VoLTE provider support

I am located in Australia but none of the ‘euro’ modem.conf files I tried worked on my 10ii. However, the S9999.9/modem.conf file did work!

getprop persist.vendor.somc.cust.modem0

cd /vendor/oem/modem-config

mkdir S40.2

cp S9999.9/modem.conf S40.2/

cat S40.2/modem.conf

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I had issues with Telstra on a 10II, which was not “S40.2”. Nice to see that it works for you, maybe add the name of the operator.

I use Vodafone, who switched off 3G a month or two ago, so I upgraded from Xperia 10 to 10ii in order to get 4G support.

[Off topic from VOLTE]
If that is Vodafone UK, and you have moved to 4.6, 5G also works (London - this week).

4G seems to be a stickier connection, so you might have to toggle your connection off/on. Other people have noted that connections switch over from 5G to 4G quite often.

4G/5G SMS sending is still broken - unregister from 4G Calling (VOLTE) to send texts

Same here, CZ/O2, I cannot send SMS with 4G calling enabled. When I disable it, people cannot reach me using phone calls.

I ran this:

# getprop persist.vendor.somc.cust.modem0

Could anyone please explain/point to explanation what that is?
There is no /vendor/oem/modem-config/S173.1 file on my phone in case there should be

Hi All

the 3G network in Australia is being shutdown over the next couple of months (in my case with my carrier Boost (Telstra MVNO) this is due to happen on the 31st of August. With the entire 3G network to be shut countrywide by years end. Telstra has been playing a message to me when i make calls warning me of the impending shutdown, it says the criteria for this message being played is as follows

" If you hear a recorded message on your phone about our 3G network closure, you have a device that needs to be upgraded to stay connected after the network closes.
You’ll hear the message if your device relies on the 3G network, doesn’t support Voice over 4G (VoLTE), or is 4G-enabled but uses 3G for emergency calls.
We can’t remove the message, as it’s vitally important to ensure you’re using a device capable of contacting Triple Zero after we close the 3G network on 31 August.

As far as I can tell my 10 III VoLTE is working based on NetMon (info posted below) - feel free to correct me if im reading that incorrectly

so my question is if Sailfish supported routing of emergency calls over VoLTE?

Apparently some phones will only use 3g/gsm for this even if they support VoLTE and additionally how sailfish might handle the 000 emergency number we use in aus (in place of/in addition to 112) and the fact emergency is marked with a “X” in netmon makes me wonder if it doesnt.

General guidance for Australians about whats required is here: https://amta.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Understanding-VoLTE-and-Emergency-Calls-ahead-of-3G-Closure.pdf

My Xperia 10 III says the following in NetMon - Boost Sim Card (Telstra)
Sailfish Sauna


Powered: ✓
Online: ✓
Emergency: X
Lockdown: X
VoLTE support: ✓
IMEI:   Redacted
Features:  ussd.net.rat.cbs.stk.gprs.sms.sim


Registered: ✓
Registration: Auto
Sms Capable: ✓
Voice Capable: ✓
Updated:  02:20


Status: registered
Technology: lte
Mode: auto
MCC: 505
MNC: 1
Cell ID: Redacted
Signal Strength: 62
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I’m also in Australia, but with an Optus sub carrier, i’ve got identical details feom Netmon apart from updated time and MNC mine being 2 for Optus.
would think that if you can call then you can call emergancy.

In my case I created the directory /vendor/oem/modem-config/S40.2. Did you do something similar based on the output of ‘getprop persist.vendor.somc.cust.modem0’ on your phone? Did the /vendor/oem/modem-config/S9999.9/modem.conf file work after you copied it to the new directory?

As I reported in the first post table VoLTE worked with an Spain Movistar SIM, but doesn’t work with a Digimobil Spain SIM, a company which uses Movistar network.

Pardon my ignorance, but would it work if I copy a the Movistar file to make a Digimobil configuration?. I see my Sony Xperia 10 III has got this files for Movistar Spain:

And I got this:
[root@Xperia10III ~]# getprop persist.vendor.somc.cust.modem0

This folder doesn’t exist:

Would it work if I create it, and create a modem.conf and put this inside (as other modem.conf files)?:

Could I break anything?

Hi! Is there any way for me to fix VoLTE on Xperia 10 III (if it currently doesn’t work with my provider) besides changing provider?
I make a lot of calls and in the past half a year or so it has gotten really frustrating because every few minutes, I can’t hear my partner and vice-versa or the call drops directly. This happens everytime, independet of my location.
This really frustrates me, so I wonder if there is a way to manually get it to work?

Just adding some new updates/info here - following on from my post VoLTE provider support - #331 by TheKitchenSink

The date for 3G shutdown has now been pushed back to Oct 28th 2024)

My further research has uncovered this document
AS/CA S042.1:2022 Requirements for connection to an air interface of a Telecommunications Network

With a PDF of the standard available here - and from a look the relevant section for 000/112 calling is section 5 pg 17
With key sections being 5.1.1,,

My guess is some of these questions might need be directed to Sony if 911/112/000 handling is baked deeper in the firmware than Sailfish (and answers might be different for the Jolla Community phone for those using that)

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I have a 10ii, and had to create the directory. In your case the command would be:

mkdir /vendor/oem/modem-config/S173.1

Tried to create: /vendor/oem/modem-config/S461.1/modem.conf
And put inside these lines, one by one and then reboot, then next one… (the third and fourth are based in what I see in other modem.conf files, trying to guess):

No sucess, and no useful info got with: journalctl -t ofonod -f

Trying on a 10iii, operator Nowo (Portugal). The operator says on their website that VoLTE is activated for all hardware that supports it.

in /vendor/firmware_mnt/image/modem_pr/mcfg/configs I don’t see anything that matches Nowo or MEO (according to Wikipedia, Nowo operates VoLTE through a commercial agreement with MEO).

getprop persist.vendor.somc.cust.modem0
cd /vendor/oem/modem-config/
mkdir S73.1
cp S9999.9/modem.conf S73.1/

Does not register (after reboot); here are the logs when I try to activate VoLTE in the configuration:

journalctl -t ofonod -f
imsradio0 < 7 requestRegistrationChange
vendor.q ti.hardware.radi o.ims@1.0::IImsR adio....
imsradio0 > 4 requestRegistrationChangeResponse
vendor.q ti.hardware.radi o.ims@1.0::IImsR adioResponse.... ........
imsradio0 > 27 vopsChanged
vendor.q ti.hardware.radi o.ims@1.2::IImsR adioIndication.. ....

Edit: the table above says MEO works but does not register. @flypig, what modem.conf file should I use assuming MEO? I can’t see any relevant in the list, and S999.9 does not work (during a call, it switches from 4G to 2.5G).

On my 10III I have an issue with VoLTE. When VoLTE is activated I can not send sms, mms is ok. I have Telmore using TDC net.
On my 10V VoLTE there is no issues. BUT, I have tested it using a TDC SIM card that is on the TDC net.

I have just switched the sims and it gave the same result.
It means, TDC net have the one issue on 10III whereas it works on 10V.

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Swapping the cards around would probably be an interesting data point… why haven’t you?

I got an SMS yesterday from Vodafone Australia: “From October 2024 new regulations will require devices not compatible with emergency calling on 4G networks to be blocked from using voice, SMS and data services. This applies across all mobile providers in Australia… We are now confirming that your device will be blocked on our network from 28th October 2024”

Until now my phone has been able to make 4G calls. Is there any way to add 4G emergency calling to a 10-ii running Sailfish OS?


This is sad indeed. Does anyone have any newer Xperia 10 that they think will keep working in Australia after the shutdown?

@maynard In terms of your question - Jolla responded to a question about this at the 8th August community meeting:

07:06:24 rainemak #info We are testing with Finnish emergency call centre (hätäkeskus). On next round, we are focusing our testing to the Jolla C2 Community Phone. We answer to the forum as well.

I haven’t seen any public discussion about this since. Also, considering the C2 currently has no working VoLTE at all, I dare say it is not just around the corner for other models. Perhaps @rainemak can provide an update here?

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They already write about that. In RC zero indeed there is no support but it’ll come with the next update.

@juz @filip.k Thank you for responding. After further investigation, it appears that Vodafone Australia would be blocking my Xperia 10-ii on 1 November even if it did in fact support 4G emergency calling, since the decision to block phones will be based on the IMEI, and that model is not on their list of approved devices.