Xperia 10 II + SFOS

Like every year …

Please correct me, but I beleive that new hardware support would require Android 10/Kernel 4.14 support - at least that is what I understand from Rinigus’ post. This might require some effort


Soon Android 11. Or an open SOC / Qualcom or MTK offering linux drivers instead of hybris. I hope we do not reach a dead end.

Seems like X 10 ii is near

Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-11-27 22-50-04


plural. /me likes that :wink:

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I think that means that it is now possible to bring SFOS to 64-bit and Android 10 devices. I would not expect more than the X 10 ii port from Jolla. If I am wrong that would be fine for me.


I would be happy with - no, overjoyed even - with Xperia 10 II, but it would be cool to have Xperia 5 II supported (for the PR value, too) but also Xperia L4 for the small budget users, too!


I agree on the Xperia 5 ii - however, it is not yet in the open device program


Because of that there’s no sense in it. In Feb we’ll hopefully see new compact device and I hope it’s gon’ be the new SFOS Sony phone somewhere in Sep.

PS btw, lots of commits from 2 days ago for X10 II are public:
PPS I suppose the plan is to introduce SFOS 4.0 before New Year with support for X10 II.


Same. But I would still like to have phone made in Europe. Hopeful for some choice.

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Sadly there is nothing like this. The best you can get is an european lable.

If you look for a phone made in europe with SFOS X License: no chance
If you look for a phone made in europe with free OS/Linux pre-installed and the opportunity to run a SFOS community port on it: take a look at Volla. They use Gigaset hardware for their phones …


I don’t care where the phone is made.
So far there is no phone made anywhere at all with SFOS that pleases me.
So I would take a compact phone with quality and support of Xperia made in any sh*t-hole over any European phone.

sorry. I took the wrong reply-button.

My answer was meant as reply to @duleman

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Fairphone is at least designed in EU. Dont know about making it tho…


Oh come on, absolute power corrupts absolutely :wink:

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Anyone else here refreshing like a madman to get any info about the Xperia 10 II :smiley:

Personally I own XA2 Dual-Sim and it doesn’t have any major issues and could still go years with it. However, I would most likely use the XA2 as a second phone since my original Jolla phone is broken and have no other spare phone available.

The IP rating is also nice with the Xperia 10 II thus making it even more interesting as a mid-range phone :thinking:. Nevertheless, eagerly waiting this!

Yes! I also always come to this thread about news, anyway, I have a Xperia 10 II already, and I really love it actuality, hope Sailfish OS will launch soon™ for it.

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I’m only checking once a day the price search engine, to see if it again reaching a price range around 300 €.

My Xperia XA2 Ultra is starting to slowly degrade from here and there, so it would be really nice to be able to buy a new supported phone… There are a few essential apps I need from the Android ecosystem. No matter how many excellent community ports there exists already, if I can’t throw money at Jolla to buy me a license for Android application support and text prediction for said device, it’s little use to me. Sadly.


I finally got my hands on an X10 II. It has roughly the same look&feel as the X10, but with the battery of the XA2 Plus !

My biggest complaint with X10 was its battery life on Sailfish (with all the apps, daemons, android etc. I used, maybe other usages would be fine) which didn’t last a day compared to my previous XA2 Plus (which was heavy for my hands).
Mark 2 has a bigger battery so when SFOS is released for it, hopeful it’ll get a day or more.

@jolla, we’re eager for your promised release of the new 64bit driver devices !

For the camera, it’s a mid/low range device, don’t expect to match high-end devices, in particular in low light.
OpenCamera pictures are worst and grainier than the Sony camera (probably due to their algorithms). So I expect similar photo quality as OpenCamera, at best, on SFOS.