Feedback on Jolla C2

I checked for failed services:

[defaultuser@JollaC2 ~]$ systemctl --failed
  UNIT                   LOAD   ACTIVE SUB    DESCRIPTION                  
● lxc@multi-user.service loaded failed failed LXC Container: multi-user    
● pulseaudio.service     loaded failed failed PulseAudio (system-wide mode)

How other see that?

Is it not possible to trigger a factory default from the CLI? (assuming one can reach the CLI in the C2).

You can install Storeman with this way. Tested and working.

I recommend doing Sailfish upgrade first before starting to customize your phone.


Been fiddling around with my own C2 since it arrived a few days ago, and so far it’s an interesting experience. Missing the finger print sensor from the Xperia more then I expected (often one-hand use the phone while deep in mud at work), but the larger screen is nice!

I’ve noticed a few folks have issues with SMS, and been having the same issue also (Can recieve but not send, similar finnicky with setting for 4G/3G or varying the internet settings to have internet or SMS, etc etc). In fact been mildly tearing my hair out about it, but as best I can see it’s possibly a related issue as what is with the Xperia phones running SailfishOS: There’s an option on the Xperia phones "4G Calling (VoLTE) which coms up in resolutions there. The C2 doesn’t have that option to enable/disable at all. Might be something needing implementing to fix it?

Also had some issues with Android connectivity, but may be the above issue at play. I have had the bluetooth die on me a few times… though again might be the above as all connections died at once!

About the other thing I’ve noticed is a weird issue with scrolling on the browser. If you let it across using momentum, the browser will no longer accept input. It still works (plays youtube vids etc)… just… doesn’t accept input. Often making sure there’s no momentum behind scrolling (stopping the finger fully) can cause it to not trigger… but might be more to it then that. Very curious, really!

Cant use it as a daily driver yet (Xperia SailfishOS to the rescue!) due to those issues… but honestly willing to give more chances with what’s there so far!

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I assume you have checked the “Disable Android AppSupport system package verification” in the AppSupport settings ?

Clicking on the menu (not on the checkbox) I was able to check the “System spoof signature” and enable it through SFOS dialog (not the android one):

This checked the box for both MicroG and Revanced MicroG, but unfortunately other applications does not seems to notice this. Reddit complains about missing play services, and duolingo refuse to log me in.

None of those issue are present on my Xperia 10 Plus

Unfortunately, this is not enought.


Jolla C2 Issue(s)

My Jolla C2 was delivered yesterday.
I charged it to 100% before attempting to configure it.

  • no SIM card inserted
  • when attempting to connect to WiFi it could not detect any networks.
  • continued with configuration hoping to setup the wifi connection at a later stage.
  • selected the default language - English UK
  • selected the country - Netherlands
  • entered the security code : 5 characters (numeric)
  • on ENTER a message appeared briefly - encryption failed… and rebooted
  • the C2 presented the “Enter the security code”
  • on entering my 5 character code the C2 did not allow access to the phone
  • but stays in a wait state as if attempting login
  • on recycling the power on my C2 the “Enter security code” screen is displayed again.
  • entering the PIN code does not unlock the phone
  • when I enter an incorrect PIN the following error message is displayed “Incorrect security code” is displayed.
  • what can I do to resolve this issue. Is there a way get out of this loop?
  • are there ways to re-flash the phone or reset it?

My C2 is stuck in a loop after typing in the security code. It booted before but I was not able to click the network button to setup my wifi connection. Then I rebooted and I am stuck in this login loop until then. I have the guess something with the initial encryption went wrong and I am not able to decrypt my data. Nothing happens even after 15 minutes. Just the loading circle. I am able to use the keypad and the onscreen keyboard to type in my security key. Any idea how to restore the factory defaults to setup the phone again?

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Exactly the same as mine…

You are right. Several people hit the same issue.


I feel you. Sounds like the same that happened to me. So sad to have a brand new device stuck at the first boot even after initial setup looked fine. If I am right, I saw a different message the last time it booted like “Encryption unsuccessful” or so. Then it started with the infinite loading screen after typing in my security code. We need a solution to setup the device freshly.

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We do, but there are non. File an issue at zendesk please.


On my Xperia 10 II, I often have to reboot the phone several times before it goes past the unlock screen. If it doesn’t stop spinning after maybe 10 seconds, I need to reboot and retry. Perhaps the C2 suffers from the same bug?

No, not he same. We never even got through the initial setup.


Hi, my C2 arrived yesterday. And as many others I first charged it fully. After starting and setting up I upgraded the device to

The phone is very big in comparison to what I’m used to. I was also able to install a lot of my daily used apps. But some I’m still missing:

  • Chum-Gui
  • Pure Maps (could be installed but is not working)
  • OkBoard (After starting it tells me it was not installed correctly)

There might be some more but thats what I tried until now.

My biggest issue so far is telephony support:

  • I was able to call others but the Display stucked the whole time with the message “Ringing” and the call-timer did not start.
  • Incoming calls where ignored completely. On the other side people hear the ringing signal but my C2 did nothing.

I hope the next update will fix this.

One minor issue is the display rotation. For me it seemed to work only sporadically.

I have not got mine yet. Still eagerly reading these experiences. @WilliePre there is a mention that SIM card was not inserted when the phone became locked. Do we have experience if inserting the SIM card could affect somehow the first boot?

I received mine yesterday (DHL driver did his job) and here’s what I experienced:

  • it took about one week for delivery
  • phone was turned off and charged at 50% when I opened the box
  • didn’t insert any SIM and charged the device to 100% before initial boot
  • at initial boot I set a 6 digit numeric device lock
  • touchscreen worked fine entering the digits
  • WiFi was connected to 2.4 GHz access point
    • I noticed that 2.4 GHz reception is much weaker on C2 compared to Xperia 10 II
    • I had to change rooms and stay next to my access point for good RX/TX
  • Android app took quite long for installation until I found out about the weak 2.4 GHz receptions (2 MBit/s rate!)
  • I didn’t reboot the device and continued with recent OS update download
  • after OS update had been downloaded I restarted the device for the first time
  • device unlock screen accepted my 6 digit code and OS upgrade starts as expected
  • upgrade went fine, no touchscreen issues before and after the update

The bigger screen estate is something you need to get used to but once you brain had been adopted to this format it’s quite strange to look back on the smaller Xperia 10 screen. However, looking at the C2 screen I realized that Sony’s 21:9 format had been always something that didn’t fit for SailfishOS or even stock Android. It’s too small and too long and the more I look at C2 screen the more it annoys me going back to 10 II because of it.

The build quality of the C2 device is top notch and feels quite premium in your hands. However, some UI stuff needs to be fixed for the notch and rounded screen corners but these are minor issues. I hope that Jolla, given access to the underlying vendor blobs, can improve the usage of the Mali GPU to get less stutter when scrolling lager lists or webpages.

Now, for the first release of SailfishOS on the new Reeder hardware I think the future looks bright!

I keep my fingers crossed for all fellow sailors that run into device lock issues that there will be some hotfix for you real soon.


I suspect that somehow some of the phones was turned on just before or even during the delivery and that discharged the battery. Any file operation is dangerous with empty battery, especially encryption process which influences whole partition at once.

Note that this is my guess which to me seems to fit the facts. But I might be very wrong.


@Jolla This might be a clue to what happened to me and others. I do not have a 2.4 GHz access point. My WiFi is 5 GHz exclusive. 2.4 GHz is turned of.
Don’t know if it helps, but it might be a clue.

The 808 was way better!

I had “Networking not available” (same as my PinePhone), not no networks found. And I have both 2.4 and 5 GHz (Zyxel VDSL) in the same room.

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