What device would you get?

The only non-watch device I have that needs BLE is a wireless air quality monitor, an Airthings Wave Mini. But polling the device with SFOS using their Linux demo code requires a library I can’t find anyway . . .


novendu was the dealer I bought from. I had purchased both a GS5 and the rephone from them. In those cases the description ‘neuwertig’ was apt.

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I’m not sure, to be honest. I was going to ask @vlagged and @piggz for some initial tips before I go down that rabbit hole. However, since video recording does work, just at a wrong resolution and photos seem to work correctly (have to test all cameras systematically) I believe it should be fixable. I hope so since the extra ram is really nice.


Thanks :wink:

Is there a really big difference (without systematical testing, just a spontaneous impression) to be seen in the quality of still pictures (photos) between the rephone and the GS5, especially in low-light? Or is it negligible?

It was the same dealer i purchased. They told me, they made a mistake with the description and offered me immediately a further discount or to send the device back on their costs. So if your phone was fine, it sounds like a valid excuse. And the reaction on my complaint was quick, friendly and positive, so not too much to complain.

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Just a little warning about the GS5.
GS5 with Sailfish is great, especially for the camera sensibility compared to my XA2.
Also great for it’s battery autonomy.

Maybe I am the only one, but I had some issues making it impossible for me to use as a daily phone.
As I wrote here, they are:
-Generally, 2 to 4 reboots needed to register the SIMs
-Alarm was mute once
-no GPS from Waydroid
-WD not always restarting after crash
-I couldn’t listen callrecordings.

This was under version
Maybe some/all of these issues might be fixable. I also have to test with .21.
Just a little warning as, as I said, I am perhaps the only one with these issues.

I have to do a methodical side by side comparison. At the moment I’m trying to debug video issues on the rephone, but I’ll do the comparison shots next. I think it’ll be a negligible thing.

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Ok, cool to know. I’ve bought three devices from them so far and all were as described.


I rarely (once in the past 3 months) need to reboot more than once to regain SIM. I always use the procedure, go to PIN setting, turn off (confirm with pin), turn on (confirm with pin), reboot.

I don’t use alarms very often but did yesterday. I just had ‘one’ set and it ‘just worked’. This made me unhappy since I wanted to sleep longer :wink: Do you have multiple alarms? Was it maybe an accidental mute in the application context?

How were the call recordings made?

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Haha, yeah, good idea. If the alarm would be generally not working, I’adopt this phone forever😊.
I often wake up before the alarm (probably not enough phone tinkering at night anymore😁). So I could see it didn’t ring although everything was normal. But maybe this would need time for more testing.

Maybe I should reinstall the whole thing to see if SIM registration issues can be solved. Because it is strange to be the only one with such so much pain to register SIMs.

Regarding recordings, I’m ising PM with the autorecord patch and try to listen through Settings->Apps->phone.

Ah, you were using 2 SIMs, or?

Ok, I’ll have to try that to see if it’s happening to me, too.

Yes, 2 SIMs, indeed.

Another question: are you able to adjust e.g. messages or call ringtone? Mine is always very loud.

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Ok, that might be an reason. It seems to be that the settings for SIM are ‘lost’ and 2 would probably complicate the situation even more so. I’ll have to see if I can test the theory.

Yeah, I just tested it and it doesn’t seem to be responding to the settings. I always have mine loud since I’d otherwise miss every second call :slight_smile: I’ll see if it can be set by other means.

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Well volume is responding to the settings. But I think the Problem is, that the highest volume you can set is higher than it should. I don’t hear a difference between 80% Volume and 100% Volume, aside from that the 80% sound is clearer. So i think 100% is just overdriving the speakers. Whereas I think the true 100% (max sensible volume without hurting the speakers) is when you set around 70%.
I tested it and 20% Volume is still much louder than on the Xperia 10 II but recognizable softer than when you set the volume to 70%.

Hmmmm. I tested setting the ringtone volume from 10% to 90% and it didn’t seem to change the ringtone volume at all. Other volume (application context) settings do work, probably as you describe.

Maybe it’s the way how you are setting the ringtone volume. I have different ambiances with different ringtone volumes and notification settings. I have disabled setting ringtones via hardware buttons and use the buttons only for media volume. Whereas for ringtone volume I use solely the ambiances.

Ah, ok. Thanks. I’ll try that now and see. There is a way to set the pulseaudio baselines, but I’ll have to look it up.

for different phones to tell them apart :slight_smile: EDIT, and the ambience volume setting does work on the GS5 and rephone.

That’s just your problem. I don’t have that many devices, that I need ambiances to know which phone to take. But I’m old and forgetful, so I need ambiances with different colours to know if I will hear the next call or not. :rofl:

I’m old enough to start attaching sticky notes to the phones with names written on them. It all started with needing a developer device. Then dropping the developer device. And then another developer device. It’s a bit ridiculous.