Pure Maps (Native map app)

I don’t know if its already communicated, but seems that Pure Maps cant work on Jolla C2 atm.
The GPU is unknown.

[defaultuser@S19mps ~]$ harbour-pure-maps 
Current locale: en_GB
Translation not found
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libutils.so" not found
library "libdmabufheap.so" not found
library "libbase.so" not found
library "libz.so" not found
library "libcutils.so" not found
library "android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so" not found
library "libgralloctypes.so" not found
library "libhidlbase.so" not found
library "libhardware.so" not found
library "libc++.so" not found
[D] unknown:0 - Got library name:  "/usr/lib64/qt5/qml/io/thp/pyotherside/libpyothersideplugin.so"
[W] unknown:0 - QConnmanEngine: Unable to translate the bearer type of the unknown connection type: ""
[I] unknown:0 - Acquired QGeoPositionInfoSource: "geoclue"
[W] unknown:0 - QConnmanServiceInterface::propertiesReply "Method \"GetProperties\" with signature \"\" on interface \"net.connman.Service\" doesn't exist\n"
[D] unknown:0 - Tracking  "io.github.rinigus.OSMScoutServer"
[W] unknown:71 - file:///usr/share/harbour-pure-maps/qml/PositionSource.qml:71: TypeError: Cannot read property 'center' of null
[D] onCompleted:588 - Warning: specifying an object instance for initialPage is sub-optimal - prefer to use a Component
library "libion.so" not found
[D] unknown:0 - Geoclue client path: "/org/freedesktop/Geoclue/Master/client27"
[W] unknown:91 - file:///usr/share/harbour-pure-maps/qml/pure-maps.qml:91:5: QML PositionSource: Binding loop detected for property "active"
[W] unknown:0 - Positioning update timeout
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_3_hybrid
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night_pedestrian
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day_pedestrian
API key missing: OS_APIKEY disabling osgb_outdoor
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_4_traffic_night
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_4_traffic_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night_transit
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day_transit
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_1_terrain
API key missing: OS_APIKEY disabling osgb_roads
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_2_satellite_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day_pedestrian
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_day_transit
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night_pedestrian
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_0_normal_night_transit
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_1_terrain
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_2_satellite_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_3_hybrid
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_4_traffic_day
API key missing: HERE_APIKEY disabling here_4_traffic_night
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_0_streets
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_1_outdoors
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_2_satellite
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_3_satellite_streets
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_4_navigation_day
Mapbox API key missing: skipping mapbox_4_navigation_night
API key missing: OS_APIKEY disabling osgb_outdoor
API key missing: OS_APIKEY disabling osgb_roads
[W] unknown:0 - Translation not found for navigator: "en"
Started DBus service at io.github.rinigus.PureMaps
[I] unknown:0 - Using QSGMapboxGLTextureNode for map rendering. devicePixelRatio: 1
[W] unknown:0 - [ INFO ]  "{unknown}[General]: GPU Identifier: Mali-G57"
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_function_call'
  what():  bad_function_call
Aborted (core dumped)

The same problem was found with the version installed from Chum: How to make the GPS work with a Jolla C2?

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Possible solution literary a few posts up.

How I mentioned in the other thread, one has no possibility to reach the settings, if the app crashes after 1 second … Or what is meant by “offline mode”, that the whole smartphone shoulfd be offline akin flight mode !?

I had to try several times. At least one another as seen somewhere here as well. Then I could enter setup of PM and set offline mode and other stuff.

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You should turn of both WiFi and mobile network. Then start Pure Maps and make sure profile is set to Offline.

Of course you’ll then need configured OSM Scout Server from Chum, to get useable maps.


Thank you for the hint … I will try and report :slight_smile:

That is the way :wink: … I can confirm that when mobile and WiFi are off, you can open Pure Maps and it remains on and one can configure it then properly …

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This is Sony XA2 and Pure maps 3.3.0 from store. I am using developer account at here.com. I have created the account and HERE API Key quite a long ago. It looks that everything is OK, zoom, satellite, traffic, terrain.


I have noticed using Pure Maps and (currently) OpenFreeMap and MapTiler as well that the landmarks and details are qute out of date, maybe by 5 years or more. I am in Melbourne Australia.
Do others find this ?

go oflline and started again worked, thanks

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I also confirm that Here API works okay in PureMaps (online) on Xperia 10/10iii. It seems to accept the license also on Jolla C2 but here unfortunately PureMaps works only in (offline) mode with OSM scout server, so cannot test the Here API.