[][Xperia XA2 Plus] Bluetooth not available

HARDWARE: Xperia XA2 Plus
REGRESSION: Yes, over 4.4.0


Bluetooth does not work at all.


  1. Launch csd.
  2. Select “Individual tests”, then “Bluetooth”.


The test is passed.


csd shows “Bluetooth not available!”


X10II: Yep I’m also not able to turn on Bluetooth, reboots don’t help.

Feb 03 05:57:02 Xperia10II-DualSIM bluebinder[10954]: Turning b
luetooth on
Feb 03 05:57:02 Xperia10II-DualSIM bluetoothd[10926]: bluetooth
d[10926]: plugins/jolla-dbus-access.c:jolla_dbus_access_check()
known busname ':1.17' has gid 0
Feb 03 05:57:02 Xperia10II-DualSIM bluetoothd[10926]: bluetooth
d[10926]: plugins/jolla-dbus-access.c:gid_is_authorized() gid 0
Feb 03 05:57:02 Xperia10II-DualSIM bluetoothd[10926]: bluetooth
d[10926]: plugins/jolla-dbus-access.c:jolla_dbus_access_check()
allowing access for known busname ':1.17', pending 3
Feb 03 05:57:02 Xperia10II-DualSIM bluetoothd[10926]: plugins/j
olla-dbus-access.c:jolla_dbus_access_check() known busname ':1.
17' has gid 0
Feb 03 05:57:02 Xperia10II-DualSIM bluetoothd[10926]: plugins/j
olla-dbus-access.c:gid_is_authorized() gid 0 allowed.
Feb 03 05:57:02 Xperia10II-DualSIM bluetoothd[10926]: plugins/j
olla-dbus-access.c:jolla_dbus_access_check() allowing access fo
r known busname ':1.17', pending 3
Feb 03 05:57:02 Xperia10II-DualSIM kernel: bt_ioctl: BT_CMD_PWR
_CTRL pwr_cntrl:0
Feb 03 05:57:02 Xperia10II-DualSIM kernel: bt_ioctl: BT chip st
ate is already :0 no change d
Feb 03 05:57:02 Xperia10II-DualSIM kernel: bt_ioctl: BT_CMD_PWR
_CTRL pwr_cntrl:1
Feb 03 05:57:02 Xperia10II-DualSIM connmand[5291]: Bluetooth de
vice /org/bluez/hci0 not enabled
Feb 03 05:57:03 Xperia10II-DualSIM kernel: bt_ioctl: BT_CMD_CHI
P_VERS soc_version:40020140
Feb 03 05:57:04 Xperia10II-DualSIM bluebinder[10954]: Bluetooth
binder initialized successfully

EDIT solved by cold reboot! Warm boots didn’t work.

I get mixed results but either way, the test fails with error.
On a slightly different note but possibly related, I noticed that simply opening CSD switches on bluetooth, this is a fairly old bug, also when swiping to cancel on the first screen of CSD, the app abruptly and quickly falls back to the Settings cover.

Can confirm with XA2. This is what dmesg says:

[ 1802.810343] bt_ioctl: BT_CMD_PWR_CTRL pwr_cntrl:0
[ 1802.810717] bt_ioctl: BT chip state is already :0 no change d

[ 1802.812904] bt_ioctl: BT_CMD_PWR_CTRL pwr_cntrl:1
[ 1804.012173] HTB: quantum of class 10010 is big. Consider r2q change.

How can we gather more information?

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Cold boot did not work for me.

EDIT solved by cold reboot! Warm boots didn’t work.

For me the cold reboot also solved the problem.

No way for me; warm reboot, cold reboot and hard reset (power + VolUp) failed to solve the issue.

Here is what I get when restarting bluetooth.service:

[root@Sailfish nemo]# systemctl restart bluetooth.service
[root@Sailfish nemo]# systemctl status bluetooth.service
● bluetooth.service - Bluetooth service
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; disabled; vendor p
reset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2023-02-03 10:11:56 CET; 7s ago
     Docs: man:bluetoothd(8)
 Main PID: 14300 (bluetoothd)
   Status: "Running"
   Memory: 492.0K
   CGroup: /system.slice/bluetooth.service
           └─14300 /usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd -n

feb 03 10:11:56 Sailfish bluetoothd[14300]: src/rfkill.c
:rfkill_init() Failed to open RFKILL control device
feb 03 10:11:56 Sailfish bluetoothd[14300]: Bluetooth management interface 1.10
feb 03 10:11:56 Sailfish bluetoothd[14300]: bluetoothd[14300]: src/adapter.c:res
et_adv_monitors_complete() Failed to reset Adv Monitors: Unknown Command (0x01)
feb 03 10:11:56 Sailfish bluetoothd[14300]: src/adapter.
c:reset_adv_monitors_complete() Failed to reset Adv Monitors: Unknown Command (0
feb 03 10:11:56 Sailfish bluetoothd[14300]: bluetoothd[14300]: Endpoint register
ed: sender=:1.61 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/sbc
feb 03 10:11:56 Sailfish bluetoothd[14300]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.61 pa
feb 03 10:11:56 Sailfish bluetoothd[14300]: bluetoothd[14300]: Endpoint register
ed: sender=:1.61 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/sbc
feb 03 10:11:56 Sailfish bluetoothd[14300]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.61 pa
feb 03 10:11:56 Sailfish bluetoothd[14300]: bluetoothd[14300]: Registered as nea
rd handover agent
feb 03 10:11:56 Sailfish bluetoothd[14300]: Registered as neard handover agent

As a workaround, restarting both bluetooth and bluebinder appears to revive Bluetooth, typing this as root:

systemctl restart bluetooth
systemctl restart bluebinder

This does not survive a reboot though.


Just adding what I saw with bluetooth after updating my XA2.

Bluetooth did not start, tried a few times to start normally. (Didn’t realize there was a new utilities option to restart so didn’t try this). I did also try restarting the phone (warm restart) without success.

systemctl status bluetooth reported the service running, but with an error Failed to set mode: Blocked through rfkill (0x12). I did a systemctl restart bluetooth, and then everything worked as expected. Haven’t restarted or cycled through bluetooth since then so can’t say if the problem does come back.

Confirming after official update on XA2 Plus dual sim
Bluetooth won’t turn on at all.
Several reboots, normal (power->top menu) or power+volume_up bring no help.
Settings->Bluetooth Restart doesn’t help either.
Not experienced with console, what exactly must be typed for root to try @jameson’s workaround?

From the console, type:


and enter the password you defined in Developer settings. The prompt will change into a #, meaning you are now root.
When you are done, type


and you will switch back to the standard user.

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Thank you jameson!
Didn’t work for my XA2 plus, sorry to say.
systemctl restart bluetooth, ok
systemctl restart bluebinder, timed out

Try multiple times. Also try multiple times with Bluetooth reset from Utilities, at a certain point it worked for me.

I have the same problem with my Xperia XA2. Rebooting did not help and restaring the service did not seem to help. Restarting bleutooth would finish, but still with no working bluetooth. Restart bluebinder would result in a time-out. Looking at some issues on the bluebinder github page, I found that the rfkill command can list some info about your wireless connections.

[nemo@XperiaXA2 ~]$ rfkill list
0: hci0: Bluetooth
        Soft blocked: no
        Hard blocked: no
1: phy0: Wireless LAN
        Soft blocked: no
        Hard blocked: no

Under the bleutooth information it first read “Soft blocked: yes”. Pressing the bluetooth icon on pull-down menu would switch the state between yes and no. Once I set it to the “Soft blocked: no” state as listed above I could restart the bluetooth and bluebinder services without problems and bluetooth was working.

Have not yet tested if it will survive a reboot.

When checking the status of the bluetooth service I still get a red line about the reset_adv_monitors_complete function. Not sure what it means, but maybe it will help pin-point the real problem.

feb 12 19:15:42 XperiaXA2 bluetoothd[8357]: src/adapter.c:reset_adv_monitors_complete()
Failed to reset Adv Monitors: Unknown Command (0x01)

First made sure rfkill list
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no
restart bluetooth
restart bluebinder
Without any problems.
Bluetooth works now, WOW!
A HUGE thank you guys, really appreciate your effort!!!


@lkraav lame question: what does “cold reboot” mean here? how can I make it?

Warm: just reboot, without shutdown.
Cold: complete shutdown, then restart it.

Bug solved in
Edit: Not for everybody, it seems.


Didn’t solve for me. Yes first reboot bluetooth worked, but second time had to use utilities to restart it.
But think update was not to fix bluetooth rather video and audio playback on websites.

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At least, no Bluethooth fixes are mentioned in the Relase Notes