I] unknown:0 - Using QSGMapboxGLTextureNode for map rendering. devicePixelRatio: 1
[W] unknown:0 - [ INFO ]  "{unknown}[General]: GPU Identifier: Mali-G57"
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_function_call'
  what():  bad_function_call
Aborted (core dumped)

The same problem was found with the version installed from Chum: How to make the GPS work with a Jolla C2?

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