Xperia 10 III support

Sony Xperia 10 III review
Small, but not that mighty

Small, haha, a good laught.

Me laughts in Sony X Compact (SFOS 4.3).

From Year to Year and Generation to Generation the Smartphone Bodies and Displays grow and grow.
One day the saturation of the Market for big Smartphones should be reached.

I hope the Manufactures will revert back and release 4"-5" Smartphones. On todays growing Screen-to-Body-Ratio that should not be a Problem.

I really miss my Lumia 1020. Best Phone ever.

But then its good Jolla supports new Hardware, keep up sailing!


You could still use the Lumia, but since is closed source Windows crap it’s probably not easy (if possible at all) to install new software.
I rather miss legendary phones like the 808 or the N9, but those got killed by Microsoft, who still has their hands on the former Nokia hardware R&D (which probably explains why there has never been any hardware of equal quality since the end of Nokia).

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Microsoft Close Down their Store for Windows Phone 8.X-Apps, so no chance.
And the bigger Problem is the missing Security-Fix-Updates.

So in terms of natural Successor, i see the Sony-Smartphones on top Front with their Camera-Button, Design…etc.

Sailfish OS gives me back this special feeling while using it like Windows-Phone did.

Aren’ t the Lumias rootable?
However, probably there is not much going on with the Lumia hardware due to the missing WP-community.
In terms of hardware, the sonys really suffer especially regarding the camera quality. It literally sucks. A +10y old N8 or 808 running Symbian still does better pictures.

That mythos you can read and hear everywhere in the web. So the majority of Smartphone-Manufactures use Sony-Sensors. My observation is Sony did minimal Pixel-Peeping with the Image given by the Sensor. You can see this mainly in HDR-Function. On other Manufactures the HDR-Pictures look unnatural like overdriven colorness and will be sharpen like hell. Its all about Post-Processing.

So i got also good results by correct it on PC/Tablet. The results are on eyesight with other Manufactures in the same Price-Range.

I change from Lumia 1020 to Sony XA2 (My Spare Smartphone with also SFOS4.3), so i wasn´t expect good results. Technical development go further, so the Sony XA2 Image´s were better for me than expected.

But then for low light indoor use there is a Canon 100d awaiting, which even the new Pixel-Smartphones have no chance against it.

I can only compare e.g. with an iPhone 13 and I find the iPhone pictures better, especially in low light. There is PostmarketOS available for some Lumias in case you want to check out.

Camera quality is good. If its shiny, the photos quality which i compares within X10, X10 III, Iphone SE, Iphone 11 the sonys looks so natural, no post processing. What really diappoints me is video recording. Even old iphone SE beats with stabilization and smothness… U just start and stop recording, you know everything went good! PS on X10 recorded sound is so quiet.

Lumia 1020 was wonderfull, but slow. I had it. I miss it. What a pictures !!! Even better than 950 on certain situations…

Is there any information, when to expect the (beta) release for the Xperia 10 III? I’m considering buying the Xperia 10 II or III since my XA2 is broken.

Whilst there is no definitive information the outstanding bug list may give you a clue of how much remains to be done:

I am sure that I am not the only one to take advantage of Jolla Shop offer of buy one license get one free last December with intention of applying to Xperia 10III, however I thought maybe erroneously that this voucher only valid for 6 months so will expire next month without its release.

Maybe it is worth mentioning that Xperia 10 III is LENA. So bugs relating to LENA are particular relevant for Xperia 10 III

Moin zusammen, bin stolzer Sony Handy Besitzer…Ich mag Google und Apple nicht, weswegen ich mein Xperia xz1 und xz1 compact mit Lineageos 19 bestückt habe… Meine Freundin hat mir jetzt neu das 10iii geschenkt…
Doch das ist ja total Google verseucht, und ich warte auf Sailfish oder ne Custom Rom…Weiß einer wann Sailfish raus kommt… Drauf ist jetzt Android 12

Just saw a message from Jolla that it is coming soon! The 10 III is better than the 10 II so our patience will probably be rewarded.


It was planned for early 2022…After being on the boat since the beginning, I have learned to patiently wait for new releases…


Should be this week:


Well I guess we wait for this week’s

Xperia 10 III 78.15.1 Octane 2.0 15925


Curiius, where did you get Octane results from?

Thanks! The difference is huge w.r.t xperia 10 ii, hopefully not all is hardware difference. But we’ll see in the release notes.

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Aaand - yup, they are out of stock here now the 10 iv has been announced.

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