Xperia Tama port: release

@ApB that looks good. Have you tried to run zypper ref and zypper up? or maybe even zypper dup? I wonder if for some reason store apps did not update.

Actually, do you have SFOS Browser icon displayed on the app grid? Jolla Email? They come from different repos (jolla and store, respectively)

Please check that the installed versions of apps missing icons have the same version as in the changelog. Examples:

jolla-email: 1.1.43-1.12.1.jolla
sailfish-browser: 2.2.63-1.12.1.jolla

@defactofactotum: check that you have ssu-vendor-data-jolla installed. If it is, you would have to reset ssu cache:

devel-su rm /var/cache/ssu/*
devel-su ssu lr

See if you get store repo back. Try then to zypper ref and zypper up

No. Every app made by jolla has a misisng icon. Apps made by users/devs have icons (on the launcher at least).

Tried refs ups and dups and nothing happened. It reports that it has nothing to do/update.

Also noticed that the vertical space in the launcher was reduces. One line of icons moved to the second page.

If you uninstall and install a jolla app (from the store) the icon comes back. Tested with calendar.

No idea how to deal with the rest of icon (in app stuff)

Probably its a wrong assumption, but letā€™s test it:

I wonder if they now somehow estimate what should pixel_ratio be. Which sailfish-content-graphics packages did you test? Try to install larger ratio ones and reboot.

Tried 1.75 and 2.5, didnā€™t work. If it was the wrong icon ratio wouldnā€™t it just have icons in different/wrong size?

Thanks. So, something else is off and I have no idea at this stage what it could be. No replies yet on sfos-porters channel either

My completely uneducated guess is that some icon packages need to be reinstalled or something is pointing in the wrong folder or whatever. Since uninstalling and reinstalling a package from the store made the app icon work.

Waydroid issue should be fixed now. Icons issue has been opened at Github repo. But we can continue discussion over here

I addrepod chum and store came back on its own after I opened the app, so ssu lr looks ok now. Some patches no longer activate because versions arenā€™t available for 4.6 even though I set it to ā€˜no checkā€™. Pressing t on kboard no longer takes a screenshot, so progress has been made, otherwise still the same.

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did you try to make zypper ref and zypper up? maybe some store apps will be pulled inā€¦ please check also that the installed versions of the apps are correct

yes, all up to date. I tried reinstalling some jolla apps but zypper says versions are correct.

One mistake that I had with was the absence of community-adaptation-testing in it. That may have caused issues with repositories. Now that package is added and I will update OTA instructions bit later to reflect few additional checks for future.

However, this hasnā€™t caused issues for me when I did the update.

Iā€™ll try to figure out which package(s) are responsible for icons. @ApB , are you also missing icons on keyboard as @defactofactotum (see quote below)?

Yes all icons on the OS are missing.

@ApB Browser and email icons should be coming from


Try to reinstall that.

Also, please check that you have all these:

> zypper se -i sailfish-content-graphics
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                                    | Summary                                                | Type
i | sailfish-content-graphics-closed        | Icons for applications                                 | package
i | sailfish-content-graphics-closed-z1.75  | Icons for applications with zoom factor 1.75           | package
i | sailfish-content-graphics-default       | Default Sailfish graphics theme                        | package
i | sailfish-content-graphics-default-z1.75 | Default Sailfish graphics theme with zoom factor 1.75. | package

Reinstalled rebooted to no result.

I have those packages (2.0 as you mentioned earlier)

Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                                   | Summary                                               | Type
i  | sailfish-content-graphics-closed       | Icons for applications                                | package
i+ | sailfish-content-graphics-closed-z2.0  | Icons for applications with zoom factor 2.0           | package
i  | sailfish-content-graphics-default      | Default Sailfish graphics theme                       | package
i+ | sailfish-content-graphics-default-z2.0 | Default Sailfish graphics theme with zoom factor 2.0. | package

No idea why i have a + next to the i though

+ is probably as you installed them manually as well. OK, still no solutionā€¦

@ApB, please send me by email or private message your list from

rpm -qa | sort

Let me compare that with mine and see if there are some differences. I hope its OK

I checked packages of @ApB by comparing with mine and nothing really stood out. There are small differences, but related to apps and use of gnu-bash by me vs busybox version by @ApB.

So, no idea why icons are missing.

Is this also the case when do a full flash instead of upgrade?

I decided to do a full flash since itā€™s been 3 years since the last. Everything went ok till I got to the initialisation - the kboard had no shift keyā€¦I thought ā€œthis canā€™t be happening!ā€ but yes, I got to the home screen, no icons. The plot thickens.

At this stage, we donā€™t know. So far, to my knowledge, we have 3 cases of OTA. Out of these, 1 was fine - 2 failed.

Cross-posting with @defactofactotum - sorry to hear it!