exactly! but wifi connection works! I can use browser and Jolla store for example…there seems to be problems with some apps…but I don’t know why…I also tried to restart wi-fi and app-support too…
How did you install mce tools? For me when I run
pkcon-install mce-tools
it says package is not found
It should be already installed.
Well, apparently not, since when I enter any command, say
mcetool --help
terminal says mce is not found
It’s just mce if you want to run it from CLI. Another option is if you tap 5 times in version of SFOS in Settings.
You say it’s just mce, but earlier in this thread you shared this command:
mcetool --set-low-power-mode=enabled
I want to try double tap on my C2, but CLI says mcetool: not found for this command and unrecognized option for
mce --set-low-power-mode=enabled
I found in the terminal that there is a mc-tool and mce installed … so two different commands and programs … maybe you can go with mc-tool …
Solved this, thanks to old thread here.
Had a problem installing mce tool on my Sony 10 III SFOS 4.6, but executing this command first helped me:
pkcon install mce-tests
Terminal asked for my password to install some components, after that this command worked fine:
pkcon install mce-tools
On my C2, however, mce-tools installed without errors right away
Well i have also some devices with Micro USB, even MiniUSB, but the most of my Devices: Phones, Headphones, Arduino, Flipper Zero etc are USB C. Its an EU Standard since couple of years