Echo during calls on Xperia 10 II using Loudspeaker

REPRODUCIBILITY (% or how often): 100%
BUILD ID = OS VERSION : 4.4.058 (but the bug was present with older version of Sailfish OS. Adaptation of the phone :
HARDWARE (XA2, X10, X10 II, …): X10ii
REGRESSION: (compared to previous public release: Yes, No, ?): No


When you receive a call or when you make a call, you can’t use the loudspeaker you have an echo that the other person can’t hear you correctly



  1. receive a call or do a call
  2. loudspeaker is “on”
  3. you have an echo


A call without echo


A call with echo


(Please ALWAYS attach relevant data such as logs, screenshots, etc…)
se also this thread about that : Echo on during call on loudspeaker (Xperia 10 II)
You have not this bug with Signal (i don’t test other app).


Recently I flashed Sailfish on the 10 III. First calls were ok. Then the sound of the ringtone fell back a few times, so I missed calls. . I installed one of the loudest ringtones I could find on the net and now that problem doesn’t occur anymore.
Since a few days other people are hearing an echo during the call while they are speaking. Shouldn’t be there an echo cancellation?

for echo problem on Xperia 10 III please read this:

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Yes, I thought so and this is what I say to others when they notice it. Will be allright after some time.

Perhaps it is useful to mention that my husband on his XA2 also has a problem with echoing since a few days, but reversed (?). He hears the echo, not the person to whom he talks. His device is updated to Vanha Rauma too. Never a dull moment :wink:

As pointed out by @lolek the issue of echo on calls using the internal speaker on the Xperia 10 III is a known issue.

However the specific case of the Xperia 10 II while using the loudspeaker (which is what I understand the original bug report to be about) is a separate issue.

As such, I’ve made an internal bug report to cover this too, and tagged it as tracked.

Ok, any news in this?
It seems that original bug report that was pointed out by @sledges has been fixed?

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Thanks for highlighting this @lolek. I had a dig around but don’t have any news to share on if/when this will make it through to a release I’m afraid. I’ll try to find out and post here.

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ok that sounds good.

Ping, any news so far?


It seems to me like the AOSP forum concluded this problem boiled down to changes in audio_platform_info.xml. Could that information help us 10 II users?

oh, don’t ask me, @flypig can you drop two cents?

Error, apologise, my husband used a GS290 with /e/ . He had the same problem with that device and system (fork of LineageOS) as me with the 10 III and Sailfish. I gave him my XA2 and the problem was gone.
I still use the speaker when I am on a call, but this doesn’t always help. Don’t know why it sometimes does though.

Old conversation about a problem that not has been solved. My husbands XA2 is ok now, no echo anymore.
We use Sailfish as our daily driver.
Recently I took my sim card from my 10 III because people still were complaining about this echo during calls. Now I am using my XA2 plus again. Not convenient because it is aging, the card slot is broken and there isn’t enough space for updates.
I have paid about E 400 for a device (the 10 III) that I cannot use as a phone. Very annoying and not a good sign for the future. I am losing trust in Sailfish.

Works fine using whatsapp audio, strange enough. I personally never use handsfree mode, thus I don’t really bother.

As i said when i writing this bug, there is no echo with Signal.
So there’s no reason why the bug should also be present with whatsapp. The bug is only present with phone calls via your telecom operator. From what I understand, on the X10ii (and certainly on the X10iii too) there are at least two speakers, if not three, which must be close to the microphone. Android applications like Signal must naturally disable this speaker. Sailfish OS, no. Version 4.5 has not corrected this bug. Let’s pray for version 4.6 :wink:

nota: (free version) help me for writing this post.


Oh !!! Can we also hope to see this bug corrected in the next version, as I have the curious impression that only the x10iii is receiving the attention it deserves.