VoLTE provider support

Hi there,

is there a way to configure the APN settings more in detail under Sailfish (eg. APN Type)?

Added from Spain, Movistar and Digi Mobil (which uses Movistar antennas). Worked with Movistar but not with Digi Mobil


WINDTRE (Italy) is not supported on 10 III, correct? :frowning:

Has anyone found a configuration for VoLTE with Edpnet (Belgium)? Apparently they use Orange Belgium’s network, but I can’t seem to find a configuration file for it, and the one for Orange France doesn’t work. The generic vl configuration doesn’t work, either.

getprop persist.vendor.somc.cust.modem0

says S6.10.

(Using Xperia 10 II)

If VoLTE works for a network on an Xperia 10 II, is it possible to get it to work on an Xperia 10 III? It’s not working out of the box, if I activate it in settings, it just blinks forever and doesn’t activate. The list in this thread says that it works on the Xperia 10 II…

I am afraid that is the case. See this table: Xperia 10 III no mobile data! - #2 by emva

Hi, please read this: Internet Connections over Mobile Data and WiFi | Sailfish OS Documentation

Which app did you use to get those networking metadata?

It seems to be NetMon VoLTE Checker.

Device: Xperia X10 iii
Software version:
Network: Fizz (Videotron spinoff) (Canada)

Does not register, the 4G calling registration dot keeps flashing in the settings.
SIM is for sure VoLTE compatible, as tested in PinePhone.

getprop result is S478.1

No such folder exists under /vendor/oem/modem_config/

NetMon says under “VoLTE”:

  • Registered: X
  • Registration: Auto
  • SMS Capable: X
  • Voice Capable: X

Under "Modem:

  • Powered: ✓
  • Online: ✓
  • Emergency: X
  • Lockdown: X
  • VoLTE support: ✓

Device: Xperia X10 III
Software version:
Network: HoT (Uses the Magenta network) (Austria)

Registering for VoLTE fails, the option in the settings keeps flashing.
SIM should be VoLTE compatible (at least that’s what the provider says)

Value of getprop persist.vendor.somc.cust.modem0 is S139.1, for which no folder exists under
/vendor/oem/modem_config/ (it has 132, 136, 137 and 140 but sadly no 139 :cry:)

The table at the beginning of this thread lists the Magenta network as working but the entry is for the Xperia 10 II and I’m not sure if you can apply tricks that work on the 10 II also to the 10 III?

I also used NetMon, which for “VoLTE” says:

Registered: X
Registration: Auto
SMS Capable: X
Voice Capable: X

…and for “Modem”:

Powered: ✓
Online: ✓
Emergency: X
Lockdown: X
VoLTE support: ✓

I’d gone about a year without having to refresh a SIM in my Pinephone to get it to work again in my Xperia 10 II, but I’ve had to do it again. :frowning: I’d been swapping SIMs and messing around with the latest SFOS for Pinephone (much better that last time I tried) and wound up getting my T-Mobile SIM denied in my 10 II. I left the T-Mobile SIM in the Pinephone for a while – 12 hours+ – and swapped it back to the 10 II when the US Mobile SIM in the 10 II device got denied. US Mobile SIM swapped back into Pinephone. 15 minutes in, everything’s working. We’ll see. Don’t want this to be the end of the SFOS experience in the US, the Pinephone port isn’t quite ready yet . . .

US Mobile blocked both of my pine phones a while back citing that they use a modem that’s indistinguishable from other devices commonly used to abuse mobile data. I don’t see them reversing that. Essentially a few ruined it for the many by circumventing data access point rules.


That sounds to me like a cheap explanation. Mobile providers can easily limit a subscribers data limit.

The US has always been backwards with that kind of stuff. I haven’t heard operators complain about hotspots or tethering over here for pretty much 10 years. If you pay for the data, it’s your to do with as you please.

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US Mobile sells a bunch of inexpensive “all-you-can-eat” plans, and like the Country Kitchen Buffet, they’ve probably got some fine print on the menu that it’s all-you-can-eat (by yourself, inside the restaurant).

But . . . having mentioned that, banning a phone just because it shares a modem with some USB hotspot devices is kinda pointless on the company’s part, especially since someone really doing something tricky with an eg-25 is gonna do stuff that can be done with that device to make it appear to be something harmless like an iPhone 7 . . .

And it’s just extra, eextra weird that US Mobile bans hackman’s Pinephones when it’s my Sony that gets my SIM the hammer and my Pinephone that resurrects it.

BTW, can’t wait for just a few more rough edges on the SFOS pinephone port to get smoothed out, assuming I don’t get banned, because it would be sweet to have better frequency band support in North American markets on a device running my favorite mobile OS.

I agree, it’s very frustrating. I have no idea why my pinephones get banned while others don’t. Or why none of my Sonys have become banned but others frequently report they do. It would be great to learn what differences trigger the issue but I’ve yet to determine anything that’s proven to always be true. There always seems to be exceptions or edge cases. Super frustrating.

Well, nuts. X10II is getting denied oretty quickly on T-Mobile and US Mobile in USA now. Even leaving sim in pinephone a while gives me less than a day back in the Sony before lights out. That nearly enitre glorious year was good while it lasted, but now as soon as phone loses net connection even for a moment, it’s denied-ville. :frowning: Anyone else seeing this recently?

How nice would an official X5 or X1 SFOS version be . . .

Is it possible to try a freshly provsioned sim? The 10iii shouldn’t normally be denied.

I tried two different sims but not a fresh one. I’ll give that a try once back home in a few days.