Feedback on Jolla C2

One more thing: A number of apps have not made the switch to arm64 yet, and hence you won’t find those in the Jolla Store. The good news that I found forks for most of them, so have a look at openrepos, download the latest .rpm, devel-su and pkcon install-local.


Second all of this.
The key aspect that differentiated the Jolla JP-1 and Jolla C from the other official devices was working “Doubletap to wake”.
I think there have been screen issues on all other devices that prevented enabling doubletap to wake.

Sooo, now that the C2 is “missing” a fingerprint sensor, do we have working doubletap to wake for convenient wake and unlock?


No, a fingerprint sensor was not part of the offer of this development reference device. But maybe we will see more fancy Reeder devices with all the toppings missed :grinning:


I am missing the notification LED, unfortunately Sony has also removed it in later models.
Two SIM cards and a slot for microSD is definitely a plus.
I am still not happy with the size of the C2 (it is a bit better without the bumper cover, but still to large to fit my pocket) and I plan to use the Xperia 10 V 8GB version as my next device.
The browser is able to display more content, but unfortunately, it still crashes a lot more - and I am not even using the C2 as my daily driver.
Personally, I think the Sony 10 series is the better phone hardware wise. It cost roughly the same (in its newest, not yet supported version, but without the sailfish license, this comes on top), but has better hardware specs.


No, only the fake double tap that you get if you enable the LPM screen (the one where the screen shows the clock when you take it out of your pocket, where you can then double-tap to ‘fully’ wake the phone). Edit: this.

I am, in fact, using it as a 7 inch tablet now. Hopefully true Jolla x Reeder tablets will be on the menu in the future - the good thing is that they wouldn’t require any work on telephony like VoLTE or 5G, they ‘just’ need a hardware adaptation.


I can confirm that commands to enable LPM screen work just fine on C2.
I had some issues with enabling mce-tools on Sony 10 III (described here), but on C2

pkcon install mce-tools

works as expected

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So, it’s been a couple of weeks since taking delivery of the C2. After charging the phone and powering up I was immediately notified of an update - downloaded and updated successfully.
First impressions -
Compared to the Sony, the screen colours are washed out and not as vivid.
I was constantly getting hang ups when using the Pully Menus, strangely enough installing a 256Gb memory card fixed that. Coincidence?
Some Store apps need updating - Meecast won’t save it’s settings. You have to set up locations again after a restart or shut down and can’t seem to get the events widget working at all.
I can install the ChumGUI Installer but there’s no icon, even after a restart.
Second OS update installed fine.
App Support seems to be integrated better IMO.
Haven’t tried a SIM Card yet, that’s the next stage once I transfer/set up contacts and accounts.
I’m not a wizard at SailfishOS, not as much as you lot, but I’ll give feedback and I get by with it and prefer it over Android or iOS.
Early days for SailfishOS 5 and I’m willing to accept that it’s buggy and needs more work.

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Pulley hang ups: workaround turn off vibrating.
Install Chum directly.
There are many other bugs and workarunds discovered here in this forum.

Today in the middle of call C2 rebooted.

It seems that my C2 first screen password asking do not response(touch screen not working) every second time

One thing I noticed today is that proximity sensor on C2 stops working after every reboot (in CSD tool it is not passing the test). What helps is

systemctl restart sensorfwd

It’s funny cause it is very similar to this old issue. This is a little annoying since I use LPM screen, which needs proximity sensor to work


I wanted to give some positive feedback on C2. I have a direct comparison with XA2 Plus and XP 10 mk2 which I currently own. Generally the phone is well built and gives nice first impression. The screen is on par with XA2 Plus despite lower specs (lower PPI) it looks really nice. You can’t really tell its 720p. 10 mk2 on the other hand has more vivid colors, but that’s obvious because of the amoled.
Nice thing about C2 is a proper scaling of the sailfish UI - you can see more information despite lower resolution. Note this does not apply to android apps, even when scaling is set to lowest possible value, it could be smaller - but that’s just my opinion.
I am rather a small phone guy and was afraid how big the C2 is, but after a few days I got used to it. It is comfortable to hold in hand and write messages, which on the 10mk2 was really a pain due to its width. Right now I think the 10mk2 is too small.

The C2 is noticeably faster on than both XA2 Plus and 10mk2. Scrolling through menus feels really smooth. The amount of RAM seems like a huge improvement - I got no OOM at all, which on 10mk2 is very frequent and sometimes you can’t really multitask two applications, because the one on the background gets killed. The browser crashed once but I think that was not OOM related.

Even with the known bugs C2 is very usable for me and I started using it as a main phone. It is a really nice phone and after the software matures it could be one of the best sailfish phones.

About the things I noticed and weren’t reported earlier:

  1. Bluetooth Hands Free during phone calls does not work - I will try to investigate further and file a bug report.
  2. Browser had high CPU/MEM usage which led to instability of the whole system and significant drop in FPS. That occurred only when I was playing with the system BEFORE restoring backup. After restoring backup the problem is gone, the browser is fast and its CPU/MEM usage seems to be on a normal levels.

After two days I cannot reproduce those problems. Bluetooth hands free is working great and the same with the browser - even after clearing the profile it just works perfect.


The repaired device arrived the day before yesterday, and fortunately it has been turning on and working, as much as a developer device should!

Compared to the last time the package took 2 weeks to arrive from Finland to Hungary, this process went faster this time.
Although the amount of my postal package (which was sent from Hungary to Finland due to the repair) has not yet been refunded, I am still very happy that the phone is here and I can use it! Also, as the saying goes, “what is delayed is not over”.

The jollyboys team was very fair, they also sent an extra case.
If everything is true, I received the same device after the repair, since the foil was still on it and the contents of the box did not change. I would also like to thank you for the extra case that the phone was put in.

I did not want to write my description in a hurry, so I waited a day and a half, now I will write my experiences.

The device gives a good impression of quality, although its size is huge compared to the Sony Xperia 10III (and in this short time I really liked the size of the Sony), but in some respects this size can also be advantageous. I type much less incorrectly, and everything is very visible, even from a distance.

There is no problem with the basic operating speed of the system, but so far I have noticed a few small bugs.

I will divide these into two parts, native and Android problems, and list them separately.


Sound and vibration problems:
In some cases, the phone’s sound (notifications, music player, etc.) goes away. In this case, the main speaker is silent, but the system detects the volume adjustment. I have not been able to write a feedback report about it yet.

Receiving calls, making calls:

  • The phone does not indicate incoming calls, but this may change after the VoLTE update. (Thank you again for the instructions regarding VoLTE testing. I haven’t started the test yet, but I’ll write a post on this forum soon.)
  • In case of outgoing calls, the screen goes dark, I can’t see the details even when I lift the phone from my ear, so I can’t even hang up the phone, the other party has to do that. This also seems to be a software issue, I think that a recent update will solve the problem, or maybe this only happens to me, because the patchmanager is up with a couple of patches that are not yet version-compatible.

Camera management:
The sony 10iii also has a command written within qcommand for using each camera, but here the system can handle these immediately after unpacking. I haven’t noticed any problems with photography yet, but when starting a video recording, the phone stops, freezes, and then closes the camera application. This is also a beta problem, I’m almost sure that the next updates will fix this too.

With the current updated system, everything turns on properly, everything seems to work with native apps, but sometimes you have to restart the processes.

Native apps:
There are some native apps that I can download from the jolla store, but they still have compatibility issues. Pure Maps is one example, but I think this will require an external developer update.


Basically, the android app support is functional, I haven’t experienced icons not appearing in the menu or the android interface crashing, but the apps are still running slowly. It’s no wonder that it’s slower than on the Sony 10iii, because it’s a device with weaker hardware in some respects, but sometimes it doesn’t even have the speed of the old Xperias, so I think there’s some optimization error for now, although I can’t deny or confirm this.

GPS within Android applications:
We haven’t managed to get GPS working within Android applications yet.

Although we can install almost everything, if we really want to, there are applications that work on Sony 10III, but not on C2. For example, Revolut, which works on Sony (if we use an apk downloaded from Huawei app gallery), but here it indicates that the application does not work through an emulator.

Most applications work normally. If not one, then another method. For those who are new, I’ll write a few tips.
(I would like to point out that by using some of these, you will lose one of the biggest advantages of Sailfish OS, how private your data remains.)

Aurora store and F-Droid:
I don’t think these need to be introduced to most of you, they work great on C2 too. I’ve installed almost everything so far, but there were some apps that didn’t work.

I installed it from F-droid (there are descriptions on the forum on how to do this), it installed, but I haven’t tested it in detail yet. The point of this program is to run certain apps that require play services

Huawei app gallery:
From here you can download apps that are available in the Aurora store, but the version there may not work properly. In the case of 10III, I installed Revolut from here because the one downloaded from the Aurora store did not work. Unfortunately, this did not solve the problem in the case of C2, but it works well with other applications. Often, HMS core is required, so if you want to download from here, you have to count on this.


You can download it from App Gallery. It runs a lot of things that the phone doesn’t even run with MicroG.

Overall, I am very satisfied so far and will start testing VoLTE soon. I thank Jolla for solving the operational issue so quickly and skillfully. When the device is ready, it will be great and I am happy to be a part of this process and follow it, even if it is only a small part.


Interesting, uber installed through this almost works (doesn’t complain about missing play services, but map doesn’t work), as opengapps script doesn’t work on C2 seems like an interesting alternative (unless someone figures out how to fix opengapps, but they seem to be stuck at android 11, lineage seems to suggest mindthegapps, but just replacing apks blindly causes endless reboots of appsupport)

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I updated the description a bit, I hope I was able to help, now I’m trying other ways to figure out as many compatibility issues as possible.

I got my phone today. I also notice I can only get calls when not in 4g. I installed appsupport. I have a problem. Android apps work only through wifi and not through mobile data.

I also have problems with the proximity sensor. The problem is closely related to the flashing lpm screen function, which can be installed with the previously mentioned command, if so, how do I delete it?

You can revert to default behavior with this command:

mcetool --reset-settings


Internet browser do not show keyboard. I tied reboot, no help. Same happens also with Brave browser.

On my phone the keyboard is displayed normally.

Those are all known issues. See Release notes again.