one of my main concern is my bank account, or better the card associated with it, because it requires a code sent throught the app for authorizing payments, and althought it does bother me a lot unfortunately that’s the way it is
so i was wonder if any italian is using the bancoposta android app to confirm me if it works or not…
I’m on an Xperia 10 iii with SFOS and Microg (but no Google Play Services).
Both BancoPosta and Poste Italiane complain about missing google services but work (I don’t use BancoPosta for payments, so I can’t test notifications, but the apps seems to work just fine). With Poste Italiane you can’t search for the nearest post office (because of missing google services).
For some reason, though, PosteID doesn’t work, right after launch it complains that there is no internet connection (but there is) or that it is not allowed to connect (but I was never asked nor denied access to the internet to the app itself).
I’ve used both Bancoposta and PosteID with the same warning as Orologiaio above, that the device has been “tampered with or rooted” but it then works ok. I’ve had problems sometimes installing updates from Aurora store, recently resolved by setting the spoofing settings to a device with an old API (25 I think). Mostly I use my PC and authenticate via sms - they say the limit is 10 per 3 months but I think it’s not enforced.
Posteid works for me, both with QR and in-app authentication (no need to use SMs). I have also experienced the “no internet connection” warning in the past on occasion, but the app still let me authenticate with an OTP. I don’t have Bancoposta so I can’t provide a data point there.
Can you try again now on 4.5 since Jolla removed the root from normal apps? PosteId should work better. ( I am exploring things since I’ve order an Xperia 10 and wanted to make the SailSwitch
If it can help, I confirm that Posteid continues working seamlessly for me on 4.5. I just authenticated via QR code on the INPS website and everything worked. Xperia 10 II with Sailfish 4.5.18; Microg installed and no Google Play Services; lockscreen with code or fingerprint on the Sailfish side.
Allora, ufficio postale non trova le mappe per via dei google service mancanti. Ma si apre almeno. Postepay si lamenta ma sembra che va. PosteId non mi va per niente. Intesa San paolo Mobile neanche…
To install Poste Italiane app like PostePay, PosteID e BancoPoste occorre installare prima il market F-Droid¹ e a quello installare il market Aurora e poi su Aurora² si trovano le app di Poste Italiane.
However, at the moment the PosteID does not work because it requires the upgrade of Google Play Services which can be downloaded form Aurora or from Uptodown³.
However also in the last version 23.02.14, it does not allow PosteID to work. Therefore, the problem is somewhere in its configuration and not in the version.
ho installato bancoposte e postepay, e tutte e due funzionano perfettamente, per poste id non l’ho installata ma sembra che lo spid di sielte funzioni perfettamente con sailfish…
È un altro provider SPID diverso da Poste Italiane. È un account diverso, che richiede un’identificazione diversa, ma poi ci puoi fare le stesse cose che fai con lo SPID delle poste.
Oltre al fatto che pare faccia abbastanza pena come app, infatti:
CieID: 2.5 stelle 11K reviews e 1M+ downloads
Così abbiamo capito anche qual’é lo svantaggio di avere un fornitore unico istituzionale.
Cerchiamo di rimanere focalizzati sull’obbiettivo: avere lo SPID o la CIE. La CIE abbiamo visto che non funziona almeno l’app ufficiale del Poligrafico dello Stato. Fra i vari fornitori dello SPID le app meglio votate e più scaricate sono:
PosteID: 3.9 stelle con 915K reviews e 10M+ downloads
SielteID: 4.2 stelle con 15.1K reviews e 500K+ downloads
Non ho provato SielteID e comunque anche dando per scontato che funzioni ci sono oltre 10 milioni di utilizzatori di PosteID e quindi trovo ragionevole che lo si faccia funzionare giacchè probabilmente risolvendo quel problema ci si instrada anche verso analisi e risoluzione i problemi di ProtonMail notifiche push e Telegram X notifiche push.
PosteID has always worked for me, as long as all microG apps are correctly installed. I get a message every time I open the app saying the device has been “modified” but after that it works fine.
Edit: I tried to do a sepa transfer and the PosteID app could not read the QR code…camera black…but this often happens with the camera app, usually solved by switching cameras or to video and back. I tried to log in to the account on my pc using PosteID and got ‘autenticazione fallita.’