The Volla 22 (Gigaset GS5) Thread

@Kea You can buy a new Volla or Rephone or Fairphone and flash it easily. See here:

Also a lot of other devices are compatible, there is a long list.

On the mentioned Internet page you can download UBports Installer software and install on your computer.
In UB Installer you can alternatively choose to flash SFOS, but not for all listed devices. So please be careful and check before buying a new phone. Example: for Fairphone 4 only Ubuntu Touch and postmarket OS is available. You can check without having the phone, only start the UBports Installer software, choose a phone and when you come to the ‘Install’ page, there is a choice for what OS to install. See if SFOS is available there for this phone.

Very important is to check that you have the right Android Version, which the Installer is asking for. Look in the description.

I have a VERY annoying problem since I use the rephone. Everytime I reboot my phone my settings to show my phone number when I call someone is reset to “Nach Netzwerk festlegen”. If I switch to flight mode and turn on nework again, this doesn’t happen. Can anybody confirm this. Is there a way to force this setting. Or is there a cli command to set it it the way I want. Than I could make a small start script.

I have been using a Rephone (thanks to @Pingutux ) with SOFS, directly installed to the phone (not via SD card).

Compared to the VP22, which is still unlocked and SFOS runs only on the SD card, the Rephone works much better. Everything is smoother, faster and I have no real problems with the memory. On the VP22, SFOS is however at 4.4 while on the Rephone I have the latest 4.5.

On both phones, I have problem listing to music with any music app if the app was running when I had a call. The respect app has to be restarted.
What really does not work is taking videos on the rephone, this is really a pitty. It has been mentioned already, but is there really no way to make it work? How das Volla OS / Ubuntu Toch works with taking videos? Does anyone know?

I have sometimes the problem, that the FP sensor stops working. Only reboot helps.

Waydroid works nicely. I can use DKB and Ing DiBa banking apps (haven’t tested a transfer yet). However, after starting waydroid, SFOS is not able to get a GPS fix as the sensors might be blocked. This is known and should be fixed for waydroid on ubuntu touch

For a ported device, this works brilliant (waydroid does what I need) apart from taking videos.

A happy new year to all :slight_smile:

Rephone with UT works with video.

Your picture of UT shows OTA 21 - that is an old xenial 16.04 build. New UT like Rephone, Volla 22 run on Focal 20.04. Aktuell on OTA 3.

So this might either be an unrelated bug or a regression with waydroid.
However, it seems it might be a bit unclear with a more recent version:

And of course, I don’t know how well SFOS and UT compare with respect to waydroid or how I could dig deeper into the issue.

Waydroid is very experimental on both. If someone realy needs android, waydroid is not yet the way to go. In this case the official sfos on xperias with android support is the right way.

Yeah, I think experiments need protocoled results, even computer experiments. Hence, I was writing this. And even more, if there is a chance to fix it. Although I have not figured anything out. But using waydroid similar to official android way with several open windows is with some tricks although possible and I suppose even having the Icons in the app grid.

Since Rephone and UT work with video, could there be chance to make video recording work on SFOS?

And furthermore, sometimes the fingerprint reader doesn’t work anymore. This:

does not help, as the service is called
but restarting this doesn’t help either. So the only way to make fingerprint work again is restarting ( similiar to the GPS problem after waydroid, but without a real reason).

I’ve observed this but very rarely (less than one time every couple of weeks). Do you have it more often? On a Volla/GS5 or rephone?

I had it once in half a year using the Volla Phone and several times within 1 month for the rephone. Right now, for example. So I could try something :slight_smile:

I don’t have an idea yet, but I’ll ask @piggz I think it’s not such a big deal since other issues exist.

So I ran the update for…and got stuck at Volla splash screen. FML :slight_smile:

the new lxc in 4.6 breaks halium and waydroid loading … i need to comment out the line in the config that mentions apparmor.

You can fix it by booting into recovery, using adb to pull the config file, use adb shell to remount system as rw, then adb push the file back.

Would you like exact instructions or can you figure it out?

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I have reflashed the system back to previous version. I am good for now

P.S.: MyBackup is awesome.

You are referring to the lxc.service, right?

ExecStart=/usr/libexec/lxc/lxc-containers start
ExecStop=/usr/libexec/lxc/lxc-containers stop
# Environment=BOOTUP=serial
# Environment=CONSOLETYPE=serial

no, the lxc config file in /var/lib/android/config. needs the line referencing apparmour commented out

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Found it.


lxc.apparmor.profile = unconfined

So…comment it and run update with ssu like before and it should be fine?

no, do the update, then before reboot, make the edit becuase it will be installed as part of the update

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