Since several Android Apps are affected (ING, Teams …) but not all of them (Citrix) but all Android apps can (almost) easily be launched from the terminal, I wonder why this problem is not solved.
For lauching an Android app from the terminal, one needs to enter
apkd-laucher, followed by what is found in /defaultuser/.local/share/applications/apkd_handler_com_TheSpecificAndroidApp
Since this workaaound may not be for everyone, it would be great if Jolla could solve the app-launching bug in order to offer the full potential of AppSupport. All Android apps should stay open when lauched from the app grid. I wonder why some apps are closing after launch when launched from the app grids but stay open when launched from the terminal. My wild guess is that this somehow is related to memory management because it “feels” like an OOM situation