Xperia Tama port: release

This is to announce SFOS update for Xperia Tama devices: XZ2, XZ2c, and XZ3. Please read release notes before update.

As mentioned in the release notes, Waydroid does not start in At this moment, I don’t know how to resolve it.

Note that during OTA update, my screen went blank. As I am usually running those via ssh, it wasn’t a problem. However, local terminal users could be in a situation where it is not clear whether update has finished.

I have updated OTA instructions and recommend using SSH with it. Please read instructions if you plan to update via OTA.

At the moment of writing, this release has had a limited testing and only via OTA update. So, early adopters, please report how it went. If someone preferred to flash the image, please report as well. For those wishing to be on the safer side, wait till more users would have a chance to test the release.

Images are available for this release.

Edit 24 Jun: Waydroid issue should be fixed now. But see below for issues with icons, no solution so far

Edit 25 Jun: Issue with icons is resolved now as well. New images have been uploaded and attached to the release.


No idea what went wrong but most icons are missing.

OTA? Try to install patterns-sailfish-device-configuration-DEVCODE with DEVCODE replaced with your device code.

Check also repositories that you have.

Good luck!

Yes OTA. The repos seem ok from a quick check and seemed ok when following the instructions. And the pattersn devcode etc is correct.

To be exact is the icons of the main os that are missing. Ie jolla apps on the launcher (other apps have them)

From [Release notes] Sauna

Technical changes

The detailed changelog is here .

Sailfish-default icons are moved from

There’s now an image provider component in Silica which can be registered with custom paths. Apps don’t need to put their things in the global directory.

@ApB weird. I have all the icons in place. Which is not very helpful…

Is there a package that handles all that i can reinstall in case something went wrong?

I wonder if it is

Probably pixel_ratio is different on your device. Check which package do you have there for it. You were on XZ2c, right? Check corresponding header-* file at droid-config-sony-tama-pie/rpm at hybris-10 · sailfishos-sony-tama/droid-config-sony-tama-pie · GitHub to see pixel ratio used for you. For apollo, its 2.0 .

If that package is installed, check if installation of some other pixel ratio would fix it.

The packages are installed (2.0) tried a few others to no result.

Some stuff in sfos look better with no icons :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe there is something in the journal log that can help. I’ll ask in the porters channel, maybe someone knows

Regarding Waydroid — seems that the issue is common across all ports. I had it on Xperia 10 (yes, I am using Waydroid on official paid version since it’s much better at isolating android apps).
As it is stated in rinigus post, removing or commenting

lxc.apparmor.profile = unconfined

in /var/lib/waydroid/lxc/waydroid/config works for now.

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Indeed. There is a PR at works that should fix it as well: Remove apparmor reference in config_3 at on installed working config by b100dian · Pull Request #31 · sailfishos-open/waydroid · GitHub

Ideally, should come out as an update to SFOS Waydroid

I updated and got icons disappearing too - not just app icons, the show button for passwords, the shift and back keys on kboard…and very weird, when I enter the letter t on any input field it takes a screenshot.

Did you check your repositories before the update? As written in OTA instructions? Would you mind posting your ssu lr

Yes I did, I downloaded the testing repo rpm and installed it. The phone is powered off atm but I can get the ssu lr if you want it.

Would be good to check ssu lr from you (@defactofactotum) and @ApB. As it is the only anomaly that I experienced during OTA update and fortunately fixed it before I proceeded with OTA.

[defaultuser@XperiaXZ2Compact ~]$ ssu lr
WARNING: ssu.ini does not seem to be writable. Setting values might not work.
Enabled repositories (global):

Enabled repositories (user):

For some reason, you miss store (Enabled repos by user, see OTA instructions) and you have aliendalvik repo. Also, Chum repo is fixed on wrong version.

Which version did you update from?

No idea how did these changes get to your phone.

I disabled all patches first and wanted to disable openrepos too but I think the patchmanager froze the homescreen so I just left it. Yes, I updated from I suppose I can reflash.

here is my ssu lr

ssu lr
WARNING: ssu.ini does not seem to be writable. Setting values might not work.
Enabled repositories (global): 
 - adaptation-common                ...
 - adaptation-community-tama-system ...
 - adaptation0                      ...
 - apps                             ...
 - hotfixes                         ...
 - jolla                            ...

Enabled repositories (user): 
 - store ...