Oh, thanks! We know that the rules are not all being loaded which is odd. I haven’t been able to test loading them one at a time, but that was my next chore.
This is great.
Mine lasts 3 days with modest use. Every day some phonecalls, some forum visits, a bit of Fernschreiber, soem weather.
Is there any security risks accepting ‘all’ in the firewall as @poetaster suggested?
Well it’s still a firewall…
So are there ANY security risks? Of course there are. The question is how big are they and in what situation are they especially bigger then before.
Especially when @poetaster writes, that not all rules are loaded.
The other aspect is the battery saving effect. I don’t know if it will be the same on your device. As described above, I control WLan via the situations app and I have some sync processes running in the background, which rely on WLan. I haven’t yet tried, how long battery lasts, when I leave wifi on all the time.
Obviously, a firewall can reduce traffic to a device by blocking, which is the ‘default’ rule, which we are effectively putting out of commission. On the other hand, what is ‘listening’. So, if you are aware of what programs / services are running you can have a good idea of what risks there are, if any. You can see what ports are ‘listening’ on the cli with:
netstat -tupan
netstat -tulpen
The latter, on my GS5 currently shows ports 53 (dns) and 22 (ssh). Most of the ports visible with -tupan are not something the internet can get to.
I explicitly did NOT set the IPv6 rule, to keep direct traffic to a minimum. IPv4 is generally behind my router which has it’s own firewall.
I consider the risk low enough to not really care about it. But I did lock down IPv6.
EDIT: and I do think it’s worth trying to fix it, since it works fine on the xperia 10iii and I don’t believe is a battery drain, there. maybe???
As long as you are in your own network, the risks should be near zero, because you are usually behind a firewall. But if you often use foreign Wifis. You should probably think about an access all rule.
Regarding battery. It is an observation I made, and left me really astonished. Anyway, when I think about my problems with KDE connect, there could be an explanation:
The connection never was blocked completely (which is strange in my opinion), but it was always somewhat flaky, it always took some time (up to a minute) or an app restart until a connection was established. So maybe the syncs in the background with my nextcloud and other devices took much longer than they should, and therefore there was a higher battery drain.
To be clear, this is just a guess, I did no research on that side.
Well, given that a number of network issues were resolved by this (qmllive, mdns for seaprint), your KDE connect issues were most certainly effected The question is, does KDE connect now work as expected?
Oddly, my syncing (I use rclone on a systemd timer, calendar is jolla syncing) to nc was never effected. Or maybe I have diminished expectations
KDE connect now works like expected. It takes less than a second and all devices get at every time detected. I use syncthing for syncing and this always worked (for calendar i use as well the Jolla solution). Anyway, I don’t know what happened in the background. Were there time-outs and retries? I don’t know, I never looked at the logs, because in the end it worked reliable, so I had no proper reason.
Oooh :–), Thanks to this modification, the hotspot is now working on my GS5.
From a Linux PC, a windows one and a Mac.
As far as I understand, BLE does not work on the GS5/Rephone/Volla 22, right?
I was wondering now: according to Pine64, the PineTime has BT5 and BLE.
So could it be paired with GS5/Rephone/Volla 22? And would amazfish see it then? Or does amazfish only work with BLE? Does anyone know? @piggz, you maybe?
How about .24 ? Is it ok to give it a go? Thanks.
Yes, I upgraded some weeks ago and am using it as daily now
Is it possible to upgrade a Volla Phone (GS290) currently running to using CLI + ‘sfos-upgrade’? Or better reflash? Any risk?
Volla 12 is running on my Rephone like a charme, but i want to install sailfishos. When i want to flash (sh flash.sh) i get the information that fastboot is missing on my laptop (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS). I tried to install fastboot and what do i get? I’ve got already the last version… Then i flashed a Gigaset GS290 with sh flash-volla.sh and it worked. What the dickens is the problem?
Try installing android-tools and that should include fastboot
The output of the flash.sh
script is surprising me.
It should not exit if fastboot is present. And it finds it, as it prints fastboot’s path.
What happens if you execute this part of the script in a terminal?:
command -v fastboot
Into the script, it should give fastboot’s path and this should allow the script to continue.
Usually, in contrary to this case, bash scripts begin with
What happens if you add it?
Also, if you
chmod +x /some_path_to_the_script/flash.sh
and then try to execute it without using sh
I am not a pro, so, just making trials…
On my Ubuntu 22.04 only
sudo sh ./flash.sh
worked. (from the dir where the flash-files are)
Without ‘sudo’ and ‘./’ it didn’t work.
sudo should not be required. But then, you don’t need to call ‘sh’ either. I use bash so I just:
Then the env is the current user’s and it’s PATH, and so on.