Jolla Love Day 2

??? Pls quote, I hear him say: you can continue using them (but you won’t be getting updates)


Spec wise, C2 is worse than Xperia 10 III (maybe even II).The GPU is half the performance, the CPU is 90%. No 5G, low resolution, low power efficiency, probably low quality build, no fingerprint sensor. Still pre-ordered to support them, but still a bad hardware choice imho.


Yes, but apparently not everyone got a voucher. Sailfish user since Jolla 1.

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You buy the 50€ voucher as a preorder, 250 later I guess closer to release date


Strange, because the newest Sailfish update supports 5G.

You have to write down the code you got. I didn’t get a code for the voucher.

Not at all strange. Cellular technology is 99% a hardware/modem-firmware and not a OS thing.


Software supports it, but hw of jc2 doesn’t, just like og jolla c lacked nfc while sfos supported it

You misunderstood the text. You’re not getting a voucher, you’re buying a voucher for 50€. The promo field can be left blank.


The community phone will come with SailfishOS 5.
Sony devices are “based on 4.6 release”.

So, should we be expecting SFOS 5 to come to Sony devices ?
If the first batches of the community phone are shipped in August, that means SFOS 5 will be available in August too.
A big bump in number means important upgrades, and not just regular fixes and few tweaks (as in latest releases).
Will QT version be upgraded to QT 6 (hence the price increase to pay for a QT commercial license) ?

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All i read from that is that the Sony devices will come earlier (if only by a little).

Qt upgrade without going commercial is generally possible - see other threads.
TL;DR it just limits the licensabnility to licensees that want to lock users out of their phones.

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It’s a matter of emphasis. Firstly, he doesn’t answer the question or the real question on whether App Support will still work (directly). Instead, he makes the distinction between the free version and the paid version (whether old or new Jolla). Why?

App Support:
“…free to choose whether you want to use it but that’s the name of the game. […]
Other componenents, you can continue using those.”

Why call it the name of the game (in present tense) if it’s no longer the name of the game?

So I think they’re still using App Support to compel people to pay.
And thus he’s distinguishing it from the other “commercial” components (which would be harder to exclude). So Sailfish 4.6.5 say will have to phone home to check the status of subscription and App Support will have to check for license keys.

SFOS 5 will obviously come to the 10 iv & v as they’ll be paying big subscription bucks for something…, and thus presumably the 10 iii too.

Re: QT. the issue is too technical for me but did Jolla agree to limit themselves to LGPL? And new Jolla doesn’t have to?

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Yes, and such an update only makes sense on 5G capable devices, not on the C2.

And if Reeder has no 5G phones at all, they just shouldn’t have bothered collaborating? Or what do you mean?

Personally I don’t care, 4G is fine gor me. I just noticed it and I think it’s a bit odd. That’s all.


I’ve read Android API level 33 in the description Currently I have 30, so there’s a version bump

In my opinion the new Jolla Phone is way too expensive for wht you get. I’m also sceptic about the new subscription model, i can’t believe that you will get an update if you pay the 5 bucks when or after an update gets released and have a fully functional phone in between. Why should Jolla do that, to earn less money? I’m not a fan of software subscription models, and that would mean that i am out after 10 years of using Sailfish.


I don’t think they’ve thought the update policy through really.
So people on the free version keep getting OS updates, but paid users who’ve lapsed don’t? Or lapsed users get OS updates but not “commercial components” updates? That would be a maintenance nightmare, ensuring the OS is backwards compatible enough to always support all old versions of AppSupport etc.
And if you don’t pay you don’t get security updates? Because they’d have to backport those updates to old OS versions?


People on the free version were never getting updates.

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A quick google search for the Reeder S19 Max Pro S shows a price of 4799TL on the vodafone turkey webpage, which is around 140€…