[Release notes] Sauna

I still have a problem with IPv4 after fresh boot and loosing signal once. After fresh reboot dual IP stack works fine, then I set phone to inside of the iron cattle and close lid so that it’ll loose connectivity. After taking phone from the cattle it gets a network again but only IPv6 works unless mobile connection is toggled once off/on (Elisa 4g, Sony X 10 III Pieksämäki). And it happens only once after the reboot, loosing connectivity second time does not cause IPv4 connectivity issues…

Hold on. Removing AAS doesn’t mean loosing apps. Wait a moment and all apps will be back.

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I’m sorry, but I didn’t have the presence of mind to log the progress, but in short, I was asked by the upgrade tool to uninstall the package appsupport11-system-unpprivileged and two more packages, which I didn’t notice name of.

At first I ignored the call and hit the upgrade button… and upgrade failed. So, after reboot I did pkcon remove appsupport11-system-unpprivileged and went on with upgrade process.

This time was OK, Upgrade went through and booted into, but obviously AAS and android apps where gone.

After a very very looong waiting time I was able to reinstall AAS from Store and my crucial android apps turned out to be still there.

No major damage done so to say, just a normal Sailfish nail-biter. :wink:


I’d call no BankID fairly major. Who knows if we can even activate it any more…

Edit: Nevermind, i need to learn to read. (Or eat before reading).

I know, that was the nail-biter. Well, I checked and it was still activated.

You really should get a second BankID on a backup phone. That way you can allways activate a fresh install.
Just remember to use it at least once every third month, or it will be blocked.

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In the android signal app, opening a chat and using the app button does not leave the app anymore \o/

For completeness: i had no issues with the upgrade (AAS or otherwise).


Using WhatsApp, when I back-arrow out of chat app doesn’t close and reopen again, as it was in .11 and .12.

Now it behaves properly where I back arrow and am at top level and can click on another person/group and chat with them.

I am really impressed how the .12/feedback/.13 fix happened and so quickly.

As others have stated, I would be happy with little fixes frequently like this. May this sailing success be a harbinger of sunnier skies and smoother waters ahead!


Yeah, would make those 5 bucks definitely a better sale than updates twice a year, rolling EA distribution channel for the brave?


If closing an Android App by swiping down instead of using the back button, does it still kill the backgrounf process?

The one uses WhatsApp and accepting its privacy policy is the one that is harming themselves.

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Yeah, but there are people who have different priorities and want to use sfos even with spyware, no point in shaming them, you keep using it as a degoogler/defacebooker/deandroider, let others use it as a linux phone with android app capabilities


So glad it’s working again. Can anyone explain what “stop release” is?

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There are also people who are forced to use certain applications for work or other circumstances.

While I appreciate hard stance of some organizations like FSF for maintenance of an ideal, the life demands pragmatism. It is always better to have the option of slightly compromised system rather than the choice between „unusable pure” and „completely corrupted”.


For me the update (from, 10ii dual sim) says that I have to remove


and fails.

Exactly the same as me.
pkcon remove appsupport11-system-unprivileged
and you should be good to upgrade.
You’ll have to reinstall AppSupport afterwards.


I understand what you’re saying, Kan_ibal. Yes, it was work-related. I’m not skilled enough to prove, so I hope that the remaining personal communications I have in Whisperfish are segregated from WhatsApp. I don’t have both apps actively open in hopes of preventing data “leakage” to WA.

But, yes, work precipitated WA usage. And that still ostracized me. Everyone else (USA) here uses group texts for communications. Via this forum, I’ve learned that this is a U.S.-only thing that makes no fiscal sense anywhere else in the world, is not supported in SFOS, and I’ve resigned myself to never seeing implemented in SFOS. So WA was the alternative with widest acceptance by colleagues and clients to accomplish group messaging and media sharing.

Working on live events with teams of people that need to have group communications, but whose team members change for every event, it’s wearying trying to overcome inertia of literally everyone simply doing group texts. WA was the least-resisted option.

But I love SFOS and have been a staunch supporter since the introduction of the N9, which I still have on a shelf.

Thanks for your input, though. Others who may not be aware of WA privacy issues may find your post informative in the future.


Apparently, in this version, Aurora quits unexpectedly after a download is complete and ready to be installed. Should I disable the options that I enabled for it to work in