Xperia 1 IV, 5 IV and 10 IV support

Sorry I saw that the latest posts were dc72 and thought i would add, and also volunteer to be a tester

Judging by #sailfishos-meeting log it would be a good thing to verify my Xperia 10 IV is on Android 13?

I was trying to find something on the release schedule, like [Release notes] Sauna - #119 by wetab73 , but everythingā€™s a bit vague.

Are there any news on when one might get even the earliest possible access to install Sauna on an Xperia 10IV?

Itā€™s a bit worrisome how soon vacations start, and there was a mention about the paid components like Android AppSupport coming in August, but do we have to wait that long to try out the phone without paid components?

And will it be possible to get paid components afterward without reinstalling/reflashing the phone?

Yes, itā€™s Android 13 based.

Free version will be published as soon as possible.

Free version would come first and paid components later.

Yes, similarly as it has been thus far. You can install letā€™s say AppSupport from the Jolla Store on the device after flashing.


I am looking for a new phone, and i consider Xperia 1 VI. Is that a bad choice for SFOS?
The Xperia models i can choose between are: 1 VI, 1 V, 5 V, 10 VI or 10 V
Does the community versions of SFOS lack important features?
Right now i have a short list of 2 phones: Xperia 1 VI, in case i will install SFOS, or Pixel 8 Pro to install GrapheneOS.

Well if you want offical support then the 10 V or 10 IV.

Also the Community version does not have any of the paid components like Android App Support or Exchange Connector ā€¦

Also the 1 VI is so new that its not in Open Devices yet so no porting Sailfisch OS also you have to port Sailfisch OS yourself to the Xperia 1 VI.

TLDR the Xperia 1 VI is a bad choice chose the 10IV or 10V

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Xperia 1 vi is currently not supported by sfos. Officiak support ( with androud app support ) is only for 10 series, with uocoming support for iv and v. For 1 series there is only a Community port (meaning no android app support, only waydroid). This lags behind a bit, I think at the moment version ii is in the works

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All community ports lack VoLTE support, plus all the paid features: Predictive Text/spelling, Android App Support and the MS Exchange stuff.

Individual ports will also have various specific limitations/bugs/features. And they may not have more recent version of SFOS yet (or ever). There a list of ports with feature grid, but it hasnā€™t been updated in a year and doesnā€™t include any devices released less than ~4 years ago.

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I found some official-looking instructions for AOSP 13! Sailfish X Xperia Android 13 Build and Flash | Sailfish OS Documentation

Currently it seems fingerprint doesnā€™t work (very low-prio for me) and neither does the camera (somewhat low-prio for me).

If the Xperia 10 IV is otherwise generally testable, as my old 10plus is really, really bogged down, is there perchance a similar official-looking page with SFOS build instructions, or is that something to figure out yourself if you wanna?

Or if someone in the community has something?

Isnā€™t it so that one can just re-flash the AOSP build and thatā€™s the only destructive operation? Which doesnā€™t matter because no SFOS data will be destroyed in a re-flash?

And then any SFOS RPM builds or upgrades can be installed with zypper so it should be generally safe to run a community build already (if youā€™re ok with those two things not working and Android support not existing), right?

Thanks everyone!


Official support for the 10 IV and 10 V was announced on the Jolla Love Day 2 (May 20th) to come out within ā€œ1 - 2 monthsā€ (i.e. by July 20th at the latest). And thatā€™s the last time weā€™ve heard any news about it. Thereā€™s 12 days left until it becomes delayed.


10 ā‚¬ on Fri July 19. :wink:

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10ā‚¬ on Mon July 22. :grin:

So, who holds the bet? @wetab73? :smiley:

With pleasure :relaxed: But Iā€™m afraid it may rather be late August :confused:


Without functioning camera and all that, I really wouldnā€™t expect that to be such a literal month. Much less with the vacation season ramping up in June, having everything shut down in July, and slowly brushing off in August.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™d be curious about running anything that resembles the end product, even without camera or fingerprints.

Of course this enthusiasm is somewhat slowed down if installing the official Jolla release requires a complete reinstall also of the base system, not just switching repositories and doing a zypper upgrade. On the other hand, thatā€™s what backups are for, and just running the OS does not necessarily make it your daily driver either.

But until someone says ā€œsure, hereā€™s a community build scriptā€ or instructions for making one, Iā€™ll stick to my belief that we wonā€™t see anything until maybe late September.

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That would be a shame. The screen of my actual phone is smashed since the beginning of March and looses bits of it day by day. I tried now to stop this process with windscreen resin. But Iā€™m not sure if that keeps it alive until September.

I have two Xperia 10V here waiting eagerly for SF and I pre-ordered the community phone. My hopes are high that I can hold one of them in my hand running SF before my rephone has dissolved. Believe me, itā€™s no fun to use it at the moment.

I bet Jolla is delayed as usual. But I hope that they can deliver at least until mid of August. What scares me a little bit is, that they didnā€™t communicate how the progress goes on. They could have written a short sentence about it like they did in the community news before. Keeping silent on that point isnā€™t a good omen I think.

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What scares me a little bit is, that they didnā€™t communicate how the progress goes on.

Donā€™t be scared! Look at it positively: They put every ounce of effort into the product.


Well, it still doesnā€™t contradict proper information, especially if delays are expected. The last time weā€™ve heard anything was nearly 2 months ago. Which causes serious problems to many people. For instance, Iā€™ve been delaying for months warranty repair if my 10 III in hope that I could switch to the 10 V before I send the 10 III to the service. And now Iā€™ve got only a week of warranty left, and still donā€™t know what to expect.

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So, in general, itā€™s important to have a second device as a spare for such situations. In my case, a Nokia Lumia 930. I can perform the mandatory tasks (phone calls, SMS, email, calendar) until my daily driver is ready or fixed again.

Iā€™m absolutely sure they do, anyway keeping the community informed would help a lot. And I donā€™t think just the community would benefit from more transparency, but Jolla would as well.

For me it would make a big difference to know if there is a bigger delay or not. I would think about buying a used Xperia 10 III if I would get the information. But Iā€™m not willing to spend 200ā‚¬ without that information.

Regarding a spare device, I have for the worst case still my Jolla1. And of course I could use one of the Xperia 10 V with Android on it. But thatā€™s the last thing I really want to do.


I am not saying that I donā€™t have any spare phones, in fact Iā€™ve got quite a few of them. Including the 10 V (sadly, still with Android). But it still doesnā€™t contradict the need for proper information. And it isnā€™t the first time that it is so, it has actually become a standard with Jolla.

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