The Volla 22 (Gigaset GS5) Thread

This one:

That’s 4 months ago and ‘must’ be a newer build. the 4.4 build was from last year, I believe. @piggz? Might NOT be the latest (.24) though.

Or, just flash and then do the upgrade via ssu/zypper I’m not sure there is an actual pipeline build of 4.5.x.x

ssu re
ssu ur
zypper ref
zypper dup

EDIT: I’m conservative so I do the releases one at a time (, .18, .21, .24) but I don’t believe you need to.

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Shouldn’t sfos-upgrade (plus later post_sfos-upgrade) exactly do this, but in an automatic way?
Once upon a time I ran into problems skipping versions and directly jump to the latest, other times only a reflash with the latest version helped me out.

I think that’s the idea and am sure it’s a reasonable way to go. I just prefer to do it directly without any filters. I have no experience using sfos-upgrade but a lot of experience with zypper :wink:

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One does not need to walk through each point release (as @poetaster already assumed) and hence sfos-upgrade does not do that. As denoted in its description, it does automatically upgrade to the next stop release (hence preventing to omit installing a stop release), regardless which release you specify as parameter. Note that all SailfishOS releases since 3.4.0 have been stop releases: 3.4.0, 4.0.1, 4.1.0, 4.2.0, 4.3.0, 4.4.0 and 4.5.0.


Is it ok to flash e Rephone with Android 12? Or do I have to rollback to Android 11? How to downgrade then? Thanks.

I think, perhaps, @Fellfrosch did a flash on Android 12?

Nahhh, I didn’t. On my first try I flashed directly on Android, without flashing Volla OS before. But my device was delivered with version 11 and I flashed over the delivered version, without making any updates before.

I’m sure, that I read somewhere that flashing SF over Android 12 lead to problems. Don’t ask me in which thread, but I’m quite sure, I read something like that.

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me (@flinkevend) and @lispy had these problems (this thread)
and you’re right, Android 12 made this trouble


Thanks, that’s what I thought. Somebody knows how to downgrade?

Can I take it from here Downloads | Gigaset and downgrade local?

I don’t think so. :disappointed:
Would have been nice, but these packages seem to be upgrades only.
Or, any hope that I am wrong?

Actually, is there a way to check which android version was in the phone before flashing?

@piggs maybe you know how?

And also, other subject, is there a way to access the phone partitions like we do with the recovery image on Xperias?
That would be handy to make backups.

Couldn’t you just insall vollaos?

Isn’t that the same problem? my other rephone works pretty good from flashing directly within android 11 originally.

Android 12 surely is no good idea to flash from. I guess.

Hm. For both the GS5 and the rephone, I flashed the Volla22 VollaOS image using ubports. No issues. The issues that there are, ie. borked firewall, somewhat flaky SIM handling are not related to android? What am I missing. With ubports it’s so, looks like an 11. Flash that and you’ve downgraded.

Thanks I will try. …

Well, I flashed it with Installer to vollaOS. Flash successfully finished, BUT now it doesn’t power on anymore. No matter which buttons I press and how long. I tried all combinations even 2 minutes

With and without usb cable plugged in. Bricked !?!

Disconnecting the battery and reconnecting it half a minute later may bring the phone back to life.