Jolla Love Day 2

The point is that you pay 5 euros per month for what? For an old Android support where most of the banking apps are not working and when it turns to support/help you end up still on this forum. So you pay for what?


It’s not entirely like that. You will not receive any updates to the commercial components, meaning you will be stuck with AppSupport in a specific version if you stop paying your subscription fee. You can still update the free components from the command line, but I assume this won’t work for the commercial bits.

While I passionately hate how every company seems to be transitioning to subscription-based licensing models lately, I kind of understand it when it’s meant to pay for further development of the software.

It also gives the community an easy way to continuously support Jolla, something that has been asked for several times on this forum.

As mentioned above, I’m not thrilled about this development on principle, but I guess there will always be winners and losers with such drastic changes.


for the development of Sailfish OS as well as for appsupport. I only need one banking app (which I tested before) and it works without problems. I am really glad to have an opportunity to the both major mobile OS systems.

I paid enough for the last 7 years. Almost every yearI bought a phone + sailfish license. I have all the 10’s till mark IV…And I don’t remember to have a version of Sailfish without big issues. Now they want me to pay and get the same quality?!? Thanks, but no thanks. And the pre-order of C2 and Mind2 reminds me of Jolla Tablet. But some people never learn.

why do you buy a phone every year? this makes no sense to me…sorry.


Will the C2 really be so huge? I was hoping it’s just a typo in the specs, but it didn’t change overnight…
Why? A 18cm tall phone in my pocket? If that’s the case, I’ll go with the Xperia line.
Did I understand it correctly, that Xperia 10 IV and V will receive the latest and greatest SFOS & commercial components, the same as the C2, right?

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To ‘support’ Jolla. Every phone was a huge leap from the previous as Sailfish experience. Even though the best experience I had with XA2 Plus, but that one was 32bit, so I ‘had’ to upgrade

Kinda like with some geopolitical things, like freedom and unpolluted environment, I think we all or most might underestimate how much it all costs just to have. Struggling with comprehending it often.

I’ve also paid for everything since first Nokia N-series day, to J1+TOH, to today on X10III. It’s still more of a badge of honor feeling, than a cost center feeling. I’ve never felt like J doesn’t appreciate its paying customers.

«If it can be bought with money, it’s cheap» is real, but it certainly arrives for everyone differently and at different times, so not looking to dump on your experience.

Itmw, we could just treat it like a special club membership that it is, be friends, make friends, party together more, take pride in supporting something unique. Feeling salty (for what?) doesn’t seem like the better alternative.


What’s wrong with this business model? Amazon offers free returns. Do some people abuse it? Absolutely. The benefits for the majority of customers must still offset the losses, or they would stop offering it.
Jolla will have done their maths and likely assume the vast majority will buy such a licence. If someone is so desperate not to pay their subscription fee, they may also just use a pirated version of AppSupport in the first place, saving themselves even the initial €5.


ok, but Jolla never told people to do so and from an ecological point of view it is a waste of ressources - so I don’t do things like this in general. I mean it is the business of Jolla - and if they were satisfied with ~50 Euros for 5 - 7 years of upgrades (with appsupport), it was their choice.
Now they decided to take more money, which is fine for me, so that I (and all the other buyers) can support them continously. Hopefully this leads to better software, faster upgrades and more native apps.
Btw.: yes. there are some issues with Sailfish OS - but every time I must use another mobile OS there are issues as well which annoy me. And I never had problems which prevented the use of a Sailfish powered phone as a daily driver (Jolla 1, XA2 so far).


If you knew how often my phone ends up nose-diving onto concrete, you would not be that surprised. :grin:


My problem is always the battery getting old and that after some years a replacement is too expensive for an old phone. So maybe I am a lucky one :grin:

Yeah guess you pay 25€ for AppSupport license which stays. Then you can update here and then paying 5€ for the updates (four times, 20€ a year, for example). I like this idea, those who want to support can pay every month for a better software.


Because most likely most people didn’t do it this way (as you did). It is more likely Jolla is getting more money with the subscription model.

Sure we should - just not speculating wildly.

They were not sold at the same time. This is an apples-to-oranges comparison.
Jolla C terms are the same as J1 and Tablet.

Call it what you will.
IMO you’ll at least have to choose between upgrades and AppSupport if you stop paying. I.e. it will be taken away at upgrade.
And if you need to reflash - don’t expect to have it back when not paying.

Full terms are likely TBD. But i do doubt remote kill-switches.


I always give away my old devices to prospective Sailfish users, so there’s a certain positive aspect to buying a new phone every year. :grinning:


This is a good idea, but I don’t see you complaining about… :wink:

Paypal would probably take additional €2 per payment, either from Jolla or from me. So either Jolla would only get €36, or I would pay €84. Therefore FCK paypal and monthly subscriptions.

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Probably, but a lot of people here on the forum (usually not those who requested subscription) did it. Anyway, history shows that almost every company abused the subscription model by changing the rules in time.

Let’s see, that’s speculation…