Post Festum Sauna 4.6

With this wiki, the aim is to list all failures that was caught during and after the “Early Access” phase.

The idea is to define each area where bugs weren’t caught to pay more attention. Feel free to change the structure of this wiki, it’s just a draft and I hope it will help to get better updates.

Please, just list bugs that appeared with the 4.6 release.

Bug/Failure Summarize Topic
[][AppSupport] Whatsapp "window" gets closed when hitting back sometimes Android Back button doesn’t work as expected Android AppSupport
Mobile connection lost with 4.6 - #3 by thigg mobile connection lost mobile data
Upgrade to Cannot unlock phone and other weirdness UI stuck after upgrade Lipstick and system services
Settings / Applications pages not working for Android apps unless AppSupport is running Those settings pages used to work for Android apps regardless of whether AppSupport was running or not, but starting from 4.6 they only show “Couldn’t get application status” when AppSupport isn’t started Android AppSupport
AppSupport reports incorrect battery level AppSupport reads correct battery level only when it is being started but then doesn’t update it, permanently reporting wrong battery level Android AppSupport

I suggest you change the title of this post as Sauna 4.6 is definitely not dead. Rather express more clearly what you want to achieve with the thread.

(If you really need to use some latin expression in this vein, which incidentally fewer people in general can be expected to understand, I would rather suggest “Post Festum”.)


Luckily not “Post Mortem” :wink:
Anyway, I’ve added two AppSupport related issues.

@wetab73 is your added line related to the battery status the same as this: Incorrect battery % level in Android Support (updated only at AS start, then no update) ?

The aim of this wiki is to list only bug and failures appeared with the 4.6 upgrade. The idea is to know what to check once the next update is deployed.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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Actually yes, it is.

What difference does it make if it is an older bug or a newly introduced bug, if it just stays there and keeps making trouble? Isn’t a bug simply a bug? Each of them should be eventually fixed and not travel from release to release to release, anyway… That battery level bug has been there for literally YEARS and no one cares.

As you can see, the report about that bug (which soon will be 1,5 years old) didn’t even get “Tracked” tag and no one from Jolla even acknowledged noticing it. I also reported it (as well as the other one) multiple times in both and threads, with the same result, i.e. none whatsoever, not even a confirmation that someone has read it.

Shouldn’t we also check if the long existing pre-4.6 bugs finally get fixed?

the common business term in the USA for this sort of thing in software development is a retrospective, which is nice because it sounds a lot more positive.

in a retrospective, the team, at regular intervals, looks at the past release/sprint/quarter/etc of an ongoing project and evaluates what went well and what went poorly, so that the team can tweak the process. (a post mortem is sort of the same thing, but when a whole project is over, and it’s more about telling the managers/owners/shareholders how it went then it is about incremental improvement of the development process)

“post festum”, though, while it does mean “after the party”, the way it is used is invariably negative, in the sense of it being too late now. using it here suggests that the party is over and we missed it so now we’re talking about it uselessly.

“Post Mortem”, as the title originally was, means “after death” in the rest of the world - how it may be misused in the US we don’t care about :-).
Sauna 4.6 is anyhow not dead, but an ongoing project that may come in new iterations.

As for “Festum” I was thinking of Jolla Love Day, which really was a party, where I perceived Sauna to be launched.

Using clear and informative headings, which I primarily gave advice about, is anyhow the best, e.g.: “Remaining issues with Sauna 4.6” would make it quite clear to any reader of the caption what the thread is about.

Postmortem documentation - Wikipedia is used in computing, but where it has gone wrong, Retrospective - Wikipedia is a more fitting term after the end of a new release :slight_smile:

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In the UK the usual terminology to review a project after completion and sort out anything remaining is ‘Wash Up’.

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i agree that these Latin phrases are actually English-language idioms and that their usage may be confusing in an international setting, but English is the de facto lingua franca of software development and technology, as in, exempli gratia, this very forum.

post mortem and retrospective are business terms, and both are used outside the USA in software development, though certainly not universally. post festum is also used outside the USA, but it always has the negative connotation of no longer being relevant.

Poetae res magnas atque sapientes res quas ipsi non intelligunt.

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Quaeso revertere ad linguam anglicus. Omnes Google interpretari possumus, sed quid punctum?