I don’t know if its already communicated, but seems that Pure Maps cant work on Jolla C2 atm.
The GPU is unknown.
[defaultuser@S19mps ~]$ harbour-pure-maps
Current locale: en_GB
Translation not found
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libutils.so" not found
library "libdmabufheap.so" not found
library "libbase.so" not found
library "libz.so" not found
library "libcutils.so" not found
library "android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so" not found
library "libgralloctypes.so" not found
library "libhidlbase.so" not found
library "libhardware.so" not found
library "libc++.so" not found
[D] unknown:0 - Got library name: "/usr/lib64/qt5/qml/io/thp/pyotherside/libpyothersideplugin.so"
[W] unknown:0 - QConnmanEngine: Unable to translate the bearer type of the unknown connection type: ""
[I] unknown:0 - Acquired QGeoPositionInfoSource: "geoclue"
[W] unknown:0 - QConnmanServiceInterface::propertiesReply "Method \"GetProperties\" with signature \"\" on interface \"net.connman.Service\" doesn't exist\n"
[D] unknown:0 - Tracking "io.github.rinigus.OSMScoutServer"
[W] unknown:71 - file:///usr/share/harbour-pure-maps/qml/PositionSource.qml:71: TypeError: Cannot read property 'center' of null
[D] onCompleted:588 - Warning: specifying an object instance for initialPage is sub-optimal - prefer to use a Component
library "libion.so" not found
[D] unknown:0 - Geoclue client path: "/org/freedesktop/Geoclue/Master/client27"
[W] unknown:91 - file:///usr/share/harbour-pure-maps/qml/pure-maps.qml:91:5: QML PositionSource: Binding loop detected for property "active"
[W] unknown:0 - Positioning update timeout
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_3_hybrid
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night_pedestrian
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day_pedestrian
API key missing: OS_APIKEY disabling osgb_outdoor
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_4_traffic_night
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_4_traffic_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night_transit
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day_transit
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_1_terrain
API key missing: OS_APIKEY disabling osgb_roads
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_2_satellite_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day_pedestrian
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day_transit
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night_pedestrian
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night_transit
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_1_terrain
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_2_satellite_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_3_hybrid
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_4_traffic_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_4_traffic_night
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_0_streets
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_1_outdoors
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_2_satellite
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_3_satellite_streets
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_4_navigation_day
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_4_navigation_night
API key missing: OS_APIKEY disabling osgb_outdoor
API key missing: OS_APIKEY disabling osgb_roads
[W] unknown:0 - Translation not found for navigator: "en"
Started DBus service at io.github.rinigus.PureMaps
[I] unknown:0 - Using QSGMapboxGLTextureNode for map rendering. devicePixelRatio: 1
[W] unknown:0 - [ INFO ] "{unknown}[General]: GPU Identifier: Mali-G57"
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_function_call'
what(): bad_function_call
Aborted (core dumped)