This thread is to discuss Sailfish compatibility of Android apps that cater specifically to Italy and Italians: for instance related to Italian banks, the government ID, local mobility apps. Some previous discussion is in the thread Bancoposta and poste italiane apps.
I’ll try to keep a summary of how each app works in this first post.
AQPf@acile (utilities)
Can’t login, even with Google Services
Bancoposte (banking)
Complains about missing Google services but works.
Bitmobility (electric scooters)
The registration works fine, but then the app fails to open. (Xperia 10 II, with MicroG) Confirmed also on a phone without Google Services.
BPER Banca and BPER Card (banking)
Works with Google Services
BPPB Privati (banking)
Works with Google Services
Enel Energia (utilities)
Works with Google Services
Fineco (banking)
it works fine without MicroG. The only issue is that I can’t activate the “mobile code” feature.
The mobile code feature works with Google Play Services.
FreeToX (highway network app)
Used to work fine, but after the last (mandatory) update I get a blank page when trying to log in. (Xperia 10 II, with MicroG).
Ho mobile (mobile operator)
Works even without MicroG/Google Services (xa2)
INPS Mobile (state-owned pension services)
Works with Google Services.
Intesa San Paolo (banking)
works with Google services (4.5, Xperia 10).
Crashes after login (without Google services).
…but it used to work in 4.4.
IO (state-owned public services)
Used to work, now complains about the Android system being too old.
Junker (waste recycling)
Works with MicroG, but weirdly not with actual Google services
MLOL Ebook Reader (public libraries)
Best. Xperia 10 III -, No MicroG
MySielteID (SPID - state-owned electronic login / ID service)
No issue whatsoever. Xperia 10 III -, No MicroG
MyTIM (mobile operator)
Works with Google Services
PosteID (SPID - state-owned electronic login / ID service)
Complains about missing Google services but works.
Works with Google Services.
Satispay (electronic payments)
Works flawlessly (Xperia 10 II, with MicroG). (small ads)
No login possible. Both with or without microG
Works with Google services
Tap&Park (mobility)
Works for me (Xperia 10 II, with MicroG).
Trenitalia (train service)
Conflicting reports:
Occasionally complains about missing Google services but otherwise works fine, including ticket purchases. (Xperia 10 II, with MicroG).
crashes on startup (X10III with MicroG).
Unicredit (banking)
Works flawlessly, even for 2FA - Xperia 10 III -, no MicroG
Webank (banking)
Works fine (X10III with MicroG)
I’ll start with a request. Has anyone had success with the electric scooter app Bitmobility?
Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me (Xperia 10 II with MicroG): the registration works fine, but the app fails to open. This might be related to showing the map.
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Webank app works fine (this confirms that apps that do not work do so only due to bad coding).
Trenitalia crashes on startup (X10III with MicroG).
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Unicredit bank app
Xperia 10 III -
NO MicroG
Works flawlessly (it even receives authorization notifications for credit card online purchases).
MySielteID (SPID app)
Xperia 10 III -
NO MicroG
No issue whatsoever.
MLOL Ebook Reader (public library app)
Xperia 10 III -
NO MicroG
Best. (Only issue, Firefox uses it to open the .pdfs I download, but that’s something I might have set somewhere).
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I use the Fineco app and it works fine without MicroG. The only issue is that I can’t activate the “mobile code” feature.
Let me write these down in a separate post, so I have something to link above.
IO (App dei servizi pubblici)
Used to work, now complains about the Android system being too old (Xperia 10 II, with MicroG).
Works for me (Xperia 10 II, with MicroG).
Occasionally complains about missing Google services but otherwise works fine, including ticket purchases. (Xperia 10 II, with MicroG).
Hello fph. I tried bitmobility in Prato with same results: it blanked after the registration.
I will add later here below the apps I use in Italy without Google services.
without MicroG
Famiglia GBR
BNL Banca app
BNL Trading
Works flawlessly (Xperia 10 II, ).
Intesa Sanpaolo
Works flawlessly (Xperia 10 II, ).
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A couple more:
Satispay (Payments)
Works flawlessly (Xperia 10 II, with MicroG).
FreeToX (Highway network app)
Used to work fine, but after the last (mandatory) update I get a blank page when trying to log in. (Xperia 10 II, with MicroG).
The morons developing it added some kind of security requiring some kind of feature only present in very latest Androids. Nice work for an app that should be used by everyone.
Aren’t we having android 11 from xa2 and up?isn’t that enough?
anyway there should be a way to recompile apps for old androids
Oh and by the way, shouldn’t a post called “jolla pizza and mandolino” be in italian? 
Yes, I have Android 11 on my 10 II and it is not enough. Maybe the issue is security patches? The FAQ doesn’t tell exactly what the problem is, it contains only buzzwords (“IO has started using a technology that makes it even more secure but is not compatible with older devices”).
And, as Jameson notes, this is particularly stupid in an app that is used, among other things, to apply for certain tax bonuses for low-income citizens.
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As much as i agree with you (100%) i doubt we will see some low income citizen spendig 49€ for a sailfish licence 
True, but I imagine the issue is not Sailfish-specific, since it is mentioned also in the FAQs on their website. If Android 11 is not good enough then they’re asking low-income citizens to spend 100 € or more for a very recent phone.
I have flashed android 9 on my i4113 and got Io working so it is surely some security layer missing or not working on our end.
I want to thank for the creation of this thread, and will to add another broken app. Subito app. Not login possible. Both with or without microG
I’ve not MicroG but Google Play Services installed and I’m able to use the Fineco mobile code feature.
With Google Play Services works:
- PosteID
- INPS Mobile
- BPPB Privati
- BPER Banca
- BPER Card
- Enel Energia
With Google Play Services doesn’t work:
- AQPf@acile (can’t login, the login popup disappears and nothing happens)
Good to know, thanks for correcting me. I wonder what the problem is then; maybe SafetyNet?
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According to microG reporting, it says that SafetyNet is definitely not passing on Sailfish. Maybe’s that.
I want to make an update regarding Intesa San Paolo app: I’ve downgraded to SFOS 4.4 and it’s not crashing. I’ll try to update via OTA and report if maybe it is still working, but guessing it’s an issue of the new android version.
Edit: can confirm that after updating 4.5 intesa doesn’t work
With Google Play Services:
- works well and it’s possible the login
Thanks to user Fabio I get a bit more practical and got installed Google services on 4.5 on my Xperia 10. With this intesa works downloaded from the the Google play.