The Volla 22 (Gigaset GS5) Thread

I can confirm this observation. I was already puzzled why my phone uses so much more battery when it is located at home (connected to my wifi). The data counter currently show about 900GB of traffic, both download and upload (so a total of 1.8 TB) since I installed my phone 10 days ago.
Interesting to note is that my wifi controller does not show a lot of traffic from the phone, so I presume this is related to interface configuration or control messages.

I also noticed a lot of repeating system journal entries of the following kind:

Aug 01 08:21:12 Phone22 kernel: -(1)[0:swapper/1][name:spm&][SPM] IdleBus26m wake up by  R12_SYS_TIMER_EVENT_B, timer_out = 29, r13 = 0x6046000, debug_flag = 0x1910f0 0x0, r12 = 0x10000, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x1ff,  req_sta =  0x2000400, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4005a0a5, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x204182 0x0, req = 0x0
Aug 01 08:21:12 Phone22 kernel: -(0)[0:swapper/0][name:spm&]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
Aug 01 08:21:12 Phone22 kernel: -(0)[0:swapper/0][name:spm&][SPM] IdleBus26m wake up by  R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 7, r13 = 0x6046000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x1ff,  req_sta =  0x2000400, event_reg = 0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4005a0a5, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x204182 0x0, req = 0x0
Aug 01 08:21:15 Phone22 kernel: -(1)[0:swapper/1][name:spm&]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
Aug 01 08:21:15 Phone22 kernel: -(1)[0:swapper/1][name:spm&][SPM] IdleBus26m wake up by  R12_SYS_TIMER_EVENT_B, timer_out = 496, r13 = 0x6046000, debug_flag = 0x1910f0 0x0, r12 = 0x10000, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x1ff,  req_sta =  0x2000400, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4005a0a5, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x204182 0x0, req = 0x0
Aug 01 08:21:15 Phone22 kernel: -(1)[0:swapper/1][name:spm&]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
Aug 01 08:21:15 Phone22 kernel: -(1)[0:swapper/1][name:spm&][SPM] IdleBus26m wake up by  R12_CONN2AP_SPM_WAKEUP_B, timer_out = 7, r13 = 0xa604e010, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x20, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x1ff,  req_sta =  0x2000700, event_reg = 0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80059095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x204182 0x0, req = 0x0
Aug 01 08:21:18 Phone22 kernel: -(0)[0:swapper/0][name:spm&]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
Aug 01 08:21:18 Phone22 kernel: -(0)[0:swapper/0][name:spm&][SPM] IdleBus26m wake up by  R12_CONN2AP_SPM_WAKEUP_B, timer_out = 7, r13 = 0xa604e010, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x20, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x1fb,  req_sta =  0x2000700, event_reg = 0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80059095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x204182 0x0, req = 0x0

They repeat every few seconds, even when the screen is off and the phone is supposed to be in sleep mode.
I can’t see those events on my old Xperia 10 II, even though there is no SIM inside it.

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The phone never seems to go to sleep with wlan on: there’s also tons of:

Aug 01 14:26:29 Phone22 kernel: .(1)[1544:teei_daemon]Freezing user space processes ... 
Aug 01 14:26:29 Phone22 kernel: .(1)[1544:teei_daemon][tz_vfs][ERROR]: [tz_vfs_read][156] wait_for_completion was interrupt
Aug 01 14:26:29 Phone22 kernel: .(0)[6368:kworker/u16:8]PM: Pending Wakeup Sources: WLAN timeout 
Aug 01 14:26:29 Phone22 kernel: .(0)[6368:kworker/u16:8]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.014 seconds

@piggz, I’ve lost track of which github repo to report to? At the current rate, the battery will be dead in less than two years. GitHub - HelloVolla/droid-hal-version-halium-mimameid ?

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I have to correct my observation regarding the connman interface blacklist. Turns out there is an additional config file /etc/connman/main-mtk.conf which does contain the ccnmi interface and is used by connman.

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I also need to note that the Freezing, Error, Pending Wakeup behaviour is not the case on my Rephone. I switched DD 5 days ago and observe different behaviours. Slightly different hardware so, who knows.

I just started to use WLAN again (was on the road) with the Rephone which had this 8GB in traffic on the first activation 5 days ago. I’ll observe it now and track daily traffic. is available for regular users. Ive installed it an it seems to be working. Possibly only the vibration isnt working. Not had a SIM in yet.


This is great, thanks!
I’ll try when I have some time.
Have to say I had to leave the GS5 on the side, mostly because of this SIM issue.
I had to meet someone, had to reboot and it was endless until I could be reachable again.

Second important issue: the alarm has been soundless one morning, which never happened on my XA2. This is very bad as I use it to go to work.

Some minor issues:
-no GPS from Waydroid
-WD not always restarting after crash
-I couldn’t listen callrecordings.

But still:
-camera are great, sensible in low light conditions
-GPS is fast
-Big memory
-Faster device
-Big removable battery with 3 days autonomy for my usage.

Thanks @piggs!


Hello everyone,
I updated the system to the newest version. No problems or errors. The problem with no prompt when two sim cards are enabled does exist.
Waydroid has to be reinstalled but it’s a layer 8 problem. I wanted to install spotify and destroyed the container.

Thank you @piggs for your job :slight_smile: the os is very stable

Hej! I seem to have munged something again. Just doing the ordinary ssu re/ur when I try to upgrade I get:


The following package is going to be REMOVED:

Which doesn’t look correct, or?

ah good catch, one moment

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You rock. I wait :slight_smile: Happily.

should be fixed now

20 chars


I wanted to warn everyone, since I’ve been using it daily, that the Rephone has one issue in comparison to the Volla22 and GS5. The camera does not properly make videos. I believe it’s a 64mp camera whereas the GS5/volla22 have a 48mp and although the photos from the Rephone work fine, videos are only recorded at a very low resolution … they also can’t be played back on the phone.

@piggz, is it possible that I can work toward a fix? I’m guessing since that’s binary blob land it might not be doable?

EDIT: on the up side, I found the GS5 in camping gear in the bus :slight_smile:

What about playing those camera made videos in the browser? Using this url file:///home/defaultuser/Videos/

I have a similar thing with Zenfone 8. I have disabled avc from gst-droid because I wasnt able to fix gst-droid. The browser playback fared better (it failed way later, but still failed).

So how’s browser playback for you?

I downloaded the videos to a pc and they were ‘really’ low resolution 192x108 pixels. Audio was fine :slight_smile: Not sure why they don’t play on the phone, but they aren’t recording properly either. I’m sure this is because the volla22 and the rephone have different if similar cameras. Or settings?

How to upgrade the correct way? Thanks.


ssu re
ssu ur
zypper ref
zypper dup

im back to android 12 on my gs5
with volla os…flashed with ub port installer
and 3 online updates…mobile data …
sim works perfect…battery live tip top:-)…only booting sailfish or
ubuntu touch via bootmanger…dont work
for me

As far as I know, Operating Systems like UT or Sailfish doesn’t work until they are fixed for using under VollaOS 12.1

via boot manger volla os you can direct install
on your sd card sailfish… or ubuntu touch…

Ok, after I got a further discount, I decided to keep the rephone.
I’ve flashed Sailfish and unfortunately have some problems:
I think there is something missing:

[root@Phone22 defaultuser]# blkid
/dev/loop1: LABEL=“vendor” UUID=“73ae3d62-c26b-415e-8403-6c965900f796” BLOCK_SIZE=“4096” TYPE=“ext4”
/dev/mmcblk0p22: PARTLABEL=“scp_a” PARTUUID=“fbc2c131-6392-4217-b51e-548a6edb03d0”
/dev/mmcblk0p12: PARTLABEL=“md_udc” PARTUUID=“d5f0e175-a6e1-4db7-94c0-f82ad032950b”
/dev/mmcblk0p40: PARTLABEL=“boot_b” PARTUUID=“f54ac030-7004-4d02-9481-bbf982036807”
/dev/mmcblk0p30: PARTLABEL=“sec1” PARTUUID=“9c1520f3-c2c5-4b89-8242-fe4c61208a9e”
/dev/mmcblk0p9: PARTLABEL=“vbmeta_b” PARTUUID=“e02179a8-ceb5-48a9-8831-4f1c9c5a8695”
/dev/mmcblk0p20: PARTLABEL=“md1img_a” PARTUUID=“a0d65bf8-e8de-4107-9434-1d318c843d37”
/dev/mmcblk0p10: PARTLABEL=“vbmeta_system_b” PARTUUID=“84b09a81-fad2-41ac-890e-407c24975e74”
/dev/mmcblk0p39: PARTLABEL=“lk_b” PARTUUID=“a76e4b2f-31cb-40ba-826a-c0cb0b73c856”
/dev/mmcblk0p29: PARTLABEL=“tee_a” PARTUUID=“b72ccbe9-2055-46f4-a167-4a069c201738”
/dev/mmcblk0p7: PARTLABEL=“vbmeta_system_a” PARTUUID=“1f9b0939-e16b-4bc9-a5bc-dc2ee969d801”
/dev/mmcblk0p19: PARTLABEL=“seccfg” PARTUUID=“6a5cebf8-54a7-4b89-8d1d-c5eb140b095b”
/dev/mmcblk0p47: PARTLABEL=“flashinfo” PARTUUID=“d05cedfe-20b7-68b3-59f2-4fe25317f2fc”
/dev/mmcblk0p37: PARTLABEL=“sspm_b” PARTUUID=“fdce12f0-a7eb-40f7-8350-960972e6cb57”
/dev/mmcblk0p27: PARTLABEL=“vendor_boot_a” PARTUUID=“8273e1ab-846f-4468-b999-ee2ea8e50a16”
/dev/mmcblk0p5: PARTLABEL=“frp” PARTUUID=“5f6a2c79-6617-4b85-ac02-c2975a14d2d7”
/dev/mmcblk0p17: UUID=“560e02fd-0673-452e-ad4d-1e9485de8a1b” BLOCK_SIZE=“4096” TYPE=“ext4” PARTLABEL=“protect1” PARTUUID=“a3f3c267-5521-42dd-a724-3bdec20c7c6f”
/dev/mmcblk0p45: PARTLABEL=“userdata” PARTUUID=“3645e6a3-a7e3-19b2-4941-172c10190eef”
/dev/mmcblk0p35: PARTLABEL=“spmfw_b” PARTUUID=“c2635e15-61aa-454e-9c40-ebe1bdf19b9b”
/dev/mmcblk0p25: PARTLABEL=“lk_a” PARTUUID=“9c3cabd7-a35d-4b45-8c57-b80775426b35”
/dev/mmcblk0p3: PARTLABEL=“para” PARTUUID=“1cb143a8-b1a8-4b57-b251-945c5119e8fe”
/dev/mmcblk0p15: UUID=“c04f4f68-ee79-494d-8e94-77b4fccbac41” BLOCK_SIZE=“4096” TYPE=“ext4” PARTLABEL=“nvdata” PARTUUID=“138a6db9-1032-451d-91e9-0fa38ff94fbb”
/dev/mmcblk0p43: PARTLABEL=“tee_b” PARTUUID=“85a5b02f-3773-18b3-1049-718cde95107e”
/dev/mmcblk0p33: PARTLABEL=“logo” PARTUUID=“ff1342cf-b7be-44d5-a25e-a435addd2702”
/dev/mmcblk0p23: PARTLABEL=“sspm_a” PARTUUID=“e195a981-e285-4734-8025-ec323e9589d9”
/dev/mmcblk0p1: PARTLABEL=“proinfo” PARTUUID=“f57ad330-39c2-4488-9bb0-00cb43c9ccd4”
/dev/mmcblk0p13: PARTLABEL=“metadata” PARTUUID=“1d9056e1-e139-4fca-8c0b-b75fd74d81c6”
/dev/mmcblk0p41: PARTLABEL=“vendor_boot_b” PARTUUID=“c4c310e2-4a7e-77d3-4818-61e2d8bb5e86”
/dev/mmcblk0p31: PARTLABEL=“boot_para” PARTUUID=“902d5f3f-434a-4de7-8988-321e88c9b8aa”
/dev/mmcblk0p21: PARTLABEL=“spmfw_a” PARTUUID=“46f0c0bb-f227-4eb6-b82f-66408e13e36d”
/dev/mmcblk0p11: PARTLABEL=“vbmeta_vendor_b” PARTUUID=“e8f0a5ef-8d1b-42ea-9c2a-835cd77de363”
/dev/mmcblk0p8: PARTLABEL=“vbmeta_vendor_a” PARTUUID=“d722c721-0dee-4cb8-8a83-2c63cd1393c7”
/dev/mmcblk0p38: PARTLABEL=“gz_b” PARTUUID=“0fbbafa2-4aa9-4490-8983-5329328505fd”
/dev/mmcblk0p28: PARTLABEL=“dtbo_a” PARTUUID=“d26472f1-9ebc-421d-ba14-311296457c90”
/dev/mmcblk0p6: PARTLABEL=“vbmeta_a” PARTUUID=“4ae2050b-5db5-4ff7-aad3-5730534be63d”
/dev/mmcblk0p18: UUID=“9687ca45-e56a-451d-b5b6-ff4cc00331c8” BLOCK_SIZE=“4096” TYPE=“ext4” PARTLABEL=“protect2” PARTUUID=“8c68cd2a-ccc9-4c5d-8b57-34ae9b2dd481”
/dev/mmcblk0p46: PARTLABEL=“otp” PARTUUID=“f60b92b4-0e2f-91b6-fb4a-2d0b643bab4b”
/dev/mmcblk0p36: PARTLABEL=“scp_b” PARTUUID=“4d2d1290-36a3-4f5d-afb4-319f8ab6dcd8”
/dev/mmcblk0p26: PARTLABEL=“boot_a” PARTUUID=“e7099731-95a6-45a6-a1e5-1b6aba032cf1”
/dev/mmcblk0p4: PARTLABEL=“expdb” PARTUUID=“3b9e343b-cdc8-4d7f-9fa6-b6812e50ab62”
/dev/mmcblk0p16: UUID=“eff7f84a-66f3-4cc0-af04-24d9ca9487e9” BLOCK_SIZE=“4096” TYPE=“ext4” PARTLABEL=“persist” PARTUUID=“756d934c-50e3-4c91-af46-02d824169ca7”
/dev/mmcblk0p44: PARTLABEL=“super” PARTUUID=“6fce83a6-5273-4748-1145-c205ebb4b8ad”
/dev/mmcblk0p34: PARTLABEL=“md1img_b” PARTUUID=“a4da8f1b-fe07-433b-95cb-84a5f23e477b”
/dev/mmcblk0p24: PARTLABEL=“gz_a” PARTUUID=“e29052f8-5d3a-4e97-adb5-5f312ce6610a”
/dev/mmcblk0p2: PARTLABEL=“misc” PARTUUID=“fe686d97-3544-4a41-be21-167e25b61b6f”
/dev/mmcblk0p14: UUID=“59b33232-57b0-4471-a6c3-15b6022eb3ca” BLOCK_SIZE=“4096” TYPE=“ext4” PARTLABEL=“nvcfg” PARTUUID=“7792210b-b6a8-45d5-ad91-3361ed14c608”
/dev/mmcblk0p42: PARTLABEL=“dtbo_b” PARTUUID=“3734710f-0f13-1ab9-734c-12a08ec50837”
/dev/mmcblk0p32: PARTLABEL=“nvram” PARTUUID=“bece74c8-d8e2-4863-9bfe-5b0b66bb920f”
/dev/loop0: LABEL="/" UUID=“799dbd6d-e341-48b3-838b-554e4d00dc90” BLOCK_SIZE=“4096” TYPE=“ext4”
/dev/mapper/system_a: LABEL=“root” UUID=“974a397a-e89b-4e06-8921-ceca0e18f2e1” BLOCK_SIZE=“4096” TYPE=“ext4”
/dev/zram0: UUID=“5bae2e74-7767-44a6-bd1e-6071e68171af” TYPE=“swap”

This mess of partitions doesn’t really help…

Second Problem:
Vivrator dooesn’t work. It has under Android but now it doesn’t do anything. (Tested with csd-Tool)

Any hints? Just flashing again?