Xperia Tama port: release

waiting for your adice

I thought you had it sorted out, what advice were you looking for? I’ll help if I can.

You said that you can send rpm for sms app

Thanks deprecated. Can I get the steo by step of how to do it?

My pleasure.

ssh into the phone, or terminal, ssh is preferred as terminal is a little cumbersome for these tasks

cd <directory where you put the rpms>
rpm -iv	jolla jolla-messages- jolla-messages-settings- --force

If everything goes well, reboot and the old version will be installed. Let me know if you run into any issues or have any questions. Good luck!

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Today for the first time since the upgrade to 4.3 the native camera opened to a black screen (with UI icons), after opening correctly maybe fifty other times. No idea what might trigger this. The flashlight on the other hand has an about 50% fail rate on first attempt, I think 100% on second. xz2c

Очень хочется поддержку андройд, если что готов заплатить по цене лицензии…
I really want to support Android, if that is willing to pay at the price of the license…

Something weird happened today and i’ll share it here. I was outside and the battery was at ~86%. I got home and checked it again a few hours later and the meter was showing 98%.

I’ve seen it get stuck on occasion but first time i noticed something like this.

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license for unofficial ports is not possible yet, but is in discussion. Android can be used with Waydroid packages, though…

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You are not alone, I have seen that on a rare occasion too.

I now keep track of the actual battery percentage from the charge counter value, which looks accurate. Observed that the displayed percentage is almost always higher than the actual by a varying margin, whenever it isn’t stuck that is.

Quick and dirty, battery percentage from charge counter.
echo $(($(cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_counter)*100/$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_full)))

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Good to know i am not alone. I rebooted the phone and now it fell to around 50% about 1 hour since it was showing ~90%.

I guess we should be aware of this issue with the battery reporting. As far as I know, it should be some bug in BLOB and even AOSP may have similar problem. So, use common sense and keep an eye on when you charged last time. Hopefully, it is not too frequent.

pity we cannot use xperia 10 II licence for tama devices.

If you buy a license cor 10ii, you can use the same files from it. It’s just a bit of time to find the files, download, copy, etc., and then do it all again when updated…

You can skip android all together and live a happy sailfish only life :stuck_out_tongue:

(i am joking obviously i know people need certain stuff)

But even if it was available -the license- i don’t feel it includes anything i need for my use case :roll_eyes:. Android i don’t care, Excange i don’t use and word prediction is not available in my native language.
The only reason for me to buy a license would be to “support” jolla with a minuscule amount of money.

I might be wrong but buying a 10ii license on it’s own is not good enough, I think it needs an actual device (10ii) too to get the files, hence not very practical.

@ApB unfortunately Exchange, both for email and calendar, is essential for me at work (including teams via AD).

NB even the current version of exchange is out of date as it does not support MFA.

I am in the fortunate position where I don’t really need android nor MS exchange. But I wonder whether having Waydroid and exchange client installed in it would work. Although, RAM might not sufficient to run it constantly…

For some reason The native Call Recorder is now working, but automatically records every time. Good quality. The native camera has gone back to almost always opening first time to a black screen. Advanced camera can do this too, but it seems to depend on the image definition, works ok at 5312x2988. xz2c

Xperia XZ2 Compact, running SFOS / AARCH64 / AOSP10

all USB-C => headphone adapters ive tried WORK
headphone-only AND headphone-and-charging both work fine.

this includes simple analog adapters and adapters with DACs
i bought 6 kinds and made SURE one of them said ‘not compatible with Google Pixel’.
i also tested the official EC260 (headphones only) but could not test the EC270 since no one has it anymore.

p.s.: wasnt sure where to put this, but i couldnt find this information anywhere so i wanted to put it SOMEWHERE