Update to Koli not working

Hi there!
I’m trying to update my Xa2 to Koli ( without success. Initially I got the prompt to remove system monitor before starting the update. I tried to do so, but rpm told me the package is not installed. So I started the update.

The phone reboots now and the update progessbar appears. For a few seconds nothing happens. Then the progressbar jumps from 0% to 100%. A message appears (update not successful, try again later) and a restart button.

I tried to figure out what the problem might be and uninstalled several things, but without effect. I’m sure it is something left that I oversaw, but I don’t know what.

So my question is, how can I find out what prevents the OS from being updated?

Thanks in advance!

Regards sö

If you have CLI access, you can check /var/log/systemupdate.log, and even /var/log/systemboot.log - right after the update fails.

I have similar problem i think problem start at this:

systemd[1]: Couldn't stat device /dev/pts/ptmx

and next

ut 20 10:39:16 XperiaXDualSIM sailfish-upgrade-ui[2640]: Distribution upgrade error: Download (curl) error for 'https://releases.jolla.com/releases/':
                                                          Error code: Connection failed
                                                          Error message: Could not resolve host: releases.jolla.com
lut 20 10:39:16 XperiaXDualSIM packagekitd[2793]: [packagekit-zypp] Updating regular zypp cache
lut 20 10:39:22 XperiaXDualSIM PackageKit[2793]: upgrade-system transaction /1328_cbbacabb from uid 0 finished with failed after 22870ms
lut 20 10:39:22 XperiaXDualSIM sailfish-upgrade-ui[2640]: Upgrade completed with code 2
lut 20 10:39:22 XperiaXDualSIM sailfish-upgrade-ui[2640]: Reverting the enabled state of store to true


lut 20 10:39:07 XperiaXDualSIM packagekitd[2793]: [packagekit-zypp] Before commit: 793 downloads, 793 installs, 23 removals
lut 20 10:39:07 XperiaXDualSIM packagekitd[2793]: [packagekit-zypp] Byte sizes: 13256 download, 961007358 install, 933026664 remove, 407577449 cached
lut 20 10:39:07 XperiaXDualSIM packagekitd[2793]: [packagekit-zypp] Download space required 13256 bytes, available 34318077952 bytes
lut 20 10:39:07 XperiaXDualSIM packagekitd[2793]: [packagekit-zypp] Installation space required 27980694 bytes, available 1163190272 bytes
lut 20 10:39:11 XperiaXDualSIM sailfish-upgrade-ui[2640]: Package: ohm-configs-default;1.2.6-1.2.6.jolla;armv7hl;jolla, Common configuration files for ohm
lut 20 10:39:11 XperiaXDualSIM dbus-daemon[602]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.pacrunner' unit='dbus-org.pacrunner.service' requested by ':1.18' (uid=0 pid=2793 comm="/usr/libexec/packagekitd")
lut 20 10:39:11 XperiaXDualSIM dbus-daemon[602]: dbus-daemon[602]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.pacrunner' unit='dbus-org.pacrunner.service' requested by ':1.18' (uid=0 pid=2793 comm="/usr/libexec/packagekitd")
lut 20 10:39:11 XperiaXDualSIM systemd[1]: Couldn't stat device /dev/pts/ptmx
lut 20 10:39:11 XperiaXDualSIM systemd[1]: Starting Pacrunner service...
lut 20 10:39:11 XperiaXDualSIM dbus-daemon[602]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.pacrunner'
lut 20 10:39:11 XperiaXDualSIM dbus-daemon[602]: dbus-daemon[602]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.pacrunner'
lut 20 10:39:11 XperiaXDualSIM systemd[1]: Started Pacrunner service.
lut 20 10:39:11 XperiaXDualSIM pacrunner[3484]: PAC Runner version 0.15
lut 20 10:39:11 XperiaXDualSIM pacrunner[3484]: pacrunner[3484]: PAC Runner version 0.15
lut 20 10:39:16 XperiaXDualSIM sailfish-upgrade-ui[2640]: Distribution upgrade error: Download (curl) error for 'https://releases.jolla.com/releases/':
                                                          Error code: Connection failed
                                                          Error message: Could not resolve host: releases.jolla.com
lut 20 10:39:16 XperiaXDualSIM packagekitd[2793]: [packagekit-zypp] Updating regular zypp cache
lut 20 10:39:22 XperiaXDualSIM PackageKit[2793]: upgrade-system transaction /1328_cbbacabb from uid 0 finished with failed after 22870ms
lut 20 10:39:22 XperiaXDualSIM sailfish-upgrade-ui[2640]: Upgrade completed with code 2
lut 20 10:39:22 XperiaXDualSIM sailfish-upgrade-ui[2640]: Reverting the enabled state of store to true

Well, this one looks bad - can you download that from a computer in the same network as your phone when you are upgrading it?

Yes, i checked and downloaded without problem via internal browswer.
I upgraded on mobile internet not WiFi.

Ok, I checked systemupdate.log. It says something like “disk full”. How much space is required for the update? I have 2.6GB on user data an 870MB on system data.

setlen, does this happen in the Settings->Update SFOS stage (when you download), or when you attempt to upgrade (black screen with upgrade gauge)?

I have about the same… should be enough but would probably be useful to see your full log.

@gabrielg when attempt to upgrade.

When I attempt to upgrade. But the download process behaves a bit strange too. It takes noticeable short time and the progress bar jumps from about 20% or so to 100%. But it says that it’s ready for update. No error message.

When I update the next time I also have these symptoms but I assumed it was because the next time it only checks what is already downloaded.
Unless I am wrong.
Then these problems were caused by a badly downloaded package and just clearing the cache is enough…

@gabrielg Yes, storage space seems not to be the problem. Tried again with 4.GB and got the same result. Here is my log.

and the rest…

ugh, I would remove all those openrepos repositories manually. The connection problem is still a mystery to me, but your conditions are certainly different to mine, as I don’t have any external repositories to avoid upgrade issues.

I’d like to tell how this story continued. First: I’m running Sailfish 4 now and I like it very much! But I didn’t get it by upgrade. I re-flashed my phone.

How I came to this point: SFOS-upgrade told me that there is a problem with the alien dalvik update. Not enough space on /opt. I found an old backup of it which I saved on SD card and deleted the original file. Then I restarted the phone and everything worked fine. I think there is a good chanced that this fixed the upgrade issue, but unfortunately after this storeman updates hung up and I terminated them a bit brutally. Then the phone kept on showing a bright white and a black screen in turns, so I just re-flashed it.

I have something similar with my XA2. I also have an XA2 plus for at home. That went smooth. Now I want to update the smaller one. System storage says 1 GB left. But when I try to download Koli I get a pop up : ‘Problem with store, could not find out the amount of space’.
What is this, what to do?

Is Sailfish X for one device only? Could that be the reason why updating succeeded on my XA2 plus only?
The plus has a broken card slot. I can insert a sim, but no SD card.
What to do?

Have just did a reset of my XA2. No difference. I get the notification for a system update, but when I try to download Koli I get this pop up from the Jolla store.
1,2 GB system storage left, 17,0 GB user storage available. This is directly after resetting the device.
I so much want to use this XA2 as my phone because it is not too heavy and not too big.
Addition: Friends, today it seems Jolla did a magical trick: the update came through.Thank you! Everything smooth and beautiful. The new answering gesture for a call is still a bit confusing but I will try to get adjusted to it.