Beginner Resource Collection

Let’s use this topic to collect some resources a beginner might find useful.

Keep this user-centric, there’s other categories for development and other discussions.

This is a wiki, so if you, dear reader, have something to add or edit, go ahead (you will need a certain forum trust level though)!

Official Jolla Resources

Official User Guides

Community Resources

Third Party Resources

Technical Resources/Guides

App Stores / Repositories Guides
(enlisted here or in a separated thread ?)


With your permission, I could turn this post to a wiki?


Sure, I’d love it! Go ahead!

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@nephros As a resource for your collection you can also have a look at this list:
It’s a copy of this original collection which you find here, but I added more links and removed some invalid ones.


Thank you, I’ll add that!

Wow, that’s all work already done, I’m tempted to simply copy and paste the markdown here :wink:


Thank you @nephros for this collection.

Note that I removed the additional link to the old, outdated SD-Card How-To, because the newer SD-Card Guide (still linked to, here) references it (in case somebody is still on SFOS < 3.0.0 :hushed:).


@vige: How about pinning this topic to the top of the Get Started category?


Sounds like a good idea to me. Actually I was already thinking about it myself :slight_smile:


A post was split to a new topic: Sailfish OS version for Volla Phone

The Awesome SailfishOS Collection updated and broken links removed/replaced. Feel free to create a pull request to add other links/groups etc :blush:

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If I buy a unused Sailfish with a license can I get the license over to my account? I wanna try it out to see if it is something and found a seller for it. Or can I just use his account or how does it work. If I have the bought flash image do I need anything else to update or what not?

By the way, might be a good option to make possible for Bank transfer for the future as there are a good amount of us who do not have access to Digital payment anymore rejecting the new digital insane tyrannic madness.

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Why don’t you just use free license?

The seller of the phone should give you the credentials of the Jolla account with the phone and you can use it including Android support and updates, if it is a paid licence. You can change password and personal info later in the account settings. This ist only in case if it’s a paid licence with Android support.

If it is a free licence without Android support, just make a new free licence and enter your cred’s into the Jolla account settings of the phone. No re-installation required, it will still work with a new account.