Unable to set lock pin for Android apps requiring it

Microsoft Authenticator


Eurail/Interrail Rail Planer (1 million+ downloads) is another app that requires a lock pin in order to add a Eurail/Interrail Mobile Pass.


I’m getting no google results for that requirement, and i have no issues.
Beyond that, it seems exceedingly stupid of them since everything even remotely sensitive is behind BankID anyway.

Swish was reported to me via DM by @jlangenbach. Is there or is there not a lock pin requirement?

2023 I was not able to start Swish app because of this error. I currently have no Sailfish device (waiting for official 10V image). So I can not confirm, that it is the same with current version, but I can not imagine, that the requirement has been dropped.

I’m using Swish 5.17.1, which is from 2024 without any such issues.
Barring the XA2 gap between old AlienDalvik and AAS, and a particularly silly BankID version, i have had continued access to both since the beginning.

I can imagine that quite easily when they remembered everything is behind BankID.

The latest version is 6.0.0, are you able to update to it and tell me if the lock pin requirement remains absent?

Not interested in gambling :slight_smile:
These shitty apps can break if you look at them wrong.
…but having been removed after some arbitrary 2023 version sounds promising.

Edit: and on secondary phone i had laying around, it installs and starts without complaints - i obviously didn’t enroll.

Okay, I’ll remove it then from the list for the time being. If anyone else uses Swish betalningar 6.0.0 and can give me a thumbs up, I would appreciate it. @attah Yes, I’ve also installed the app (temporarily) on my XA2 and it runs fine, at least until the “type in the number you are using with BankID” page, which I can’t provide as a non-user.

I’m on Swish 6.0 and no lock pin. There hasn’t been a lock pin at least since I started using Swish on my X10III in June 2022.


Alright, thank you very much.

I’m actually a bit afraid that this chat and others like it, will get those fuckers started, and give us exactly that kind of trouble.

As I understand the situation, they are actively trying to force us into the surveillance booth.
Maybe I’m overly paranoid, but recent experiences tell me that I’m on the truth.

The most resent thing is that Swedish state TV (STV) is telling us to stop using SMS. Instead they want us to use ‘end to end encrypted message services’… that really got my clock ticking.

This comes from an EU-affiliated state apparatus that has passed one surveillance law after another over the past 10 years (read chat control, and more).
Please use your brain and draw your own conclusion, preferably uninfluenced by state propaganda.

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Is there any public discussion of this ‘Task’? Given no development was started, is it correct to assume technical and/or ideological bottlenecks were found?

In general there is no or not much employee interference on this platform, no feedback doesn’t necessarily mean that the task has been discarded or that it is impossible to implement. Generally, it boils down to sparse resources within the organisation, and higher priorities elsewhere, e.g. refining the SFOS adaption for the Jolla C2 and making SFOS 5 ready for distribution across older phones, which surely takes up most developer manhours currently.

I REALLY need DanskeID. If this is not fixed soon, I need to go for android which I really hate. And drop SFOS completely.

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What phone do you use?

Xperia 10 II. And I think that the problem is not in SFOS core but in Android AppSuport

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Yes. If you’re motivated you could flash sfos version and set the android lock pin there and then update the system.

You can use an older version of Danske ID to circumvent this. This is what I do. I would also strongly suggest you 1-star rate the Danske ID with a complaint that the app requires the pin.

Open up Aurora and search for Danske ID. Once you open its store page, click the vertical ellipsis (⋮) menu and choose Manual download. Put in: 1690000023 and you’ll get version 1.6.2. This version does not have the pin requirement. After this, go back to the home screen of Aurora, then click the cog settings button in top right. Choose Blacklist manager, then make sure you check Danske ID. This will ensure you never accidentally update to pin-locked version of it.


For what it’s worth, my bank actually dropped the requirement for the Android lock PIN from their app once I pointed out to them that it was superfluous (they have their very own PIN). Apparently, the development team hadn’t even meant to introduce the Android PIN requirement - it came in as a side effect of a library update.

But you might want to contact the app developers directly, they might have more resources than SFOS. Worked for me.

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