Pure Maps (Native map app)

Hmmm. I can get GPS fix without issues on the 10III but even with mapbox api keys and conf copied from my 4.6 working version, pure map just crashes. It looks like some dependancy changed.

I just checked on github and no one has made an issue yet? @rinigus are you aware that there is an issue? I’ll post what the terminal gives in a ticket if it’s news.

Those who have crashes are you using Pure Maps on SFOS version that is available at Chum? So, if you are on SFOS 4.6.x.y you use the corresponding repo at OBS? If you mix SFOS and Chum versions, there is nothing to do about it until Chum will cover your version.

…but running offline with OSM Scout Server.

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Ok, so dependencies need to be recompiled on chum for the current release and older releases won’t work? EDIT, yes I am/was using a version installed from chum (last updated running 4.5, but functional on 4.6).

If your SFOS version is then you have to use Chum repo for the same version. If you haven’t touched Chum GUI and forced some other version, it should be like that already. I have a feeling that some of these crashes come from installing 4.6.x.y to 5.0.n.k versions.

Nope. I had a device with Pure maps installed (10iii, SFOS I upgraded it to 5… 55. Puremaps crashes. I didn’t re-install Puremaps. I just tried to run it.

Wait and see…

Same here !

So, you took the version of Pure Maps from SFOS 4.6 and made an update to SFOS 5.xxx. That’s the same problem.

In general, don’t be surprised if apps compiled in Chum for SFOS version that is different from the one on the device start crashing. And don’t start submitting it as a bug to the app as you will be wasting time of the developers to try to figure it out and ask you about it. Dependencies can change between SFOS versions and we may have to recompile it for new SFOS version. That’s what Chum is doing and please wait till Chum starts supporting your SFOS version before issuing bugs at app repositories.


I’m almost afraid to ask, but how come Pure Maps from SFOS 4.6 works perfect offline with SFOS 5.x?

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I think, for most of us using Pure Maps, and certainly in my case, we did nothing to an already installed version of the app before upgrading the OS to So whatever apps were on the phone and being used on 4.6 before upgrading the OS were still there in exactly the same state after the upgrade. Most apps continue to work fine after the OS upgrade, some (like Pure Maps), do not for whatever reason.

If this reason is an incompatibility between the existing version of the app and the new version of the OS (e.g. broken dependency) then there’s nothing we can do until the owner or maintainer of the app fixes what is now broken. Or at least this is my understanding of the situation.

A possible explanation for this is that the crashes are related to how new map data is downloaded (i.e. a compatibility issue with libcurl or whatever library is being used).

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With SFOS (Sauna) no crashing on Xperia 10 and 10III for me. Now that I updated Xperia 10 to SFOS the crashing appears after moving the map (maptiler) a bit. On C2 only offline mode works since crashing happens immediately when switching to online mode.
I do not want to upgrade my daily use Xperia 10 III, since then I will lose Pure Maps online functionality. Hopefully we’ll find out soon what the crashing causes.

Yes, that’s about what I thought to. That offline profile doesn’t use the dependencies that might be broken by online use.
As a no dev, I just wanted it to be confirmed if possible.

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Ergh. Ok. I did think it was a dependency issue and that it would need, at least, to be recompiled. However, I tested every app I maintain after the upgrade since I had some issues reported, and NONE of them crashes. Of course, many of them are just QML apps so that’s not surprising.

To reply to that question, we need Chum with 5.0 libs. So that OBS can recompile all Pure Maps dependencies against these libraries. If it crashes after recompile then it would have to be investigated further.


Hi, I’ve used Pure Maps for a long time, but since a few months (?) or so, I noticed that my maps with HERE would not redraw when I zoom in. I thought this was maybe an issue with my API key, so I created a new one yesterday an put it into Pure Maps. Now Pure Maps doesn’t show any map anymore, except for satellite. Did I do something wrong? Is HERE Maps still supported in Pure Maps?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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I had the same issue. As it seem HERE somehow closed my account. Couldn’t even reclaim it.

I switched to mapbox and everything is fine.

what’s kind of api javascropt maps or rest apis or sdk?

with rest apis i can connect but have not ruote map in sony xperia 10 , i have only a grey screen whit blue track without roads drawn; in this way isn’t usable .


I don’t think my case is the same, as I successfully created a new API key from the HERE website, so my account doesn’t seem to be closed