Swedish Bank-ID/Swish

What a shit instruction. However, i’m still 99% that should be scanned with your old id, enrollment comes later.

Already tried that, and the android got registered twice.

From just scanning that first code? I very much doubt that.

Bear in mind that just logging in does not let you get new ids. You have to request them in a separate signing action, which i guess is what we’re looking at. So unless you left out steps, that can’t be the case.

Also afaik, you have BankID-themed pages for the actual enrollment, not something your bank runs.

I don’t remember exactly what happened after I scanned that QR code but I did end up with two BankID registered on my android device.
When I have the time to spend in phone queue, I will try to get an activation code that way.

Sounds like you should try again.
Pro tip is to put the Android phone away after that first signing.

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I just did, and guess what? This time it worked. I finally have BankID and Swish on my Sailfish Device, as well as the crap unit. :tada: :smiley:


Glad to hear you got it working :partying_face:

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Reading this thread is something like reading Kafka’s Trial without the scenery.


I sometimes think there must be some dark cabal orchestrating all of this in the background, just so they can see how far they may be able to push us - but then a more terrifying thought comes to my mind, what if there is no powerful conspiracy behind it and we just comply our way into electronic dystopia out of pure ignorance. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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oh, sadly true. Even if ‘we’ are being helped along by economies of scale achieving one fait accompli after the other. The problem is that for every reasonable argument for a measure (let’s say, digitizing health care data), there are 10 opportunists willing to corrupt the original idea and abuse it for personal gain. Who needs a Cabal when greedy opportunist shit heads run the game Pluralistic: 07 Jul 2022 – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow (heavily American).

And there’s no trough like a public trough to sup at!

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Just to get back to the thread, maybe it’s a good idea to make an actual step by step ‘howto’?


The problem is that there probably is a different procedure for different banks.

Ah, damn. Of course. I’m being thick. One bank to rule them all (shudder).

I think other banks might not have such a shitty instruction as mine.

I too had an issue scanning QR codes in swish with my last install on my Xperia 10, not having Google Play services, so when setting up my Xperia 10 II I just wanted it to work™. So I installed Google play into my microG setup and now it works (and I don’t get the nagging pop up in BankID).

Both Swish and BankID works, level of functionality depends on him much Google you allow on your system.

You mean you replaced it?

Well, you’re (partly) correct, it was me who mixed things up. I used Open GAPPS, not microG this time around. So no replacement, just basic Google apps.

I removed microG Core, framework Proxy and Fakestore. BankID and Swish still works as well as before and i also disabled “Disable Android App Support system package verifikation”.

I use swedbank and could create a cert using bankid from aurora store. But it really is a mess with swedish bankid. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

A note I did is that I don’t need google play thingy for bankid app. Just ignore the popup. However I noticed that swish can not scan the barcodes but I will create a separate thread here about it since it is offtopic.

Its different story with Icabanken app it also expect “google service” and there seems to be no way ignore that warning it simply don’t work.

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