Xperia 10 II + SFOS

That’s kind of an important “oh, by the way” they posted.

I only recently got a second Sailfish X license on the same account – and for a phone with a hardware fault. :frowning: Now what have I screwed myself out of? I’m considering giving the old X to my kid once I figure out enough mobile device management to keep her out of trouble. I guess that’s not a big deal, since it’s not going to a non-relative, but I admit I’d never considered the ramifications of how many accounts I would need and how that would affect transferring licenses. :confused:

For French people, there is a very nice discount on the Xperia 10 ii on 279 € instead of 369€.


I think it’s not only for french people. You can use any amazon account with and, in accordance with EU law, you will be entitled to the same discount even when your delivery address is somewhere else in the EU.


Hello, does anyone know whether the build for the Xperia 10II will be released in April?

Rumour on this page says “Coming soon”:

All models of the Xperia 10 II are supported. I have the dual version?

Yes, that’s what Jolla says : also had them at a good price as well.


However the Wikipedia page cites other model numbers in addition to the two (XQ-AU51 and XQ-AU52) mentioned by Jolla. They seem to be for the Japanese market only, but it is not 100% clear from that page. So I would be careful in answering “yes, all models are supported”.


And how soon is coming soon? Could be weeks or a month! :joy:


Well, Jolla’s “soon” is notorious :smiley:
But with the zendesk articles popping up, blog posts, etc. there is still hope it will actually come out in a few days.
Applying some common sense it would not be too helpful for Jolla to generate all the buzz by announcing support for Xperia 10 II just to let it all ebb down before finally releasing the device.


I think it’s actually a nice move by Jolla to give everybody some time to acquire the device, all while the devs are maybe still polishing the release.
Now my 10II is sitting patiently in a drawer because with Android it’s so ****** unusable :laughing:


For me it is the same. It calls out from the drawer: “I want SFOS”.


I just hope the overall performance is better than on the XA, and maybe somewhat comparable to iPhones. Thats the main reason which keeps me from using SFOS as main phone.

I am willing to accept drawbacks, and I don‘t expect performance as on the most recent AAA-devices, for obvious reasons, however if I am annoyed most of the time by slow performance or response times I problably won‘t use it.

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You should probably reconsider mining bitcoin on your phone then :money_mouth_face:

I don’t want to criticize, you know your use case much better than I probably ever could and if you are not satisfied with the performance of your existing phone it’s nothing I would like to brush aside.
I just been wondering what are people doing with their phones that would warrant the ongoing processor/ram/storage arms race in the first place.


You got me wrong here I guess. Currently I am using an iPhone 11 pro, and I consider switching to SFOS to get rid of Apple.
For this I bought a XA2 ultra and flashed it with SFOS.

And there, I am pretty disappointed by reaction times (e.g. when opening a browser), overall responsiveness of the UI compared to my iPhone.
Thus, I hope this gets better with the 10 ii.

I am not playing games or doing anything special on my phone, I am just a bit sensitive in regards to UI responsiveness and performance, probably more than others. I bet there are plenty of people that don’t have any issue at all when their browser opens only after around 10s, but thats not me. I am used to apps opening instantly, and thats a kind of thing which annoys me pretty fast when its not good.
Which, btw, has nothing to do with Apple; I expect UIs/devices to react within proper response times no matter if I use a phone, a PC or a toaster :slight_smile:


Well, I don’t blame you at all, especially if it’s really that bad with your current device.
My XA2 Plus is no speed demon either but I never considered it being particularly laggy.

But to come back to your original question, I can create a short video of the responsiveness of the UI once the Sailfish version for the 10 II has been released.
You should then be able to form your own opinion before investing any time and money in a new device.


I recently exchanged my X10 plus with a XA2 plus (because of the screen hardware bug) and for me it feels ultra fast against the X 10 plus and build quality is faaaar superior, too. Faster EMMC or whatever, cannot be the SoC.

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At least with the original Jolla phone the biggest constant nuisance in terms of responsiveness is the slight but ever-persistent lag when scrolling. Enough so that items within a list would show highlighted before scrolling. I believe this is actually an implementation error rather than the device itself as iPhones have always been good at scrolling.

That simple thing can make everything feel psychologically sluggish. I hope that is not the case with the 10ii but I suspect it will be.

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SFOS UI/UX (not just Silica, all apps in general) is, for the most part, super-sluggish compared to the current flagships (and their underlying Android/iOS). There is no escaping that and a slight bump in SoC specs with Xperia 10 II probably won’t make much of a difference.

It makes it up with, generally, intuitive interface that requires less interaction for the same action and with the privacy/security/ownership aspect. I’m personally willing to live with the sub-par UX of SFOS for the benefit of not sharing my private life with a mega-corp like Google, although it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to justify my choice. YMMV.