Jolla Love Day 2

I’m not saying I can’t afford $5 per month. I just don’t like subscriptions. Even for my Windoze anti-virus I buy a new licence each 12/18 months rather than renewing.

Well, you know, the actual point is that I really WANT to give Jolla more money as I understand that they need more. But not via monthly subscription that I TRULY HATE and won’t force myself to do it. Hence my request to keep a one-time payment as an additional option. If it’s gone, then I will be literally FORCED to provide Jolla with less funds than what I’ve been doing so far, as having no possibility to pay them one-time fee of some $50 (or $60 or whatever else it might be) and not accepting monthly subscriptions, I will be left with no other choice but what you’re suggesting, i.e. give them $5 at start and then $5 per update, i.e. quite possibly not more than $15 per year. Silly, isn’t it?


Then you can do them a fiver once and you’re golden, but don’t expect updates, seems fair, and if you so REALLY WANT to support them, you can do that again next month, or when they release an update, who cares, do what you want


It always amazes me how in the very place meant to share opinions and points of view regarding the topic (or what else is this thread meant for?), there’s always someone annoyed by others doing just that, i.e. expressing their opinions and suggestions regarding the very topic.

My comment was meant solely to express (and possibly to communicate to Jolla) that there are people who would appreciate still having an option to pay once, quite possibly a higher amount than now. Are you saying it was a wrong place to post it? If so, may you suggest a better place?


No, it’s you who always (has to) have the last word.

Yes, but in a way that’s acceptable for me. I can give some poor person on the street $50, but I won’t accept being instead expected to keep coming back to him monthly and giving him $5 a month rather than everything at once, because he prefers so. Get the point?

How kind, as usual.

Good bye. Hopefully.

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I truly admire the sharpness of your mind.

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Yeah, ppl are given more freedom and choice: no need to pay upfront for 6 months as maybe there will be no update, you can pay another fiver when it comes out, and here we have you, I DEMAND paying upfront, so just like subscription I guess? Seriously, if the update fixes feature you don’t use, just skip it and pay the fiver when something useful shows up, how can anyone be against it?

I’ll continue this dissusion only after Jolla clearly and unambiguously explains how the new licensing (subscription) model is going to work. Including whether AppSupport will continue to work (or not) after one stops paying the monthly subscription. Only then it will turn out if only supporting monthly subscriptions by Jolla is really FREEDOM and CHOICE as you’re stating, or if it is actually VICE VERSA, if it turns out that e.g. in order to keep AppSupport working you HAVE TO pay monthly.


But none at Jolla have said anything about that yet. Who says that they wont charge you for the months you missed/skipped/didnt subscribe, once you decide to subscribe again for the next month? So until someone at Jolla clarifies this point, maybe you shouldnt suggest it as an option/alternative

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So starting a new account in 6 months will cost you 30 bucks extra??? We NEED/DEMAND clarification on this? Srsly is this some kind of fud campaign?

The information you’re referring to is SOLELY about the Community Phone and not about the 10 IV or 10 V, to which completely different licensing terms may apply. For the Community Phone one has to pay Jolla an initial purchase price of 299 euros (which is way more than what that device normally costs on the market) so it quite possibily also covers the cost of software, whereas in case of 10 IV and V there obviously won’t be any such initial payment for Jolla, so the only income in case of those specific devices can be the monthly fee.

So maybe read more precisely what’s really written instead of scolding others, because the information concerning SOLELY the Community Phone has literally ZERO in common with how licensing terms for the 10 IV and V may look like.

Saying the same about that same device, i.e. the Community Phone. Which has literally ZERO to do with how it will look with the Xperia 10 IV/V commercial licensing. Not a single word has been said about it.

It’s just like it was with the Jolla 1, where AppSupport was sold to the user WITHIN the purchase price of the phone, and that’s why it remained working forever, and still does. It is EXACTLY the same with the Community Phone - you get AppSupport within the 299 Euros price you pay Jolla for the phone (which is considerably more than what that device costs on the market) so you’re actually paying Jolla also for AppSupport at that point, and so it remains functional forever, you just lose OS updates if you don’t subscribe to THEM starting from the second year.

On the 10 IV or V (just like on the previous Xperias) it is AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT THING, because you’re buying the device from Sony and not from Jolla and it is Sony who gets all your money, Jolla gets absolutely NOTHING. Hence Jolla charge you 49 Euros for the commercial licence providing AppSupport for the Xperias, and now if they switch to smaller monthly subscription fees instead (so it takes around a year of such monthly payments for them to get the same amount for giving you their commercial AppSupport product), they will CERTAINLY keep AppSupport working for you only as long as you keep paying those monthly fees, as thinking that Jolla would be throwing away their commecial AppSupport for just the first montly payment of $5 and then allowing anyone to just not pay ever again and retain full functionality of their flagship commercial software product is just UNBELIEVABLY IDIOTIC.

It certainly will. On the Community Phone. Just like it was on the Jolla 1. But unlike it ever was on the Xperias (for the obvious reasons clearly explained above), and it certainly won’t change.

Either point me to ANY source clearly and unambiguously stating that it applies to the 10 IV and 10 V, or - let me quote you - stop spreading BS yourself.


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Did you really ask specifically about 10 V licensing details? I dare to doubt it, because Jolla, while still starving for money, would need to be seriously sick in their heads to give out AppSupport to every 10 IV and 10 V user for just the first payment of €5 (~10% of the current €49 one-time fee) and then happily permit to just not pay a single buck ever again while enjoying a fully functional product eternally.

As for OS updates, everyone can get them also in the “Free Trial” version from the command line, using ssu, sfos-upgrade script, etc. It doesn’t take a paid licence to have access to updates (as long as they are released for a given device). It’s just the automated GUI, not access to updates per se, what the commercial licence provides. So what you’re really paying for is the AppSupport and M$ Exchange, etc. Be sure that they won’t start giving it away for €5.

Back to the original problem, give me no choice but monthly subscription on the 10 V, and I’m either out (limit myself to using the free version only) or I stick to the 10 III for a few more years. I may even get another 10 III and buy a one-time licence for it, but DEFINITELY not any kind of monthly payments on the 10 V.


As far as I know ssu update method, i.e. what sfos-upgrade does, isn’t exactly equal to GUI updater.

As for subscrption, I have to also stick with 10 III…

Thinking that licenses will work differently (after the free period) between C2 and 10 IV/V is really quite the leap. Thete is zero reason for that.

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I didn’t say it is exactly equal. I only said that it is possible to update that way.

As for the 10 III, it looks that I will stick with the 10 III, too.

We should not be “thinking”, we should be clearly and explicitly informed. Quite an important thing if I have one day left to cancel the 10 V order. But no, with Jolla you’re never clearly and explicitly told anything.

And yes, I can imagine that licensing terms may differ between C2 and Sailfish X for the Xperias, just like they differed betwen Jolla 1 / C and the Xperias.

And if you’re yet another person believing that they will provide eternal AppSupport for the 10 IV / V for as little as €5 of the first payment without ever blocking it once you stop paying, then either congratulations to you for your optimism, or condolences to Jolla for their yet another doomed-to-fail business model.


take 60 euros per year, put it on paypal and let jolla get 5 euros from your paypal account each month. so you only must pay once a year :wink:


Why not more?! Support Jolla…if 5 euros means one less coffee per month you can clearly save 2 coffees and pay 10 euros, or even quit drinking and give all the money to them. They will need it, big time.

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Yeah, wetab73 we love you, but I’m also in the «come on, choose your battles» camp.

Your point about an annual option is really good, though. I run a subscription online marketing training business, and persuading customers to go annual really is the name of the game, in Jolla-speak. You’d be the ICP! Surprised not to hear anything mentioned at Love day, but they may be at subscription business newb stage, still. Let’s see what they actually ship at go to market day.

it was just an example how to “avoid” monthly payings…