[Release notes] Sauna

Indeed, I am well aware that both and are Early Access Releases, hence:

But 7 out of the 9 issues (almost 80%) in my previous post that I need some kind of workarounds for predate the 4.6 EA release and have existed, in most cases, across many previous releases and for many years.

The other two issues currently needing workarounds were introduced by the two 4.6 EA releases themselves.

Of the 80% of ‘old’ issues needing workarounds, the 4.6 EA release neither sought to fix them, nor did fix them (although Android mobile data connectivity is said to be at least improved by 4.6 EA).

It wasn’t a complaint at all, more of a sad observation of all the workarounds I have to implement on a regular basis to keep my two SFOS phones usable. I wish it wasn’t necessary, and I am sad that such a ‘high maintenance’ phone will put normal users off and will be detrimental to growing the SFOS user base, but I also accept that in the current circumstances for Jolla this is never likely to change.

It is what it is …


I confirm APK install bug, happens for me on 10 III as well

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When I saw a new Sauna release I thought it will fix my issue with Hand free calls and Bluetooth.
Hand free calls are no more working in my car (golf vii 2013) since Sauna.
Unfortunately this issue is still here. I can get music but no calls :frowning:

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Are you sure that’s new in 4.6?

Because it sounds an awful lot like Bluetooth: Car Kit only sees A2DP, not HFP

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Ok, so mixed results starting Android apps from the command line under EA. Some work (Slack, Opera Mini), but some still don’t at all (Zoom, LinkedIn) - and for the ones that do work, its not reliably every time. Out of, say, say five tries Slack will open successfully only twice. Could this be a memory management issue introduced with (e.g. they tried to fix the OOM issues but inadvertently made it worse for Android apps)?

Interestingly I use Facebook Lite, Instagram Lite and Outlook Lite (for my Microsoft 365 accounts) and all of those work every time from the app grid - but they are ‘lite’ versions, so perhaps less memory intensive.

Interesting, because the bug when launching some affected Andriod apps from the app grid “feels” like an OOM situation because the app shortly appears and then vanishes.

This does not occur to me when I start the affected apps via the terminal.

To solve the problem that Aurora Store and Obtainum cannot install applications in, you can do the following:

  • Activate the developer options in AppSupport. To do this, go to Android settings (you can launch it with the command devel-su -p apkd-launcher com.android.settings), select the last option ‘Phone info’, and at the bottom of the screen click 7 times on ‘build number’.
  • Now go to Android Settings, select the penultimate option ‘System’ and go to ‘Developer options’.
  • At the bottom in the Apps section, we activate the options ‘Force resizing of activities’, ‘Enable free-form windows’ and ‘Enable free formatting of compatible applications’.

With that, the window for installing apps in Aurora Store, Obtainum and Neo Store will appear again.


Nice catch, and it works! :+1:
You must know your android. :wink:


Kudos for a new release and some major changes as it seems.

Most things work for me already, still lacking some of the 3rd party repo things but that’s probably to be expected when being early adaptor :slight_smile:

I do have a question though: It looks like starting in Appsupport Android Settings one can alomost select a “lockscreen” mode. Before it simply didn’t do anything after selecting and configuring one - now it complains when one tries to change it twice that one lock mode has already been set. Yet, the UI keeps showing none and when restarting one can indeed “almost” set a new mode.

Are there any intentions to make this work or at least report anything other than “none” to Android apps which - for whatever level of pseudo-security - require this to operate?


Works great. For me apkd-launch com.android.settings command didn’t work for some reason but managed to get to settings by clicking “Show lisences” on App Support page in settings and after that clicking back arrow on top left corner.

Should be apkd-launcher com.android.settings


Bluetooth is really unstable… Connections get lost an can not be reastablished. That did not work perfectly in the past, but now it is really annoying.


… indeed it is. :sweat_smile:


Thank you! It works. Nice. Well done.
I have filed an internal bug about this. This issue is “tracked”.


Since .12 i seem to have more internet connection problems. That shouldn’t really have changed since .11, right? Are there instructions on how to gather logs for that? Are logs needed?

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I have the feeling the OOM killer may have become overzealous (or something new has eaten up a lot of memory), since for example Signal keeps restarting when moving from one chat to another.

Thank you for the update.
I have to report a few bugs.
On my 10 III MagicEarth disappeared. It’s now impossible to install apps from Aurora. Downloading new apps and updating within Aurora works but installing doesn’t happen.
On my XA2 plus MagicEarth is still there, but same story: updating of Android apps works, but not installing.
On the XA2 plus suddenly no sound when calling, making phone calls doesn’t work at all.

Installing Apps from Aurora is still possible. The problem is that the “install” window is invisible. But it is there. You (just :wink: )have to guess the right place, see Android apps not installing on

Or you change the Android setting s a described here: [Release notes] Sauna - #47 by Juanro49


There is a blue installing window/button where I can tap on after having downloaded the app: ‘install’. However nothing happens when I tap on it and the window/button keeps saying ‘installing’.
Same with updates.

Are you using the latest version of Aurora Store (4.4.4)?
From what you are describing it appears to me that you might be using an older version of Aurora Store