Swedish Bank-ID/Swish

At the first opportunity to make an open client for the government eID, i’ll take some serious time off from work if that is what it takes to make one happen. BankID needs to die post haste.


I agree. I don’t have much money, but will support in any other way possible.

Moving the discussion to a better thread.

I guess that depends on what you mean. I read somewhere here that you needed Bluetooth all sorts of nonsense. Maybe it was some sort of transfer, or silly app based stuff. Hard to know.
How current is this information?

If you mean activating from the bank webpage (which is hopefully still a thing - but for how much longer?) then the oldschool pin pad is probably all the backup i want/need.

I was referring to the last time I activated BankID on my X. I could thus identify myself with the BankID app I already had on my backup Android device. The device I had been using all along, before I got it to work in AAS.

My bank gives me the opportunity to register up to three BankID units.

Please fill in then blanks and don’t leave me guessing.
How did the activation actually happen? How long ago was this?

Well, it’s some time ago… Swedish Bank-ID/Swish - #44 by eson
My bank (ICA Banken) made me activate (logged in on web page) a second registration via my first mobile one. Of course there was also the pin pad choice.

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Look what I found in latest BankID settings…

I have an idea. Why don’t we all report Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB to diskrimineringsombudsmannen (DO), because they don’t provide BankID for Linux users?
To me, it smells of discrimination from afar.

I would think that the more people who report, the greater the chance that they will actually investigate it.

My registration has now been submitted.

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Welcome to the dystopia of free enterprise.
I have contacted Konkurrensverket both 2020 and 2022, and the relevant ministers on both Sweden and EU level. As well as DIGG.

I know, I was also engaged in another campaign, 6 or 7 years ago, but that didn’t include discrimination. So I thought a mass campaign from this angle, could be worth trying.
I mean, it doesn’t cost anything, except a few minutes typing.

I can even share my submission (.docx version) as inspiration or template for those who want to help, though I’m sure you can do it better then me.