Jolla Love Day 2

1 - Would it be too much to expect a jolla blog article summarising the events of the day - so i don’t have to wade through pages of speculation in search of ‘the truth’?

2 - Re: the instanta-whining about the Community Phone being from a Turkish company. Can we please see an end to this nascent EUronationalism. It’s stupidity, pure and simple.

3 - I was initially delighted on hearing of a $300 Community Phone. Would have dropped the cash in an instant, simply for the convenience of not having to trouble myself with the responsibility of the OS install.

However, I have no interest in a subscription model. And I certainly will not boost the apparent popularity of a subscription model by ‘buying’ a Community phone instead of paying for a 10v licence.

If Jolla really wanted to guage the acceptability of subscription models, they’d offer the Community Phone in two versions:
a) $300 + $5.99/m
b) $400 + lifetime updates

I [would] buy the latter, precisely to signal boost my preferred payment model to Jolla.


Now I finally see what the Mind2 could be good for :grin:


this is a good start:
“Was funny to hear that Reeder is a true European phone. I don’t know what they teach in finnish schools but technically majority of Turkey (Samsun also) is in Asia. So they replace a shady partnership from a dictatorship country with another one. When west will not tolerate anymore Erdogan, what will Jolla do?”

Just like I did not get any serious AppSupport updates (Android version, security patches, etc.) on the 10 III in the last two years until only today, despite having paid €50 upfront for it?

Does it really take such a thing, and not simply a dedicated separate Donation / Support item to buy ( maybe also in a subscription form) in their shop, whenever one wants to?


Yes. One may argue the last two years have been an exceptionally turbulent period in Jolla’s history, so they may not be entirely representative of what’s to come, though.

I just tried to point out what was asked by the community on this very forum. Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m personally not into this subscription madness myself.


The funniest thing is that Xperia 10 IV and V are almost no upgrade on top of III and the C2 is slower than Xparia 10 II. I guess the best course of action is to just keep the III and avoid subscription entirely. :upside_down_face:


That’s how I see it.
So as long as you pay once the subscription (whatever reasonable minimum period there is), you are good to go.
App support was being updated once every X amount of years so far and the rest never (or getting axed like predictive text), so I don’t see any problem here.

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Jolla announced During Love Day 2 that support for Xperia 10 IV and V will be coming out some time in August 2024.

Jolla! It would be super if you could at your earliest convenient time let us know what version of the Xperia 10 IV and V base firmware you want to have at Sailfish install time!

Once we get our phones and run them a while on Android (to verify they are functioning normally, as you recommend), the system might want to update itself to beyond what the Sailfish installer expects. And this of course might cause issues, I ended up spending time downgrading my 10 III before installation for exactly this reason.


Android 13


Sailfish 5 apparently will upgrade AppSupport to Android 13. The specification of Jolla C2 says it brings API Level 33, which is Android 13


Wait what. 5 is bigger than 4.6.

Sure, that’s the future version that will come in fall, when the Jolla C2 will be delivered.

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That probably is also the version that will bring the support for 10 IV and 10 V, which apparently need to be stock Android 13 when being flashed.

No, wait, they promised it sooner, sans AppSupport.

Sorry, if I did not read all comments but I wonder about the ones adressing the subscription. Jolla the company was/is in struggle and the worst that can happen is that the product (SFOS) gets archived for ever. So, the subscription is a model to support these guys and the first reactions are ‘how to circumvent such a support model?’ Not sure, if such actors understand that this is an equivalent to ‘how to bring the company in a bad state, activly!’

Thats the eagle view - any argument about what you get or not for the fee, does not include the whole context.


If that’s the purpose they could simply accept donations.

I’m guessing that subscription model brings bring bit more stable flow of money compared to donations. I don’t personally like the subscription model, but I do understand the needs for small company which is trying to get up and running again. So mind2 for me and I’ll pay for the subscription. I’m interested in trying other LLM’s in it and perhaps creating my own agents for not so general purposes.


Afaik, Finnish law prevents companies from accepting donations unless they have permit for it and you can get the permit only if the donations go for “public benefit activities”. Jolla would have to give you something in return for you “donation” so it would count as payment instead of donation.


So, chinese SoC’s, but I guess that’s the gist nowadays?

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I’ve just bought a brand new Xperia 10 V and it is shipped with Android 14😒
I’ll have to downgrade😨


That’s how the world currently turns. It might be possible to get equally performant chip from somewhere else. But might be hard to get something with equally low power. Apple’s M-seriers comes to mind, but they are not available (AFAIK). Nvidia’s Jetson and similar are powerful, but demand bigger battery. They are also pricey components. Mind2 comes as a plug’n play product (later, the pre-series is not a consumer grade product) and is expensive enough with the RK3588.