Jolla Love Day 2

I guess the big change in v5 is the split between core and the rest of the OS.

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The cost per device for a very small batch of 1000 pcs is very expensive. The benefits of mass production don’t quite apply. It is what it is.


Hey but for only 299 euros you get the device and 12 months for free subscription… basically you saved 60 euros… incredible.

The device already exists in mass production…how much were selling 100.000 / month?!?..or maybe mass production starts from 1 million?!?

It’s a bit same deal as was with Jolla C and Intex Aqua Fish: they’re effectively the same device but the Jolla/Sailfish specifics to the other device will bring extra costs. In this case there’s different operating system and whatnot.

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You can add that to the next community meeting, if someone closer to the matter like maybe @rainemak or @vige won’t be so graceful as to clear the matter for us, but I really believe it was just native-finnish speaker explaining the simple case and what most ppl got from it and not some malicious introducing of somewhat related topic to sneakily introduce the idea that: yup, we will be disabling things once your sub lapses. If that were the case pretty sure jolla would lose most of the community good will

Unfortunately, I will not accept paying a monthly subscription. I never do it, I’ve never ever done it. Neither is it acceptable for me to authorize any entity to repeatedly charge my credit card without me even remembering about it, nor do I want to remember doing it manually each month. I just don’t, period.

So, Jolla, kindly please, keep a one-time payment option. I understand inflation and all that cr*p, so I am ready to pay more than what it was, but as a one-time payment only.

Or, alternatively, I am ready to pay a one-time licence fee, plus some acceptably low fee per update.

But that’s it. I will NOT pay montly, I am very sorry but just no. I’ve had three devices, so it’s been three licences bought by me so far, plus the Jolla 1 bought in 2013 for $399 or what was its price (the very first batch).

I might - and just MIGHT - consider whether a YEARLY subscription might be acceptable for me. But certainly not monthly. And if yearly, then certainly not an amount equal to 12 * monthly fee, but less, because I am paying in whole in advance, i.e. guaranteeing that I won’t stop paying after a month or two like those who pay monthly can (and surely some of them will) do.

If there’s no alternative to the monthly subscription nightmare, then I will be FORCED to limit myself to using the free version. Maybe with Waydroid (if it works), or maybe even without. Which I certainly won’t be happy about, as it’ll mean regression in functionality and user experience, that I now regularly use, need, and enjoy.

So, once again, Jolla, please rethink this REALLY BAD decision and keep the standard one-time licence purchase in addition to your monthly subscription experiments. Please give everyone the choice. Most of us will surely understand and accept if the price of such one-time licence fee gets (reasonably) higher than now, and we’ll pay it just to support you. But please do not enforce subscription payments that quite many of your devoted users do not accept. It won’t do any good, and I guess there’s no room for further mistakes.


Of course they are cheeper without Sailfish pre-installed. Volla phones and Murena phones also are more expensive than the plain android devices.


I just rewatched the event, but I missed the chance to ask question and express my thoughts, but I have multiple ones.

  • Will we see some time-based, more predictable update schedule for SFOS 5.x or will it remain kinda ad hoc?
  • It seems like the Mind2 is battery powered, but there are no details about it.
  • One of the key factor I really miss in SFOS is the lack of services integration. I can add my Google account and some others but I can’t use neither my iCloud or Proton account porperly. It feels like this area is overlooked by Jolla.
  • I really hope this new subscription model will work, because maintaining softwares costs money and the one time purchase isn’t really sustainable. No one can really expect to get free updates forever. So as a user this is a very reasonable compromise to pay for Jolla’s hard work.
  • I really wish Mind2 will be integrated into Jolla’s future phones. Apple will very likely provide local AI too, and it will run on the phone itself, not on a separated device. Also it would be a nice income possibility to license Mind2 to companies and let them integrate it into their devices, but I don’t know their business strategy so it might not viable to Jolla.

Sigh. That’s a very crappy display. I don’t use my xperia 10iii because it’s display gives me less room to work (yeah, I actually edit videos on my GS5). Ant eh 10iii browser experience is much better. I’m not sure what I will do.

I still don’t get if the 10iii will continue to get updates to the commercial bits (I only care about android support and only about 3 times a year). Hmmmm.

I understood the subscription model starts from 10 IV and V forwards, and the older devices continue with their original license terms, which I believe is generous updates for one-time fee.

Jolla did make a point that 4.6 is the last update for certain older devices. Which means that it won’t be the last one for XA2 (?) and newer. I believe we will be getting a number of updates covered by our existing licenses.


So why not charge e.g. per update, and not per… actually nothing but passing time. An enforced monthly payment does not in fact guarantee ANYTHING. Neither to the users (as it doesn’t guarantee any updates) nor to Jolla (as users can just quit anytime, e.g. after 6 months, i.e. after having paid considerably LESS than what a current one-time payment of 50 euros would have provided. And some certainly will).

To recap, if it is indeed to cover software R&D costs, then charge us some licence purchase fee at start like it is now, and then some reasonable amount per update.


I didn’t really understand the answer about QT status

  1. SailfishOS is always using QT
  2. Newer version of QT is requiring lots of resources, we do it once we can
  3. Formaly we have limitations when it comes to GPL version 3 but I guess (?) we don’t have them anymore (=> I’m not sure to understand, since now the SailfishCore is independent from SailfishOS, does it mean it is not an issue to publish source code for SailfishOS and not for SailfishCore in order to use a more recent version of QT using GPL3 ?)

I interpret it as there is no plan to upgrade QT but it “might” be easier now. Finally this is not a so good news regarding QT but other announcements are great. There is a roadmap.


Mind2 NPU: 6 TOPS. Microsoft’s requirement for Copilot-enabled pc’s: 40 TOPS. While the latter isn’t even matched by current-gen Intels and AMDs, I don’t think they pulled these numbers out of thin air for convenience AI to be capable and fast enough. Also, while 16GiB is probably enough for 8B-11B-models, depending on quantization, bigger still is better. And for larger context windows you’d quickly need more RAM.

Also, small models like Phi3 aren’t exactly multi-lingual. English-only AI wouldn’t be of much use in most of Europe, I guess.


Ok, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying. I basically only buy the sony devices to make some financial contribution, but don’t use the devices more than a a couple of days a year.

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Nah, read the Additional Information:
Will continue to work…

You’ll be lacking future releases and feature upgrades


No one actually ever got free updates forever. Support for the Jolla1 ended at some point, then for the Xperia X, etc. XA2 will probably follow soon. There is no obligation of any kind in their EULA about how long each specific device model is to be supported, the only remark is “Free updates AS LONG as the device is supported”, which means that Jolla can actually stop supporting a device whenever they decide to do so. And they do it.

Of course, so far it’s been quite many years of support per model, for which we certainly should be grateful. But if it doesn’t bring them enough money then why not simply shorten the period of free updates to e.g. some fixed period clearly stated in the EULA, like e.g. 12 months or 24 months of free updates, and then simply require payments for any (optional) consecutive updates past that guaranteed period. Instead of monthly subscription for literally nothing, because it doesn’t guarantee literally anything.


Just pay a fiver when you want an update, noone is forcing you to set up a monthly payment


Can you please point me to where you took it from? It would be completely senseless if such a model was really possible, as it would be guaranteeing Jolla MANY TIMES LESS income from SFOS licences than currently a one-time payment gives them, unless all users would be generously and voluntarily paying a fiver each single month rather than only when an update comes out (i.e. quite possibly once or twice a year). I know that there are many generous people out there willing to support Jolla, but I am afraid that they aren’t majority, nor actually even a noticeable minority. So are you sure that Jolla would consciously provide a possibility to pay them much less than what they get now?


Here if you subscribe to David’s interpretation that CEO was a sneaky Finn and while telling everyone it will work without a sub and you only need sub for updates was actually a convoluted trick:

Read additional information, clear as day, jolla did their research, 90% of users are in rich countries where 5$ is like coffee and they will get more from indians being able to afford it